Islamic Republic of Baynaziristan: By Bishop Timotheus Nasir


21st June 2008 was the birthday of Late Ms. Baynazir Bhutto, who was killed in a suicide attack on 27th December 2007 in Rawalpindi. I wrote my last article in January 2008 on the death of Baynazir Bhutto, thereafter I did not feel like writing as no

The way Mr. Asif Ali Zardari and the Pakistan Peoples Party celebrated the 55th birthday of Ms. Baynazir Bhutto was a slap on the faces of millions of people facing starvation, unable to feed their families they are committing suicides. The nation (if it is still a nation) is facing so many serious challenges. We have energy crisis, food crisis, crisis of militancy, decline in foreign investment, sharp decline in foreign reserves, daily fall in “Stock Market” law and order situation, daily price hike and countless other problems that every common citizen is facing but the “People Friendly” government is least concerned. In the cities and towns the roads are broken, the sewerage is in such a bad shape that filthy water is standing on roads and even inside of people’s homes. The whole nation is trembling to face the “Budget 2008/2009”, yet the government is saying “the nation has to swallow the bitter pill” yet again! If we are being told that we have to swallow the bitter pill, why so much money is being wasted on hypocritical meaningless celebrations, by the “Poor” representatives of the people of Pakistan who were elected to resolve the problems of common man and not to impose more burden on common man that he/she can not carry. Taking out rallies and demonstrations all over Pakistan has made the life of a common citizen miserable. Every Thursday the Courts are closed due to the weekly strike of the lawyers. And then we talk of “Rule of Law” and “Justice for all”. Since the president of Pakistan a deposed the former Chief Justice of Pakistan, a new segment of society has emerged on the political and social scenario of Pakistan. It is called “The Civil Society”. I fail to understand from where this so-called “Civil Society” has emerged? Wealthy people who have lot of time and money at their disposal, the so-called Human Rights Activists and the thankless bunch of senior retired military officers who enjoyed all the good things when they were in uniform are shamelessly talking on the issues on which a soldier never opens his mouth. They have cause embarrassment for Pakistan on national and international level. I do not understand why thy have not been convicted under 1926 Official Secret Act. Yet they are respected! And finally the electronic and print media which is presenting a very bleak picture of Pakistan. I wish they were kept under tight control as by the previous “ Democratic Civilian Governments”. Mr. Asif Ali Zardari changed the name of Islamabad International Airport and renamed it as “Bynazir International Airport. He also changed the name of a number of main roads in the country and a hospital in Rawalpindi. I would give a very humble suggestion to change the name of Islamic Republic of Pakistan and give it a new name, “Islamic Republic of Baynaziristan”. So far the new democratic demonstrated any concern for Pakistan and has given any relief to Pakistani people, by changing the name of Pakistan, the government of Baynaziristan may give some relief to the citizens of “Byanaziristan”! I don’t know how long we shall see such useless things happen to Pakistan. Mr. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto nationalized banks, industry and educational institutions, Mr. Asif Ali Zardari is “Personalizing” the whole country as it is his family inheritance. Where is Pakistan that Father of the nation gave us? It has been eaten up by the selfish politicians of this unfortunate nation that failed to become a nation in almost sixty one years. Ms. Baynazir Bhutto became a “martyr” by her own default on 27th December 2008. What she left back was a burning and destroyed Pakistan. The railway tracks were destroyed, the trains were burnt and massive destruction took place in Pakistan from 27th of December 2007 to 30th December 2007. The whole country was paralyzed for three days. On 30th December the Pakistani people watched and heard the “Democratic Will” of Ms. Baynazir Bhutto. She had nominated Mr. Asif Ali Zardari as the Chairman of Pakistan Peoples Party. (There was no indication of any sort of elections in the party) Immediately Mr. Zardari changed the name of his children and added “Bhutto” as the middle name of his children. He nominated his nineteen years old son as the chairman of the party. A young student who can not contest any election for next six years and can not become the Prime Minister of Pakistan for next sixteen years. This is the democracy for which “The Daughter of the East” embraced martyrdom! Mr. Asif Ali Zardari was living a quite life in self exile. In matter of few hours he became the decision maker of Pakistan. What a misfortune for the people of Pakistan, Mr. ten percent became Mr. hundred percent! Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif and his brother Mian Muhammad Shabaz Sharif took over the largest populated province of Punjab. I am waiting when they change the name of “Allamah Iqbal International Airport Lahore”? If they do change the name of Lahore Airport, I would suggest they should rename it, “Mian Sharif International Airport”. In my humble onion democracy is not a commodity that can prevail in Pakistan, or for that matter in any Islamic country. People who demand or advocate democracy in Pakistan, they will have to rewrite the history of Islamic way of governance. I have no hesitation in stating that the frame of mind of the people of Pakistan is certainly not democratic, though they hide their own dictatorship when they go through the process of election. In the end I would like to express my views on the President ship of General (Retired) Pervez Musharaf. It must not be forgotten that his Presidency is absolutely important for the so-called democracy in Pakistan. He is the common enemy of the democracy lovers. The day he leaves the Office of the President, all political parties will fight among themselves as bitter enemies do. We have seen this phenomena in past and we shall see it in future. I have narrated my point of view on many topic in this article, people may agree with it or may not. Yet this what I have experienced in last forty years and I am expecting to see it yet again.

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