The discrimination on religion grounds is always denied by the government on national and international forums and the claims of equal rights to all the citizens are confirmed but recent acts of half payment to Christians is unjust and violation to the basic fundamental rights guaranteed in the cons
Response of Asif
Firstly neither Christianity nor Islam encourages Homosexuality. The writer on Homosexuality in Toronto did not touch the Bible or Jesus Christ (Peace be upon him). He was apparently blaming certain churches. Churches, like mosques, do not necessarily represent Chritianity or Islam
The two-nation theory collapsed in moments with fall of Dacca but theory of Islamic teachings shall need healing after the fall of Kabul. The pillars of Islam like 'Jihad' shall need lengthy discussions and reforms after Kabul incidents. The independent movements in different parts of world shall al
It's never a bonus payment but an advance payment and administration have no obligations to keep this issue alive. The Muslim employees have not met with any such situation that these advance payments have been delayed or neglected as whole to celebrations but Christian employees face problems every
It's very important to bring in the notice of international media the facts that Christians are 13 % of the population of Pakistan. We claim that in 1947 at the independence of Pakistan 5 % quota in government services was only allocated to Christians because they were 5 % of the population of Pakis
Christian nurses have been protesting and staging hunger strikes as reaction to such incidents, whenever any courageous nurse brings this in knowledge of some Christian associations and other staff, on not having proper enquiries or departmental actions against those involved culprits. It looks lik
General and chief of ISI Hamid Gull, the key player to organize students of religious schools in NWFP and Balouchistan provinces as 'Taliban" and to set forth for take over the Afghanistan administration, was also a project of armed forces kept secret by the civil elected government of Pakistan at t
The Christians of Pakistan strongly protested and urged that consumption of liquor is sin in Christianity and alcohol is not used in rituals as the government have stated but due consideration was not given on their demand to ban liquor completely in Pakistan. When we discuss this issue its importan
Do you have any suggestions as to how someone in my country might assist him? I thought that a polite letter to the Pakistan embassy might be all I could do, but on the other hand maybe a letter from an American might hurt more than help him, since so many people hate Americans right now. It woul
Muslims majority have treated the Christian nation in Pakistan as second-class community and adopted measures to oppress their voice on all forums. They have not even dreamed of that Christians can establish their own media in pakistan as they have been witnessing since 1947, the independence of pak
The pact of Najran by Prophet Mohammad with Christians also defy such calls by Muslim religious leaders, further in details, an example to clarify the christian world can be viewed according to the Islamic history that Prophet (PBHU) entered into two treaties and six pacts with Jew and Christian tri
As Laden have been in Afghanistan from decades under protection of Talban government, operating his word wide actions and accepting the responsibilities of east African US embassies bombing few years ago and openly favoring the action in Kashmir and Chechnya. The US administration demanded the Talib
The second reason of such separate Christian colonies is the social problem existing among different religious communities in Pakistan. Muslim majority hate to eat and drink with Christians and do, t allow them to eat and drink in the restaurants in the same utensils which they use. Muslims capture
To think over that the cases of marriage and divorce of Christian shall be in the hands of these Muslim Nazism's and Nab Nazism's or duly appointed Muslim by these city government is Unacceptable to Christians, Keeping, in view their demands in past to appoint Christian Judges in the family courts t
We can easily access that if such an important portion of population cannot produce a single doctor and an engineer, the prosperity of that community can fall below zero. Since 1947, Independence of Pakistan. Christian has Quota of seats in medical, engineering collages and universities through out
To undermine his targets, this fact is supposed to be public that j. Salik is a leader from Lahore, He started his political career with the help of Jammiat Ulma e Pakistan and contested the Metropolitan elections, attracting christian voters by wearing priest like 'Tatt' dress, as a protest, agains
"FAISALABAD, July 19: Over three dozen elected Christian councilors and
Office-bearers of various bodies have asked the government to hold general elections on the basis of joint electorates in the light of recent Supreme Court decision. Presiding over a seminar on the "National Solidarity and Pre
There has been couple of wars on the self-determination rights of Kashmiri Muslims. The major reason of militant Muslim groups, religious parties and government concern about Kashmiri Muslims is their position of religious minority in the state where Hindus are in majority and Islam treats them as '
. The youth in interior Sindh having no equal opportunities of education and employment accepted the massage of G.M.Syed and followed him. In urban Sindh, the Urdu speaking community, immigrants from utter pardesh and central province of India, the true soul in Pakistan movement and founder of Pakis
We can easily access that if such an important portion of population cannot produce a single doctor and an engineer, the prosperity of that community can fall below zero. Since 1947, Independence of Pakistan. Christian has Quota of seats in medical, engineering collages and universities through out
In recent months the JUI led by Fazal ur Rehman is issuing statements the NGO,s are planning to form a seperate christian province in Paistan. We shall discuss this issue in the light of prevailing situation and frequent comments by the Amir of JUI. Its very important that JUI under leadership of Fa
Mr.Tressler, ex. millitary man was also imposed as minister on christians by the recent millitary govrnment and recently he also toured West and issued statements on different fourms that'Blasphemey Laws are not effecting christians in Pakistan,when dozens of christians are arrested under this law a

On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.