Bangalore: December 28, 2005. The black Christmas enacted and orchestrated by VHP radicals in Rajasthan on Dec 24th night. Jambuda in Banaswada district witnessed un precedent ed attacks on the eve of Christmas. Rev Thomas Pulikal hailing form Manthawady, Kerala and Brother Santhosh varkey native of
Jammu: (GK NEWS) Jammu Kashmir Joint Front has asked India to make sincere efforts
towards a lasting solution of the Kashmir issue according to the aspirations of the Kashmiri people to ensure durable peace in the region.
Aslam Khan, president of the Front said "India is not sincere in resolving
New Delhi: The Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC) expresses its deep concern at the burning of effigy of His Eminence Cardinal Telesphore Toppo in Jharkhand. We are distressed at this act of burning of the effigy of a religious leaders who has made his great contribution to the upliftment
Washington– The Asian American Justice Center (AAJC) condemns the passage of H.R. 4437, the "Border Protection, Antiterrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act of 2005," by the House of Representatives. It was passed late Friday, Dec. 16, by a vote of 239 to 182.
"This bill, if enacted, will h
But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for out of you will come a ruler who will be the shepherd of my people Israel.
Merry Christmas and happy New Year
San Francisco, California -- "The Final Call," a Christian film that won honors for its healing ideas at a recent film festival here, is being considered for subtitling and distribution in Norway.
Filmmaker and former TV newscaster Baker E, Morten said he was contacted about distribution rights fo
Banglore; December 18, 2005. Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC) is shocked to hear about the reported move of eviction of Several Catholic families in an area near Karachi as Pakistan army intends to take over their land.
According to Archbishop Evarist Pinto of Karachi about 100 Christian
There is one my friend from Lahore. He was employed with the Pakistan Railways. During the partition of India, his in-laws had migrated to East Pakistan from Madras, with the fervent hope that the newly created state for the Muslims would offer a better protection and identity. The reason for not
KARACHI: The District and Sessions Judge, South, Agha Rafique Ahmed Khan, granted interim bail to the so-called Anglican Bishop Mr. Sadiq Daniel (the front man of the so-called Anglican Primate Mr. Alexander John Malik) and others on Saturday in a case registered by the Frere Police (FIR no. 169/200
As Pakistan recovers from the major earthquake, no less than a disaster struck Sangla Hill where schools, churches, homes, and hostels of Pakistani Christians were destroyed. Is there any reason or any cause that can justify these notorious actions carried out on the innocent and poor Christians? Ar
I did not give it a second thought to change this title to please the bureaucrats or the political correctness watchdogs.
Britain once light with bright and colorful display
Today is sight of cold, dull and dismay
We must respect religious festivals of all faiths, support and learn from celebrati
On the United Nations designated World Human Rights Day on December 10 the Federation of Indian American Christian Organizations of North America (FIACONA) is holding a meeting of its members in New York for a time of remembrance, introspection, prayer and fresh resolve. As the world remembers the c
Pakistan. Mr. Bogdan Marczewski the Ambassador of Poland and Brigadier General Mr. JA Bautis Otero Deputy Chief of Staff of NATO Relief operation in Bagh Azad Kashmir categorically declared that NATO neither have any political intentions nor it will remain stay even a single day than agreed with Gov
San Francisco, California -- "The Final Call," a Christian film that shows people how to replace terror, trouble and turmoil with quietness and confidence, became an official selection of the sixth annual Christian What You See Is What You Get Film Festival in San Francisco for 2005.
The movie wo
History was created on Dec 3rd in Port of Spain, Trinidad when the long awaited and the truly international Bollywood Music Awards became a reality with the outpouring of Trinidad's love for Bollywood combined with emotions and nostalgia of the highest order.
A packed-to-the-rafters audience went i
Karachi: December 7, 2005. The FIR bearing no. 169/2005 was registered at Frere Police Station Karachi here on Tuesday 6th December 2005 for trespassing, harassing, torturing, manhandling and maltreating Mrs. Ghazala Shafique the Lady Administrator and girls/students of Brenton Carey Girls Hostel in
Karachi. December 7, 2005. The Sec. Gen. of God's People Fellowship of Pakistan Mr. Asharf P Butt Advocate has announced in a press statement that their pro- Israeli religious organization shall protest on occasion of world human right day on 10th of December, 2005, at 4:00pm in front of Karachi pr
LAHORE: The Committee Mission Training Seminar (CMTS), a Christian institute, held a press conference at the Lahore Press Conference on Wednesday to record their protest against alleged derogatory and blasphemous remarks about Jesus Christ's mother Mary found in a book by a Muslim author, after 13 y
ANNUAL reports of public limited companies containing Quranic verses found lying scattered on the floor of record room of Karachi stock exchange.
The logo of many banks containing Quranic verses are found on cheque books and deposit slip books. Such material is used in day to day business transacti
LAHORE: A Christian student has filed a constitutional writ petition to the Lahore High Court (LHC) for instant action, under Section 151 of the Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC), against the policy of awarding 20 additional marks to a Muslim hafiz-e-Quran (who has learnt the Quran by heart) candidate
Nepal. November 26, 2005. A teenage boy who has been meditating under a tree in the verdant forests of southern Nepal is attracting thousands of pilgrims who are convinced the youth is another Buddha.
