Positive Attitude:
“Everyday you make literally hundreds of choices, consciously and unconsciously, one of those choice is your attitudeâ€Â
We can change whatever we dream of, the choice is ours. We, everyone, deserve a great life, happiness and self-fulfillment, lets choose today to ma
MOHAMMAD ALI JINNAH came, made a country to suit the genius of his brethren, and died. He told the men who would govern his country that religion would not be the business of the state, that the state would not be ruled by priests with a divine mission. He was clear on this.
He was also clear enoug
Ghalib; genius and a masterminded poet par excellence, a paragon of Urdu poetry and an identity of the Eastern literature, inhibiting perhaps many institutions in unison, and beyond any artifice of ceremonial comparison, a crude personification of a superbly refined creativity. For, such are the men
With Christmas approaching soon and another year coming to a close, its a good time to reflect on how we spent the year 2005 and contemplate on the New year resolutions we might have for 2006.
For some of us the passing year might have been full of happiness and contentment, for others perhaps thin
Wish you a happy Christmas and prosperous New Year although the birth of Jesus and the birth of the new year will not be easy to celebrate in the true spirit of peace because of the obvious clash of cultures. It is a time to expect the culture of understanding and harmony in 2006 to
Dear Muslim Brothers and Sisters,
God forbid if any one of our near one and dear one is killed then the killer is evil, a beast and what not and should get penalty but if one among us kills anybody then he is not evil and we start lying, denying or even justifying the killing.... double standards?
Death of a loving Lady, prompted me to write this “Sad Tale†of our “Elderly and Sick†parents and relatives in Pakistan. This loving lady was over eighty years of age and was sick. She had “Angiography†and then “Angioplasty†very recently and died ye
Ever since conversion of Pakistan from “Republic of Pakistan†to “Islamic Republic of Pakistan†every “Muslim Dick Tom and Harry†has become a scholar. All there energies are focused on Christian Faith. They write shamefully against the Holy Bible and Christianity
In the face of persistently degenerating macroeconomic indicators, certainly indicative of public malstrategization and private self-absorption, the plight of the layman necessitates invigorated co-functionality of the third sector; the civil society.
About our plight, according to the ‘Swis
Several Western democracies, including Canada, realize the importance of multiculturalism, recognize it officially and promote it actively. It is the spirit of tolerance that is behind this recognition. It is very encouraging that the United Nations has proved its interest in the same spirit through
It is stating the obvious that Pakistani Christian community is confronted with a host of issues including social and constitutional discrimination, their marginalization, denial of fundamental rights and outright indifference of government when it comes to hammering out a solution of the problems c
Comments: Punjabi Christians are 90% and Goan Christians are 10% of the total Christian Population in Pakistan but the contribution in the development of Pakistan and the Christian Community of Pakistan is exactly opposite it is 90% by Goans Christians and 10% by Punjabi Christians. (Do correct me i
Regarding the incident that happened in Sangala Hills and seeing all the debate going on, makes one think what`s next?!
The truth of the matter is that as long as we live persecutions will take place just as in the days of the early church and as long as the world remains there will be natural disa
This is in response to your article ‘THOU SHALL NOT LET ANY ONE BURN THE CHURCH’ published on PCP and CNI websites.
