I was looking for news item about London Protest by UK Pakistani Christians scheduled on December 19, 2009, but not found in any web search. I thought may be I will find it on Facebook where any participant of protest might have left any comment or picture of rally but non was there also. I found on
Mr. Joseph Francis is in prison which is alarming bell for clergy in Pakistan that they can also face such situation if background check is not properly conducted of Muslims who approach them for fake conversions. If Bishop Samuel Azriah have thoroughly investigated about Mohammad Basharat before pe
“Success of Long March by Islamists in Pakistan shall encourage Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan”
The long march ended in restoration of deposed judges on March 16, 2009, leaving behind impression of weak federal government led by moderate Muslim PPP, ANP and JUI while a success of lawyers, religi
Mr. Ban Ki Moon,
Secretary General,
United Nation Office,
New York.
Appeal to award Refugee Status to Pakistani Christian on constitutional genocide and persecution by Muslim in Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
His Excelleny,
I, the undersigned , Nazir S Bhatti, Chief of Pakistan Christian

On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress www.pakistanchristiancongress.org . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.