Devotees flock daily to catch sight of Ram Bahadur Banjan, who sits cross-legged and silent with h
Cairo. November 26, 2005. Female genital mutilation is carried out on at least 3 million women and girls a year, mostly in sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East, says a new Unicef report.
Nearly half of those circumcised, a tradition believed to enhance a girl`s beauty, tame her sexual desires, ma
LAHORE: Christians were playing a commendable role in national development and all minorities in Pakistan would be given rights equal to Muslims, Chief Minister Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi told a delegation led by Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams at Chief Minister's Secretariat on Friday.
Toronto – November 25, 2005 – On the occasion of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Valletta, Malta (November 25-27), the Kashmiri-Canadian Council (KCC) has urged the Commonwealth leaders to help the people of Kashmir to exercise their right of self-determination as promise
Ontario, Canada. November 24, 2005. Dr. Kuldip Singh Kular, a member of the parliament of Ontario, released two CD albums of Stephen Gill at his riding office in Brampton, Ontario, on November 21 for Canada International Panjabi Sahit Academy (CIPSA). One album, titled A Selection of Interviews of D
Hong Kong. November 21, 2005. AHRC appeals to concerned Christians, Muslims, Hindus and other religious communities to write to President of Pakistan and other administration officials to express their concern on incident of Sangla Hill. We update AHRC appeal letter for copying and sending to releva
Banglore. November 21, 2005. The Global Council of Indian Christians GCIC, President Sajan George strongly condemned the statement made by RSS leader. He said that "the supremo of radical Neo-fascist Hindu organization`s(RSS) latest direction to Hindu women to procreate more to keep up the majo
The suspense over the nominations of the Bollywood Music Awards 2005, during the past weeks in Trinidad and Tobago, and the Indian Diasporas worldwide is finally over. Music lovers now know the best five performances by music artists as well as their choice of the best music director.
The performer
10,000 attend outreach in Karachi organized by RTU in September to praise Lord and witness healings.
Germany: Missions agency Reach The Unreached (RTU) repeated last year`s outreach in Karachi with evangelist Bernd Goldbach. The following is an excerpt from their report:
Pakistan, a nation double the size of Germany, is, with 160 million inhabitants, the second-largest Islamic nation in the world.
Islamabad: November 19, 2005. Former federal minister, nominee for Nobel Peace Prize and organizer Pakistan Human Rights Party, J.Salik addressing a Press Conference said that falling down of Speakers' chair in the National Assembly, inauguration in absentia by Prime Minister of Sector D-12 after 12
LAHORE. November 19, 2005 A Christian family comprising five members, embraced Islam on Friday at village Jhugian, near Bund Road. Father of three daughters and one son, Bashir Masih, now Muhammad Bashir, is the head of a middle class family, and is working with the Lahore Municipal Corporation. He
Jakarta. November 19, 2005. Indonesian police said Saturday they have arrested a 23-year-old man on suspicion of involvement in the beheading of three teenage Christian girls in the religiously-divided district of Poso.
Police arrested Irfan Masuro in Poso in Central Sulawesi province last Sunday,
Sangla Hill. November 18, 2005. This is time to pray for Christians in Pakistan. There was attack on Christian by Muslim On Saturday 12th Nov 2005 at 10 am in District Nankana Sahib, Tahsil Sangla Hill city, 40 kilometer from Faisalabad. More than 10,000 Muslim were involved to demolish the Christia
Islamabad: Former Federal Minister J.Salik condemned the brutal attacks where a mob set on fire three Churches, Homes of Clergymen as well as destroyed Convent School building hostel and houses in Sangla Hill. He said in his statement after his return from Sangla Hill. He said that it is a horrible
KARACHI, Nov 16: The High Court was requested on Wednesday to institute a Judicial Inquiry into the incident of manhandling of a girls hostel Administrator and inmates in April as proposed by the Provincial Government.
In the alternative, petitioner Ghazala Shafique prayed through her Counsel, Mr.
Pakistan: A Christian young adults have strongly condemned Sangla Hill incident in a communication to Nazir S Bhatti, President of Pakistan Christian Congress. He writes" I never expected that I will get response back from Christian Congress because there is lot of mails to attend in your mail box.
Dated: November 13, 2005
The Honorable Pervez Musharraf
President of Pakistan
Islamabad, Pakistan.
Re: Sindhis` Human Right To Communicate and National Language Amendment Bill
Dear Mr. President,
Let me first offer my sympathies to the families of the victims of earthquake in Pakistan. I
Sanglahill is an old town near Faisalabad, Pakistan, with a population of 450 to 500 Christian families living here for years and years. On 12th of November 2005, a Muslim mob of more than 1000 extremists and fundamentalists just attacked on the Christian properties without any reason or cause and h
Holland. This is time to pray for Christian in Pakistan. On 12th Nov in Shekhu Pura Christians were attacked by Muslim mob of 10000. They burnt Churches, Christian Schools, buildings, and belongings. Muslims mob set to fire five Churches four school including St Paul High School and St Anthony Sch
South Asian Bible Church in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, will hold its Fourth Annual Aik Shaam Masihi Fankaron Kay Naam on November 19th in the church hall of 2nd Christian Reformed Church at 444 Steels Avenue West in Brampton, Ontario at 3:30 in the afternoon. Selected poets and singers will be honor
On 4th November 2005, the Eid day, a fight broke out between Muslims and Christians living in the same village for over a century. The fight arose when some Muslims started swearing at Christians and one of them namely Rameez tried to shoot a Christian named Binyamin (Benjamin) but fortunately Binya
ATTOCK, Nov 8 (APP): About 3700 Sikh Yatrees would participate in 536th Birthday of Baba Guru Nannak here at Siri Panja Sahib Hassanabdal.