The Sangla Hills Church attack was no doubt the next episode after the ‘Shanti Nagar Incident’ wherein the whole town of the Christians was burnt to ash. On
According to the teachings of Lord Jesus Christ, we have been told time and again that, “But I say unto you that ye resist not evil, but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if any man will sue thee at the law and take away thy coat, let him have thy c
Shias form around a tenth of India’s Muslim population of more than 150 million. Although Shias have played an important role in Indian history, because of their relatively small numbers they are often ignored in discussions about Islam and Muslims in India. This, however, might change now w
It is often perceived that Islamic radicalism is the real threat and not Islamic liberalism, yet how true is this? For history teaches that Islam not only conquered by the sword, but also via liberals who preached a different Islam in order to convert the masses. Yet irrespective if former nations
Most of the people would be staggered with their first look on the heading of this note-in-article that perhaps I made a mistake spelling the word ‘higher’ as ‘hire’. No, I didn’t. Had I been working under Dr. Atta-ur-Rehman’s umbrella with the label HEC, I w
According to news reports, militant Islamist groups, most notably the deadly Lashkar-i Tayyeba, are playing a major role in providing relief to thousands of survivors of the deadly earthquake that struck Kashmir and parts of Pakistan’s North-West Frontier Province last month. It is feared tha
The title of this article is exactly what I want to emphasize because I have been looking through the wrong lenses for quite some time about who Muslims are and what they believe. I’ve been looking through the lenses of some one else’s prescription and now I want to share how I see Mus
Most of you may know that Qilla Gujjar Singh is in Lahore. Some of you might have even heard of the Zamzama gun now popularly called the "Bhangi Toop". What you might not know however is that the full name of Gujjar Singh was Gujjar Singh Bhangi and that he was a Chief of the Sikh Bhangi Misl and th
· aaj aakhaN waris shah nuuN, kitoN kabraaN vichchoN bol,
· te aaj kitab-e ishq daa koii aglaa varkaa phol
· ik roii sii dhii punjaab dii, tuuN likh likh maare vaen,
· aaj lakhaaN dhiiaaN rondiaa, tainuN waris shah nuN kahen
· uTh dardmandaaN diaa dardiaa, uth takk apnaa punja
Kashmiri Pandit Sahaj Ram Sapru, the grandfather of Allama Iqbal would have never been touched by a whim of such a potentially dawning glory engendered through the sublimity of a poetic genius while converting to Islam and named Sheikh Rafiq. Scholars in Iqbaliyaat testify Iqbal’s Persian wor
I have been answering the “Muslim Critics†of Christianity since last twenty five years. I gave maximum time to prove the “Truth of Christian Faith†and silenced many voices against Christian faith and the Holy Bible. Along with this, over the past few years I have been watc
`Shah Hussain! Shahadat Paye O Jo Maran Mitran De Age (Shah Hussain! He [alone] attains martyrdom who dies at the feet of his beloved)
Sufism has had a long and rich history in the Indian sub-continent. It is perhaps in Punjab, more than in any other part of this vast land, that Sufism has struc
In the land of Pakistan hatred continues to grow. This hatred, inspired and ignited by Islamic extremists, is directed against all moderates and all faiths. To make matters worse the institutions inside Pakistan, notably the government, judiciary and police, are also part of the problem in this la
In the past America, the United Kingdom, and other Western democratic nations could blame the Cold War on supporting despots like Suharto or despotic nations like Saudi Arabia. Yet after the demise of the Cold War, then this no longer applies and democracy \"in your own country\" is not good enough
Political parties and religions propagate their doctrines and the biographies of their
founders through books and the Internet; they try to present their principles in bright colors and exciting propaganda.
The Son of Mary stands gently beside this propaganda. He introduces himself to whoever desi
1. Overview
A delegation of the European Union (EU) Troika is scheduled to visit Nepal from 4 to 6 October 2005. The EU Troika had last visited Nepal in mid-December 2004 and had met the proxy government headed by Sher Bahadur Deuba who is presently in jail.
Despite the intervention of the United
Islam is divided into two main sects of Sunni and Shia. Sunnis form the majority in Pakistan and also in Saudi Arabia. They prescribe execution for an apostate from Islam.
Next to Sunnis there are Shias who are mostly in Iran. Shias are about 12 percent in Pakistan. Shias also prescribe execution
Isaiah 5: 1-7, Psalm 80:7-14, Philippians 3: 14-21, Matthew 21:33-43
There is no pain more familiar to many of us than the pain of rejection. Rejection comes in many forms and it can come from various sources, friends, family, a lover or work place. Sometimes rejection comes from our friends. P.
