I have always held women in high esteem. Women have always been an integral part of the Church from the very beginning yet priesthood is one of the field in which women have not been given any role by both the Old and New Testaments. Whether it be the ancient Biblical languages or any modern languag
It is common sense to everyone regardless of nation, religion, and culture, that sexual immorality is an unacceptable and unethical act. But sadly that which was unacceptable twenty years ago to an unbeliever is now becoming acceptable to church going Bible proclaiming so called Christians. Jesus
It was the most daring and determined terrorist attempt to kill President Mushraf. God wanted him to live, and may required by all the moderate, liberal and peace loving people of Pakistan irrespective of their faith, race and creed. The suicide car attacks were so perfectly masterminded that the Pr
May, in the New Year, the majority communities of South Asia be fairer to the minorities!
May public officials be less corrupt and the rich and powerful be less greedy, this year. May protection of police and courts be more accessible to everyone, and may people not resort to violence to settle th
Sri Lankan police said on Monday they had stepped up security at churches after two Christian sites were attacked amid mounting inter-religious tensions on the Buddhist-majority island.
Police Deputy Inspector-General K. P. Pathirana said mobile patrols had been intensified in vulnerable areas fo
They devour widows' houses and for the sake of appearance say long prayers. They will receive the greater condemnation." He sat down opposite the treasury, and watched the crowd putting money into the treasury. Many rich people put in large sums. A poor widow came and put in two small copper coins
There is a sayings that: Love thy neighbour, Hate thy enemy. But we can bring peace to the world by making minute change in this saying: Love the neighbour... Love thy enemy.
By adopting this formula we can give 'peace' a stand of its own. Think! What will be the effect when we will bless a man wh
Even now the axe is laid to the root of the trees; every tree therefore that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire." And the multitudes asked him, "What then shall we do?"
And he answered them, "He who has two coats, let him share with him who has none; and he who has food,
Million of Rupees from "public money" were spent on these parties and every one saw soaring prices of every thing as a silent spectator. There are millions of people living below the line of poverty. This extra money was spent to please those people who already have enough to please themselves.
These months, June, July, August, seemed surreal because like a lot of us here, we are not just soldiers, rather, we are Citizen/Soldiers. One weekend a month we would drill. We have a completely different life apart from Drilling. Just a few short months earlier, I was in my classroom, teaching 31
The government in New Delhi proclaimed that the Indian forces would help restore normalcy in the State of Jammu and Kashmir and allow the people to exercise their right of self-determination in accordance with their freely expressed will, unhindered by any threat of internal disorder or external agg
At the outset I would like to give some information concerning the Cyprus issue. The island was the part of Ottoman Empire for almost four centuries. When the Ottoman Empire entered the World War I on the side of Germany and emerged defeated, the island became part of the British colonies. In 1960,
Had I been in United States I would have even gone to the court to get an order of restrain against you and the consecration. Do you know what you have done? All over the world people are saying "shame to the church". You could not take care of your wife and household. (1. Timothy 3:4-5) how will yo
The term holiness is applied to Marriage, family and community in order to show relationship with the creator and with his being. In the New Testament holiness was envisioned primarily as the fullness of life in Christ by the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. The Christians were distinguished b
Pope John Paul II, unable to pronounce a homily for the first time due to age and illness, presided over the rite which brings the world-famous nun close to sainthood, just six years after her death.
Indian sitar music blended with traditional hymns to celebrate the nun who spent more than 60 ye
"Homosexuality" is an "infectious disease" or sinful "epidemic" that is threatening the sanctity of the church as Body of Christ. This "deadly virus" of "homosexuality" caused punishment to the people of Sodom and Gomorrah. (Genesis. 18: 20-21 & 19: 1-27).
God has strictly forbidden "homosexualit
According to Munoo Bheel he with his family had worked as peasants tilling the lands of landlord Abdul Rahman Mari for many years but as the landlord did not pay them the share from sale of crops they raised on his lands according to Sindh Tenancy Law he had ran away from the lands of above Zamindar
This and other demands were raised in the first convention of Nazims of Taluka/Towns municipal administrations of Sindh held here on Sunday. More than 50 Nasims out of 86 attended the convention from all 16 districts of the province including Karachi. The convention formed Sindh Taluka/Town Nazims A
Then they saw what looked like tongues of fire which spread out and touched each person there. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to talk in other languages, as the Spirit enabled them to speak.
Verses 40 - 42: Peter made his appeal to them and with many other words he urged th
The more frequently visible minority groups residing in Pakistan are Christians 2,092,902, Hindu 2,111,271, Qadiani 286,212, Schedule Caste 332,343, Others 96,142 which includes Parsi, Buddhist and Bahais etc. (Ministry of Minority Affairs Islamabad) These minority groups are profoundly integrated i
To build on this opportunity, at midnight of August 14, peace groups like Pakistan-India People's Forum for Peace & Democracy organized Candlelight Vigils for Peace in both countries at Ahmadabad, Bombay, Calcutta, Delhi, Karachi, Pune and Wagah-Atari crossing on India-Pakistan border.