This was stated by Deputy Administrator Shrines Syed Faraz Abbas while taking to APP here Tuesday.
While giving details he said that 3000 Indian Yastrees wou
The hosting of the Eighth Annual Bollywood Music Awards 2005 at the Hasely Crawford Stadium in Trinidad on Saturday December 3rd culminates a lifetime of involvement in the Indian cinema and music industry here in Trinidad and Tobago.
Mr. Kamal Dandona, Chairman of the Bollywood Group of Companies
NEW YORK (AP) - A Pakistani man can use statements from al-Qaida prisoners to defend himself against charges alleging he agreed to help terrorists sneak into the United States, but he won`t be allowed to call Khalid Sheik Mohammed or two other al-Qaida operatives as witnesses, a judge ruled Monday.
PARIS –(AP) Rioting by French youths spread to 300 towns overnight and a man hurt in the violence died of his wounds, the first fatality in 11 days of unrest that has shocked the country, police said Monday.
As urban unrest spread to neighboring Belgium and possibly Germany, the French governmen
NEARLY two years after the bombing of the British Consulate in Istanbul, the Foreign Secretary, Jack Straw, has announced that the Foreign Office is to fund repairs to the Anglican chapel, St Helena`s, which was badly damaged in the terrorist attack.
The 19th-century chapel, which is on the edge of
A Danish experiment in testing "the limits of freedom of speech" has backfired - or succeeded spectacularly - after newspaper cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed provoked an outcry.
Thousands of Muslims have taken to the streets in protest at the caricatures, the newspaper that published them has rece
Respected Prime Minister sahib
The serial blasts in Delhi have shattered life's of hundred of families. Numerous children have become orphans because of the crime of the insane mindset of few terrorists.
One of the victims is Master Rahul Kochar aged 14 & Son of Late Mr. Ramesh & Sushma Kochar. H
Karachi – Pakistan God's People Fellowship of Pakistan, Sec. Gen. Mr. Asrharf Butt Advocate has appealed to the International Generous Jewish community for the arrangement of their pilgrim visit to the Holy Bible land of the state of Israel.
Mr. Asharf P Butt Advocate has said in his appeal th
USA. The Federation of Indian American Christian Organizations of North (FIACONA) has expressed its deep concern about the unintended adverse impact on the freedom of faith of the minority communities in India and on the work of minority religious institutions, especially Christian institutions, as
NEW DELHI, OCT 31 (PTI) Writer and poet Amrita Pritam, a doyen of Punjabi literature known for her poignant stories dealing with the throes of India`s Partition as also her feminist ideas, died in her sleep here today.
Pritam (86) died at her residence where she had been bed-ridden since 2002 afte
Tajikistan has banned female schoolchildren from wearing the hijab headscarf and, in a secret unwritten instruction, barred children from visiting mosques in school hours, Forum 18 News Service has learnt. Some imams in the capital Dushanbe are, to Forum 18`s knowledge, interpreting this as meaning
Karachi. The Divisional Bench of Sindh High Court at Karachi on Wednesday, October 26 ordered Advocate General Sindh to file comments on behalf of the Respondents Home Secretary, Additional I. G. Sindh, Capital City Police Officer Karachi, TPO Sadder Town and SHO Frere Police Station before 1st Nove
A Writ seeking cancellation of sale and registration of a Criminal case under relevant sections of law for Criminal Breach of Trust and fraudulently selling church properties has been filed in the Honorable High Court of Lahore at Lahore by the Church Properties Bachao Tehrik against the Anglican Pr
Bangalore. October 30, 2005. Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC) President Sajan George has strongly condemned the Delhi Bomb blasts killing 61 and injuring more than hundred. The three bombs were exploded in Delhi on Saturday evening when bazaars were very busy with Diwali shoppers. The two
VATICAN CITY. - Saying not enough had been done, Pope Benedict renewed calls on Sunday for the international community to swiftly and generously respond to this month`s earthquake centred in Pakistan.
"There have been numerous kinds of solidarity, but the need appears much greater than the help off
Islamabad: Temporarily housed in G-6/2 flats an injured died but there was no water for "Ghusal" of the dead. As water for Ghusal of the dead body could not be provided for long 3 hours. Former federal minister J.Salik in emotions kept himself hanging on 10 feet high Dove for seven hours. In order t
Karachi. The Divisional Bench of Sindh High Court at Karachi on Wednesday, October 26 ordered Advocate General Sindh to file comments on behalf of the Respondents Home Secretary, Additional I. G. Sindh, Capital City Police Officer Karachi, TPO Sadder Town and SHO Frere Police Station before 1st Nove
Islamabad: former federal minister J.Salik addressed a Press Conference on Suicidal threats from the earthquake victims who are temporarily housed in G-6/2 flats.
