WEA calls for prayer to Reconciliation, Justice, Righteousness and Peace. By Angela Watkins. PCP Report.


Edmond. February. The World Evangelical Alliance issued a call for prayers signed by its leaders Gary Edmonds, Secretary General, International Council; Derek Copley, United Kingdom; David Detert, France; Sam Emery, New Zealand, General Secretary,

John Langlois, Channel Islands; Sam Olson, Venezuela, General Secretary, Latin American Region; Eva Sanderson, Zambia; John Smith, Guyana; Gary Walsh, USA; Rudolf Westerheide, Germany; Wong Kim Kong, Malaysia; Godfrey Yogarajah, Sri Lanka, General Secretary, Asian Region; Key Yuasa, Brazil. Daniel Bitrus, General Secretary, African Region; Maher Fouad, General Director, Arab World Evangelical Ministers? Association; Ndaba Mazabane, President, African Region; Gerry Seale, General Secretary, Caribbean Region; Gordon Showell-Rogers, General Secretary, European Region; J. Paul Fridenmaker, Associate Secretary General for International Development; Winnie Bartel, Women? S Commission Director; Johan Candelin, Good Will Ambassador of World Evangelical Alliance; Grahame Knox, Youth Commission Director; William Taylor, Missions Commission Director.In light of the current threat of war in Iraq, we the undersigned representative leaders of World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) affirm the following statement: World Evangelical Alliance is a global, evangelical network of churches and Christians where no one nation or person is dominant or in authority over the others. In allegiance to Jesus Christ and with humility, we prayerfully seek the best for the people, nations, and regions and world in which we live and work. We work for reconciliation, justice, righteousness and peace. With compassion, we also seek to protect the poor and downtrodden, to heal the sick, to feed the hungry and to give a voice to the voiceless. We strive to speak the truth with each other in love. We call for righteousness in public officials, and challenge all authorities to do justice and act mercifully toward all the citizens and peoples of a nation. We stand in solidarity with our suffering Christian brothers and sisters of every country, ethnicity and language group in every part of the world. We acknowledge that the task of just and wise government in today's world is complex, even where there is a will to do right. We believe that war or violence is almost always the worst solution for resolving conflict. Insofar as it is possible, all paths to peace should be explored and all possible means should be used for resolving any conflict. Therefore, we join with the Apostle Paul who, living in days of imperial oppression and uncertainty, wrote to his young disciple this call to prayer, whose specific purposes apply to all times and places. "I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone-- for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth" (1 Timothy 2:1-4).

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