In USA, Ind
Writing for Umar Hayat was not an esoteric exercise. Rather, it was the heart speaking in a straightforward, plain and eloquent language. He used his pen for the media of his heart to expose also violations of human rights. Umar Hayat was a daring writer who revealed beauty as well as ugliness of po
He starts his article with these words. "You've heard all the arguments against gay marriage: that it represents a threat to the core values of Western civilization; that it undermines the institution of the family; that it's unnatural, unhealthy, and UN-Christian. First it was the Supreme Court str
First of all they don't have strong leadership, which could give them hope and a clear sense of direction. Secondly they have the problem of living in a country, where they face persecution and discrimination; and are economically exploited by the majority community. Thirdly they look towards the so
This historically connotative word is culture specific as well. It implies a cultural travel, a journey through several varying cultures. The Indo Caribbean writer in Canada, the poet Rambai Espinet observes: AIt is vital to remember that we are travellers moving with a lot of cultural baggage. We h
However, the demand for the stronger laws in favour of 95% population of Muslims was there from the beginning of the formation of Pakistan. This process began soon after the death of Jinnah in 1948, and was speeded up by Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, who nationalized Christian schools, colleges and hospitals
Unless concerned Christians, Jews, and Muslims act to change the laws and prevailing attitudes in Islamic and Communist countries, the 21st century will become a tragic repeat of the 20th.
This article is a call to action for those who care about their fellow human beings. Even if you are an ath
These are the words came from the very depth of the heart of Mr. Jalal Masih 55 years old a resident of Krishan nagger near Sialkot Pakistan. He got 2 sons Rasheed Masih 18 years, Tariq Masih 16 years and 4 daughters Nosheen 25years, Noreen 23years, Nusrat 22years and Nazish 20years and his wife Bas
Today the civilized nations are talking about Peace in middle east , Iraq, Afghanistan, Kashmir and other part of the world but why this civilized nations are mute and don't think about the crucial situation of Pakistani Christians at all?.
Pakistani Christians are continuously under the const
"I want to explain how I was connected to this Gandhi assassination," Gopal Godse says, beginning his story.
His voice is calm, sunken gray-green eyes fixed on his listener. But his words convey the cold, unrepentant fury that drove a tiny band of conspirators to plot the killing of Mohandas Gan
No, "much action" has not been taken against the perpetrators in India! In fact, one academic study of the events establishes that this is the first time in (post-Independent) Indian history where communal rioting was directed openly by the State against its own minority populace. Yet most of the po
The team consisted of journalists, artists, filmmakers, writers, academics, peace activists, human right activists and women's rights activists. This visit had its importance because it was made at a time when human civilisation is standing at the brink of nuclear disasters, mindless violence, milit
Female Bangladeshi migrants who return are often seen by their male contemporaries as "loose" or 'bad charactered" women. Whether the women work as garment factory workers or house maids in the host countries in the Middle East or South East Asia, the overwhelming male perception is that they almost
Amir Ali was the seventh to have died in recent months in the bitter struggle between the peasants of Okara and the Rangers, now into its third year. Coincidentally, just hours earlier, a group of journalists from the Urdu press and concerned citizens, including myself, had set out from Islamabad on
"FIGHT TERRORISM WITH JUSTICE". By Rt. Rev. Dr. Major (Retired) Timotheus Nasir, Bishop of Pakistan.
In this violence always those people suffer who are least expecting any harm. On the contrary an attack on military targets is not terrorism. In this context, we need to find out the reason that why people like all the people in the world become "terrorists"? Why they resort to the acts of 'terroris
There is no word that evokes so much antipathy in mainstream Pakistani political parlance as does secularism. This propensity probably originates in a basic error by Jamaluddin Afghani who translated secularism as "La-dinyat" or anti-religious. Taking his cue from Afghani, Allama Iqbal also adopted
In this Chapter, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context [195][(a) "Chief Justice" means, Chief Justice of the Court;]
(b) "Court" means the Federal Shariat Court constituted in pursuance of Article 203C; [196][(bb) "judge" means judge of the Court;]
(c) "law" i
The first is the very onerous and responsible task of framing the future constitution of Pakistan and the second of functioning as a full and complete sovereign body as the Federal Legislature of Pakistan. We have to do the best we can in adopting a provisional constitution for the Federal Legislatu
However, the religious freedom of the United States and Western democracies stands in stark contrast to that in most Islamic and Communist countries. Simply being a Christian can bring the threat of death or imprisonment in such countries as Pakistan, Syria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, China, and North
FOR MONTHS, ARAB- AND MUSLIM-AMERICAN lobby groups have passionately spoken out against war with Iraq, citing the potential for everything from the mass murder of Iraqi babies to the creation of tens of thousands of baby bin Ladens. Warnings of dire consequences have flooded underground Internet cha
It is also correct to say that many Christians slaughtered innocent persons in the name of God, but it is also correct to say that Muslims did the same. Most of the "secular" knights were in fact seeking plunder and lands, but the religious Orders of the Knights Hospitallers and Knights Templar we
Being defamed, we intreat: we are made as the filth of the world, and are the offscouring of all things unto this day."(1. Corinthians Chapter 4 Verses 8-13) The Apostle has thus depicted the Christians of Third World countries especially Pakistan as we are branded by the churches in West. I write t
He has received many distinctions. Last year, 2002, the Board of Governors of a university decided to confer him with an honorary doctorate for his contribution to literature and global peace. The same year, a cassette of his songs/ poems on peace was released.