These victims met J.Salik on his residence and apprised him of the behaviour of CDA. He in reaction reached on G-6/2 alongwith his 'Pak
Islamabad: Former Federal Minister J.Salik visited earthquake devastated areas of Muzaffarabad and Bagh and talked with victims in different relief camps. He expressed his extreme grief and sorrow on the sad demise and large scale of destruction and assured them that we all are with them in this tou
The editor of a women's magazine, Haqooq-i-Zan (women's rights), has been jailed for two years in Afghanistan after being convicted of publishing anti-Islamic articles, including one challenging a belief that Muslims who convert to other religions should be stoned to death.
On Saturday, Kabul's pri
At least one man was killed last night in rioting in Birmingham over an alleged sex assault on a black girl by youths of Asian descent. One man was stabbed to death at a takeÂaway food outlet in the Lozells area of the city. Unconfirmed reports said another man also died when a minicab was set alig
WETZLAR, Germany – More than 53 million Muslims live in Europe – 14 million of them in the European Union, according to newly released figures.
The Central Institute's Islam Archives in Soest, Germany, says the number of Muslims in Europe has increased by 800,000 over the last two years, repor
One man was killed after thousands of rioters rushed a Coptic church in Egypt complaining of an anti-Islam message in a church play.
Police used tear gas and arrested dozens of the 5,000 protesters after they assembled outside the St. George's Church in Alexandria Friday, the BBC reports.
The ma
Dera Ghazi Khan --- Meerwala gang-rape victim Mukhtaran Mai has been invited by a New York-based magazine to receive "Glamour Women of the Year Awards" in a ceremony on Nov 2, Dawn learnt on Thursday.
In a letter to Mai, Glamour editor-in-chief Cindi Leive explained that the magazine honoured the w
Islamabad: Former Federal Minister J.Salik's historical cage's Container in which he encaged himself for more than 7 month for peace awareness and to save the children in Afghanistan, is now being used for medical facilities in destroyed Muzaffarabad after this strong earthquake. Four beds and washr
Dear Friends,
In response to the many requests for information about the terrible earthquake, I am sending you this brief overview of the situation.
1. As National Director of Caritas Pakistan I have just returned to Faisalabad after spending 5 hectic days in Islamabad-Rawalpindi to review the s
The Human Rights Activist and the activist who has spearheaded struggles of Barbers Movement, in Puri district, Orissa, Mr Baghambar Patnaik is now in Jharpada Special Jail (Bhubaneswar) protesting against the state government's inaction to declare the barbers as Bonded Labourer and the non-implem
Oregon. USA. The Association for Communal Harmony in Asia (ACHA) celebrated their twelfth anniversary with an annual awards ceremony on October 15th, 2005. Fifty participants came together to hear about ACHA's accomplishments in the last year and to recognize unsung heroes with two awards.
Make a
Kabul. A former regional governor who oversaw the destruction of two giant
1,500-year-old Buddha statues during the Taliban's reign has been elected to parliament, election organisers said yesterday as results from two provinces were finalised.
Mawlawi Mohammed Islam Mohammadi was the Taliban's g
Miss Canada Pakistan Inc. sent the first ever Pakistani delegate to the third largest pageant in the world, Miss Earth 2005. Naomi Zaman represented Pakistan once before in the Miss Tourism Pageant held in China. Being Miss Pakistan Earth 2005, Naomi Zaman, introduced her project for Pakistan's pres
You are aware of the severe earth quake that caused devastation in Uri and Baramullah in J&K and in Muzzafarabad, Punch, Rawalkot, Gilgit, Baltistan and other parts of the North West Frontier Province (NWFP) in Pakistan. On the Indian side of the LoC, as per reports, nearly fifty thousand people ha
Stephen Gill, a prominent poet of Urdu, English and Panjabi, was the only poet who was invited by The Word on the Street, a semi-government cultural organization, to present his Urdu poetry at the 16th annual gathering to celebrate the joy of reading and the rich diversity of the Canadian literary s
Several kiln workers in the province went on strike over unsatisfactory wages, said a Bonded Labour Freedom Front Pakistan (BLFFP) statement on Thursday.
The statement said the BLFFP was told by its representatives in Narowal, Sialkot, Pasrur, and other surrounding areas that workers were not bein
The Earth Quake that killed thousands and injured over one hundred thousand people in Northern Areas and Azad Kashmir has rendered millions of people without any shelter. Winter is approaching to add more miseries of the unfortunate people of Pakistan who have lost all they had and have no shelter.
On the 8 October 2005, Saturday morning a severe earthquake hit region of Pakistan, India and Afghanistan, which measured 7.6 on the Richter scale, was some 95 kilometres north of Pakistan's capital city Islamabad. Several villages are known to have been completely destroyed, and countless others ha
Early morning on Saturday, October 8th 2005, the lives of thousands of people in Jammu and Kashmir changed forever. A massive earthquake measuring 7.6 on the Richter scale destroyed homes, families, towns and villages. Uri and its surrounding areas and Tangdhar sector in Kupwara in Kashmir Division
Communist Party of Pakistan (CPP) appeals to all the peoples of Pakistan and other countries of the world to donate generously and help our brothers and sisters, who are deeply distressed, following the disastrous earthquake that hit Pakistan and has claimed thousands of lives. Over 90,000 people ar
Islamabad: Former Federal Minister, nominee for Nobel Peace Prize and Organizer Pakistan human rights party J.Salik in solidarity with the countrymen victims of the earthquake has postponed the n"Christians' March" scheduled on October 28, 2005 in Islamabad from all over the Pakistan.
