Pakistan Christian Congress urges Christians to stay away from election 2008, being held under Joint Elections and terms selection of Christians on reserved seats as undemocratic. The Joint Election system is imposed on millions of Christian to deprive of their democratic right to elect their repres
Shahbaz Bhatti and Joseph Francis are two different persons, who claim to be Christian leaders, who have two different political organizations named All Pakistan Minority Alliance APMA and Pakistan Christian National Party PCNP but both have two different backup parties named Christian Liberation F
George W. Bush, President,
Washington. DC
Pakistani Christians appeal for restoration of Separate Electorate system to elect their leadership in Parliament instead of imposed Joint Electorate system by Musharaf regime.
His Excellency,
I, the undersigned Nazir S Bhatti, Chief of Pakist
His Holiness Pope Benedict,
Vatican. Italy.
Memorandum on Election System and Religious Freedom issues of Christians in Pakistan presented by Pakistan Christian Congress
Holy Father,
I, the undersigned Nazir S Bhatti, Chief of Pakistan Christian Congress and Editor of Pakistan Christian Post w

On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.