Dr. Stephen Gill is a bitter enemy
For most of these women, legislation and representation are a totally new phase in their lives, unknown ground whereon they have not trodden. So political orientation is called for if they are to make any mark in the assemblies. Though it must be said that at the present moment, with the amazing sce
How bad any regime may be, no one has any right to impose its will of the people of any independent and sovereign state any where in the world. We do sympathize with America and the victims of "terrorist attacks" on 11th September 2001. Yet we believe that fighting terrorism with greater terrorism
Bright, faithful sun,
show the path
where soldiers never die.
Dry the tears
from Lincoln's fields
where bones of young men lie.
Hush the clang
of armor's steel
glistening in your light.
Help us all
to save our souls
to tell the wrong from right.
Still the drum
within with heart
I remember the evening vividly. It was cold. Stephen Gill was giving a talk to a literary gathering in Mississauga, Ontario about his writing technique. During the coffee break, I introduced myself, offering my hand for a shake. His hands were really warm. That day laid the foundation for our friend
Thank you so much for posting my entire letter on PCC. Because I chose to remain anonymous I was not sure if the letter would actually get posted or perhaps only in parts. After I sent the letter I could not get my mind off of the subject and believe this was God prompting me to send some other imp
(In the traffic circle that lay between them stood the gun, Zam-- Zamah, familiar to readers of Rudyard Kipling's wonderful tale, Kim.) My father earned a Pakistani wage, later, when he worked for the United Nations, we were rich and in my early childhood we could hardly afford to live the life asso
Rev. Parvez Masih is not in jail for a crime of violence. He has not been charged with stealing or fraud. Nor is he suspecting of dealing drugs, breaking any traffic laws, or even littering. No, Rev. Parvez Masih is in jail for a crime most of the world cannot even comprehend: the crime of "ins
The debate centered on which "rights" - political, economic, and social - were to be included among the Universal Instruments. In the 1960s, with the arrival of a large number of third-world states that had not been present in 1948, there were discussions as to whether new states were bound by those
I shall take up this statements mad by you latter on. At this time I want to take you back in the history of Islam and Pakistan. And yet before I take up the history of Islam and Pakistan, your own history and the history of the Islamic religious/political parties. Your predecessors Jamat-e-Islami a
Though every nation got involved in war against terrorism, the Christian world and Christians of the world have not come out of the dilemma of fear and terror. The so-called Christian America and other Christian states have spent billions of dollars to ensure safety, yet some where in the world an a
Professor Ashtiaq takes delight in making ignorant remarks about the heads of two great nations, namely US and UK. They are worse than moron and are delirious, impatient, are some of the ways Ashtiaq describes them. It's curious that some Pakistan papers pour out similar invectives.
Perhaps thi
I am, also, a Christian as the editorial writer. I actively serve in my Episcopal (Anglican) Diocese as a laymen on two committees plus a parish committee -- all related to human rights in one way or the other. As a South Asian expert, I have been trying to spread information on the plight of Chri
As we approach 27 January 2003 the big question in everybody's mind is: what will the UN inspection team say about Iraq's alleged possession of weapons of mass destruction? All peace-loving and fair-minded people hope that no punitive action is taken against Iraq until and unless its guilt has been
This man who had preached against Christianity and the local Christian community, had openly declared "War on Christians" had already stoned the houses of Christians, And had given a "Fatwa" that "each Christian killed will ensure "Jannat" (paradise) for the killer. On of his son is reportedly fight
John was inspired to leave his home and to be in the wilderness. According to human thinking this was really foolish. But the work and the deeds of God is beyond human imagination. God wanted John to spend sometime in wilderness. He left all he had and was left there all alone.
Wilderness is a pla
On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress www.pakistanchristiancongress.org . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.