He has expre
London. October 12, 2005. Last Saturday's earthquake caused huge destruction and loss of life in northern Pakistan as well as neighbouring areas of India and Afghanistan.
As generous international aid begins to arrive on the scene, Barnabas Fund is appealing for help with the knock-on effects of t
KARACHI, Oct 11: The Sindh High Court issued notices to the Advocate General and respondent Police officials in a Constitutional Petition by a former Administrator of a Brenton Carey Girls Hostel for action on a report of Inquiry into a Police raid.
The Petitioner Mrs. Ghazal Shafique submitted tha
Islamabad: Christians of Islamabad held a "Ramzan Mubarak Justice Prosper Rally" led by former federal minister and organizer Pakistan human rights party J.Salik. Its objective is to divert attention of the Pakistani Muslims towards their demands. A huge Scale of Justice led the Rally. J.Salik and
MANDI BAHAUDDIN: Unknown assailants opened fired at a Qadiyani religious place Bait-ul-Zikar killing 8 worshippers and fourteen other seriously injured during Fajr prayers here on Friday morning.
According to details, at least 22 Qadiyanis were busy praying in Bait-ul-Zikar during Fajr on Friday m
Parliament Square, Tuesday 11 Oct is the venue for the protest. This protest is about pulling people together to be a united voice in opposition to this proposed law. More than 100 Christian groups, churches and denominations are planning a full weekend of prayer and protest against the legislation,
Rawalpindi. October 2, 2005. The Pakistan Christian Business Association arranged a session on Business Planning and Coordination with the collaboration of DOER Trust on 16th September 2005 at DOER Conference Hall, Rawalpindi. Members of PCBA having different business backgrounds participated in thi
USA. October 2, 2005. Its for information of all concerned that Saba Wallace from Lahore and Raymond Mathias from USA are not in team of PCP from September 15,2005 and their names have been removed from PCP Contact Us Page.
ISLAMABAD, Sep 30 (APP): There is democratic system in the country and minorities enjoyed full rights, said Mushtaq Victor, Parliamentary Secretary for Minority Affairs in an interview with GEO television.
He said blames that women or girls of minorities are not being dealt alike others is ai
MADRID -- An imam who wrote a book on how to beat your wife without leaving marks on her body has been ordered by a judge in Spain to study the country's constitution.
The judge told Mohamed Kamal Mustafa, imam of a mosque in the southern resort of
Fuengirola, to spend six months studying three a
Philadelphia. Ms. Mehwish Rashid, Secretary General, Christian League of Pakistan in America PA said that Hurricane Katrina has changed the lives of all Americans, particularly the displaced Black women, men and children who survived its wrath. Their pain is being felt by everyone around the country
Islamabad: September 27, 2005. the Christians observed a "Dark Day" with Former Federal Minister and nominee for Nobel Peace Prize J.Salik at his residence to protest for ill-treatment they are getting, they coloured their faces black to express that they cannot face humanity anymore.
The Organizer
British Muslim leaders called on the government to establish a national body to oversee mosques and imams as part of efforts to combat extremism following the July bombings in London.
Working groups advising the government said that the proposed National Advisory Council of Imams and Mosques could
CHRISTIANS are being recruited by the Abu Sayyaf for future attacks in key areas in Mindanao, a military intelligence office revealed Wednesday.
The intelligence report dated September 7 said the recruitment had started sometime in July.
The report said the Abu Sayyaf centered its recruitment i
LAHORE, Sept 17: Pakistan batsman Yousuf Youhana officially declared on Saturday that he had embraced Islam and his Muslim name is Mohammad Yousuf. He publicly announced the decision after offering Maghrib prayers at the Qadhafi Stadium with his team-mates in the national side. There have been repor
Musharraf added. "This has become a moneymaking concern. A lot of people say if you want to go abroad and get a visa for Canada or citizenship and be a millionaire, get yourself raped."
Musharraf: No Challenge From Bush On Reversal
Pakistani President Still Leading Army
Islamabad: Former Federal Minister, nominee for Nobel Peace Prize and Organizer Pakistan Human Rights Party, J.Salik exhibited Hard-hearted Chair before Islamabad Press Club on the completion of his 100 days in protest because of the cold behaviour by Government and the rulers. On the huge chair of
ATTOCK – 12TH SEPTEMBER, 2005. Communist Party of Pakistan has decided to boycott the second and third phase of the Local Bodies Election and have also requested the like minded parties to boycott the same.
This was categorically stated by the Central Spokesman, Engineer Jameel Ahmad Malik of
Islamabad: Former Federal Minister, nominee for Nobel Peace Prize and Organizer Pakistan Human Rights Party, J.Salik said that 100 days are about to complete that I have been fighting for the rights of people and sitting in ashes with shaved head. My gate has been locked and all the awards I got in
Islamabad, Pakistan, Sep 3, 2005. Ufnasoft today announced that Ufnasoft has been named one of the Red Herring 100 Private Companies of Asia.
"Getting selected for the Red Herring Asia 100 list is quite an achievement," said Red Herring editor-in-chief Joel Dreyfuss. "We had many strong entries, a
The Dalits of Mudur village in Arakkonam taluk, Vellore, Tamil Nadu are still in a state of shock over the loss of Asirvadam (21). Asirvadam, who had a cervical fracture, a swollen face and bruises all over, was in coma in the Government General Hospital in Chennai for over 10 days. According to the
Canada. Dr. Stephen Gill is going to present his poetry on peace in Toronto on September 25, Sunday, at 3:15 in the afternoon at the 16th annual The Word On The Street to be held at Queen's Park to celebrate the joy of reading and the rich diversity of the Canadian literary scene.
According to the
Islamabad: Former Federal Minister, nominee for Nobel Peace Prize and Organizer Pakistan Human Rights Party J.Salik led a Plaintiff Procession of thousands Christians contained of infant children, young, elders, old ladies and gentlemen dressed in sackcloth with ashes on head reached Parliament Hous
A single delegation of Chinese pilgrims attending the Catholic Church's World Youth Day in Cologne, Germany, last week marked the latest breakthrough in relations between the Vatican and Beijing. The delegation included both "underground" Catholics long persecuted by communist authorities, as well a
Canada. August 17, 2005. The world leaders, writers and poets from different walks of life have expressed gave concern on stopping CD Album "Aman Ki Rah" composed in Pakistan on Dr. Stephen Gill's peace poetry by the government of Pakistan. The leaders in communications to prominent peace poet Dr. G
On January 4, Rana Shamshad killed his sister Khalida in Hanjerwal police precincts because he suspected that she would marry of her own choice. On January 14, Ziaullah strangled his wife Shahida for allegedly having an affair with neighbour Muhammad Arshad in Sandha police precincts.
Yakoob Khan,
Canada. August 10, 2005. Many leaders of different communities, writers and intellectuals have expressed grave concern on stopping CD album " Aman Ki Rah" composed in Pakistan of selected Peace poems of Dr. Stephen Gill.
Advocate Agnes Tabassum from Pakistan writes to Dr. Gill "This is your Consti
ISLAMABAD, August 5 (APP): The Supreme Court of Pakistan has upheld the true spirit of Islam by declaring the Hisba as ultra vires of the Constitution.
Minister for Parliamentary Affairs Dr Sher Afgan Khan Niazi told PTV that the Hisba bill was full of controversies.
The Constitution of Islamic R
The Noel family was a particularly high profile Christian family within the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Mr. and Mrs. Noel are both highly trained professional people. They had well paid jobs; a home and strong family ties in Pakistan. However, Mr. and Mrs. Noel and their children faced intolerable
Look at your creation
that is on a higher level.
How its sweet melodies are repressed
by the strings of overmastering fear.
The buds of your orchard
inhale the odour of gunpowder.
Under the shades of swords
your children disintegrate
into the abyss of the culture
of emptiness.
The a
Canada; The writers, intellectuals and poets around globe are expressing grave concern on stopping peace poetry CD album 'Aman Ki Rah" by the government of Pakistan which was set in melody by a Pakistani singer.
A writer and poet Mr. Simon Leigh said " My guess is that peace being the natural enemy
Madhya Pradesh. Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC) demands an unconditional apology from the RSS, VHP (World Hindu Council) and other Sangh Parivar outfits for spreading the Canard and concocted lies to demonize the Christians and for spearheading hate against Christians and for instigating
Islamabad: August 3, 2005. Today the sanitary workers under privatization engaged in Sector G-7, G-9, G-10, I-10 and I-11 had assembled at J.Salik, House 11 Street 45 F-7/1. This was J.Salik's 57th day in yellow parachute dress, 39th day on Ashes (he for the first time is with shaved head in protes
Islamabad: July 31. Sanitary staff under privatization working in various sectors of Islamabad have gathered at the residence of J.Salik for the last three days with regard to lesser wages, 12 long duty hours, deduction of pay for absence, no holiday even on national days, non provision of brooms, r
Bangladesh police said today they arrested two people in the suspected murder of two workers of a Christian charity in central Faridpur district.
The two workers of Christian Life Bangladesh were hacked to death by unidentified assailants on Thursday night at their home at Boalmari in Faridpur, 130
ISLAMABAD, July 27: The Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz on Wednesday ordered a fresh inquiry into a dispute concerning the Breton Carey Girls Hostel in Karachi which was attacked by Sadiq Daniel, Shahzar Shamoon and their people with the help of local Police a few months ago.
A delegation comprising th
Washington DC. July 21, 2005. A 3 members delegation comprising of Mr. Anjum Bhatti, President CLPA, Ch. Rashid Akhtar, Chairman and Mr. Augustine Jalal-Press Secretary called on General Jehangir Karamat the ambassador of Pakistan in America. The delegation appreciated the deep concern of General Je
New Delhi. The Government of India has noted that there is lack of authentic information about the social, economic and educational status of the Muslim community of India
Which comes in the way of planning, formulating and implementing specific interventions, policies and programmes to address the
ISLAMABAD, Jul 24 (APP): Sindh government has issued a notice to allocate additional seats for minorities in 12 districts of minority communities concentration in the province for the Local Government Election 2005. The notification has been issued on directives of Acting Chief Election Commissioner
Banglore. July 22, 2005. Press reports indicate that at a meeting convened by the National Minority Commission July 21 at New Delhi, Mr. Jai Prakash Jaiswal has assured Kashmiri Pandit and Sikh delegation representing all those from their communities, hounded out of the valley of Kashmir in 1989-90
UK. Mr. Kenneth Massey in statement from JAGG publication UK said, "It is with extreme regret I write to inform you the sad demise of Mrs. Victoria Ohri"
Mrs. Ohri passed away on the 18 July 2005, at hospital in Manchester.
Mr. Massey said "I have been asked by Mr. Azher Choudhrey Ohri to inform
Islamabad. July 20, 2005. Former Prime Minister, Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali in a statement had advised the government to immediately fulfill the demands of the Organizer Pakistan Human Rights Party, J. Salik and had demanded that the minorities being a part and partial of Pakistan must be given equa
Washington DC. The Federation of Indian American Christian Organizations of North America (FIACONA) and its sister organization, the Indian Christian Forum (ICF), were honored to be invited by the Bush Administration to participate in the select events felicitating the Indian Prime Minister during h
PESHAWAR, July 15 (APP): Combined opposition in the NWFP Assembly was reviewing all the legal aspects to move the Supreme Court for becoming party in presidential reference against the Hasba bill.
Talking to APP here Parliamentary leader of PML Mushtaq Ghani said leaders of the opposition parties
ISLAMABAD, Jul 15 (APP): A five-member bench of the Supreme Court Friday issued notices to NWFP Government and Advocates General of all the four provinces on a reference filed by the Federation seeking the Apex Court's opinion on Hisba Bill 2005. The court after hearing arguments of the Attorney Gen
SUKKUR: The train accident on Wednesday was the third major train accident in Sindh in the last 15 years. According to Pakistan Railway statistics, the first train accident in Pakistan occurred in Jhampir in 1953 in which 200 passengers died. 60 people died in another train accident in Jhang Shahi i
two media giants coming together with global vision and the future in mind.
The mega CL Communications conglomerate has acquired the event rights for the next Bollywood Music Awards to be held in Port of Spain in Trinidad and Tobago and CL Financials' Radio 90.5fm will be the headline sponsor.
butcher slaughtered a healthy black goat on the heap of Ashes on which J.Salik has been sitting for the last many weeks. The goat was covered with black cloth painted in red was "Oh God! Protect Pakistan against Evils of injustice".
Dr Ehtasham Anwar, AC Islamabad happened to be present on the occ
Negotiations between the Railways authorities and the committee continued for the second day on Thursday. The church committee members submitted church papers as evidence to Deputy Chief Engineer Abdul Samad Khan. The Railways authorities said, "Pakistan Railways respects the worship places of all r
according to a press statement issued here today.
Mr. Anjum Bhatti, President of newly elected executive body of CLPA said "We are working for the promotion of Human and Minority Rights in Pakistan through peace dialogue for the reconciliation"
Mr. Anjum added, "The League also works for the reha
My Canada
in thy lap
lie all nations
humans and beasts
melt into one shape
under thy care
my Canada.
Thy land and life
and springs
thy summer and fall
and skies
thy joyful birds--
delight-giving sights--
breathe a new life in me
my Canada.
rights violation and growing situation against Christians in Pakistan with Prime Minister of New Zealand, Mrs. Helen Clark requesting her to raise specific issue regarding Pakistani Christian's persecution with General Pervez Musharraf, president of Pakistan, during his visit to New Zealand.
of Brenton Carey Hostel after an inquiry report found that she was manhandled.
The inquiry report had recommended registration of criminal case against those responsible. In pursuance to the recommendations, the Frere Police registered an FIR against unknown people for maltreating the administra
and torching it in the small hours of Thursday night at Kandipara in Brahmanbaria town. The community people themselves put out the blaze before the police and the firefighters arrived on the scene.
Almost simultaneously, at least two dozen homemade bombs were burst at Bhadughar within Brahmanbaria
PAC Vice President Dr. Khawaja M. Ashraf, PAC Vice President Mr. Shahid Ahmed Khan and the new PAC Executive Board should strongly urge all U.S. Representatives - who will participate in the PAC 13th annual Pakistani American Friendship Summit at the Capitol Hill in Washington DC on 23, 24, 25 June
Karachi. June 25, 2005. The Rt. Rev. Timotheus Nasir (Archbishop of Siloam Biblical Churches in Pakistan) the prospective candidate in the upcoming election for the office of the President of Islamic Republic of Pakistan to be held in the year 2007 has published an Enquiry Report regarding the Brent
Honorable Dr. Kanwal Feroze PhD. is an eminent poet of Urdu /Punjabi languages. He is a reputed senior journalist and chief editor monthly "Shadaab" Lahore. His
Collection of poetry books; "Shehre-e-Salib-O-Gul", "Shakh-e-Shub-e-Wesaal" and "Shaam-e-Firaat-e-Dil" have received huge public apprecia
and nominated candidate for Nobel Peace Prize Mr. J.Salik, Dr. Israr Ahmed, President Anjuman Khuddam-ul-Quran, Founder Tanzeem-i-Islami on Wednesday the June 15, 2005 addressed a public meeting at 5.00 pm at J.Salik's residence House No. 11 Street No. 45, F-7/1 Islamabad.
The children of the katch
, on Tuesday said that it had never been his policy to train militants. "It has never been my policy to train militants. I am a politician who strongly supported the peace process between India and Paksitan," he said when his comments were sought regarding a statement issued by the Official
in Pakistan is the Burning Issue of the day. Although the importance of the matter requires a lot of thinking and discussion in many ways, but today I will talk to you with special reference to the sanitary workers engaged after privatization of sanitary work places in G-6, G-8, G-9, G-10 and I-10 s
what he said, ignoring the minorities in the Federal budget 2005-06.
Speaking at a press conference at the Rawalpindi Press Club camp office, Mr. Salik said besides the minorities, the poor had also been neglected in the new budget. This is yet another anti- poor budget seeking to advance only the
Problems of pollution
ecology and disease
unlikely to be solved
by a nation
you handle.
A controller
of the weeds of war
you trim the ugly wings
of bigotry and greed
under your dome.
Evil and deceit
the abortive assassins of reforms
plague your planet
like dogs der
The crowd, led by Omar Bakri Muhammad and Yassar al-Siri, were protesting against the alleged desecration of a Qur'an by American military interrogators at Guantanamo Bay. This followed claims by Newsweek magazine that a copy of the Qur'an had been put down a toilet. American and British flags were
In an urgent plea to the Government of India the Federation of Indian American Christian Organizations of North America (FIACONA) has highlighted the continuing instances of attacks on Christians in India by extreme factions of Indian society. The Federation, whose mission includes raising awareness
Karachi. Prominent Christian leader and Ex MPA Sindh Mr. Saleem Khursheed khokhar in an open open letter to synod
The Synod Church of Pakistan
· The Bishops Church of Pakistan
· The Christian Leadership of Pakistan
· The Leadership
Bishop Malik you are the most senior Bishop of the Church of Pakistan as you prefer to be called and at the same time you are the so-called Moderator of a disputed Synod and love to be called a Primate as well. Would you please dare to answer these questions:-
Mr. Humphrey Peters has issued a let
God’s People Fellowship of Pakistan, a Christian organization, urged the government of Pakistan on Thursday to recognise Israel so that Christians of the country could visit the Jewish state to perform their religious obligations.
Speaking at a news conference here, Ashraf P. Butt, general
On 18th April 2005, I wrote an article in Urdu section for Christian News International, in which I expressed my deep “disappointment” on the silence and ignorance of local Christian leadership and common Christians of Pakistan on religious issues. It has been Twenty Five years since I a
(PCP Karachi ) An appellant Court of Karachi vide orders dated 30-03-2005 has dismissed the appeal filed by the Reverend Sadiq Daniel of Karachi against the order of the Honorable Civil Court of Karachi dated 25-02-2004 in Civil Suit no. 150/2004 vide which the Honorable Civil Court restrained Rev
The Bombay Catholic Sabha [BCS] is anguished and pained at the response of Mr. Sidharam Mhetre, Minister of State of Home in the Maharashta Assembly that the State Government would pass a bill for anti-conversion on the lines of Tamil Nadu.
The Minister concerned should know that the Tamil Nadu A
CNI. Gujranwala. The most influential and strong church leader, “Pope John Paul II” Head of the Roman Catholic Church died after a prolonged illness on Saturday the 2nd of April 2005. Heading a Church that claims to be the “Only” Catholic Church” while ignoring the R
Sharing Life Ministry Pakistan red the news about the attack on the Christian women on 17-03-05 morning. SLMP team left office on 18-03-05 to visit Muskeen Musharaf Colony in Islamabad, Muskeen Musharaf Colony is more than 400 km away from the SLMP’s office and it took 6 hours from office to
CBN News Producer : Enormous crowds turned out for Benny Hinn's recent outreach in India, despite attempts by radical Hindus to block the event.
It was apparent that their threats could not stifle the spiritual hunger so many were feeling. Hinn's ministry is calling it the largest healing service
Kasur is one of the oldest cities of Pakistan, located 55 kilometers South of Lahore on Lahore Ferozpur Road. Just 9 Kilo Metes from the International Borders with India. According to the consensus of 1998, the total population of Kasur city was 19,33,484 around 1.8 Million out of which 9,59,688 are
Karachi. January 7. Mr. Albert U Mall Advocate, president of Azad Pakistan Masihi League announced here today that APML should hold annual convention in Lahore on January 15. He called upon Christian leaders of different organization in Karachi to extend invitations of convention and broad based all
Karachi. January 5. The CoP News Service have issued a statement whereby the News Service Team have clarified the statement issued by Mr. Sandy Sneddon of the Church of Scotland on behalf of the Church of Pakistan Mission Partners Forum. Following is the statement issued by the CoP News Service:

On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.