While one is delighted to learn that the ranks of the faithful have further swelled with the arrival of test star, Yousaf Youhana, the conversion business having spread into cricket, the manner in which the switch has been conducted gives it a strange and unpleasant twist. This business of what fait
1. The SIMPLE NAMES used for God in the Old Testament
Name in Hebrew Meaning Frequency
Jahwe the LORD 71,2 % 7620x
Elohim God / gods 24,1 % 2578x
El God 2,8 % 300x
Elowah God 0,5 % 55x
Shaddai (incl. 4x El Shaddai) the Allmighty? 0,5 % 53x
Jaah the LORD 0,4 % 48x
‘Eljon (incl. 2x El
More than fifty years after ‘independence’, India is still struggling hard to come to terms with religious plurality. It is here that the example of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, one of the leading lights of the freedom movement, and one whose legacy is today little known, is particularly va
Pakistan has been established since 1947 and during last 58 years Christian Minority in Pakistan produces only one Yousuf Youhana. Is it possible? Obviously not! Because there were many talented Pakistani Christians in the past who had all the abilities to represent Pakistan at the International Lev
The news of Yousef Youhanna’s conversion to Islam has sparked a hot debate among Pakistani Christians all around the world. Many questions have been raised in order to find the reasons and the facts surrounding this event of great per potion. I am one of those Christians of Pakistani origin
I feel Mazdak does injustice in the paragraph quoted below and some of what flows from it. A little reminder of history may also be helpful.
Mazdak wrote "For instance, while Jesus taught us to 'turn the other cheek' if slapped, the Old Testament encourages Jews, and later, Christians, to seek veng
With due respect, I would like to answer Dr. Stephen Gill’s questions on apostasy of Yousaf Yahonan.
Question No. 1. Did they (Christianity community) pray to God, so that Yousaf Yahona could be selected to the cricket team?
Answer No 1. Yes, before Yousaf Yahona’s selection ever
As a Pakistani national or/and subject, I am proud of my President General Pervez Musharraf’s speech at UN General Assembly on Interfaith co-operation., peace and harmony among all major religions in the world. I know my President’s moderate views on religious issues and his quest for
I am no more than an ordinary man who has been spending life as if knowing nothing. I was born in a wealthy Muslim family in Pakistan, but when I was a few months old, I was carried to Saudi Arabia by my father. When I was about six, my mom passed away. As I grew older I had so many questions like a
It is written in The Holy Bible, “Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, aga
On 27th August 2005, a boy named Sunildas, s/o Chirandas, age 14 years, religion Hindu, residence H. No. 43 Muthidda Colony, Near Christian Colony Unit No. 10 Latifabad, Hyderabad, Sindh, was playing in front of his house. Suddenly two policemen came and begin to beat him. After a few minutes his el
On 25th August 2005 I Sooba Bhatti visited at Latifabad Hyderabad Polling Stations as observer on behalf of Election Commission of Pakistan.
At 8:00 a.m. I visited Tehsil Latifabad areas of UC 4 (Union Council) Polling Station No.1, 2 and 14,
UC5's PO (Polling Station) No.4 and Tehsil Qasimabad UC
“UXBs†are “UN Exploded Bombsâ€Â. This term is used for any “Bomb†that is dropped, any “Gun Shell†that is fired, any “Hand Grenade†that is thrown and any “Mine†that is laid and does not explode. During war these explosive devi
The following article “7/7 A Response†was written by Dr Patrick Sookhdeo, Director of the Institute for the Study of Islam and Christianity, and International Director of Barnabas Fund, in response to the terrorist bombings in London on 7th July 2005. A shorter version of the article w
Look at your creation
that is on a higher level.
How its sweet melodies are repressed
by the strings of overmastering fear.
The buds of your orchard
inhale the odour of gunpowder.
Under the shades of swords
your children disintegrate
into the abyss of the culture
of emptiness.
The a
“UXBs†are “UN Exploded Bombsâ€Â. This term is used for any “Bomb†that is dropped, any “Gun Shell†that is fired, any “Hand Grenade†that is thrown and any “Mine†that is laid and does not explode. During war these explosive devi
In attendance were 125 other teens and children along with parents and counselors, who bonded together proudly calling themselves “Gods Armyâ€Â.
Finishing up to what turned out to be a successful Bible Camp, Roy along with the other teenagers were left in the camp with a few parents whil
The Legal Position of Women in Islam Qur'anic Passages of Legal Importance Concerning Women in Islam
in which the corresponding passages appear in the Qur’an â€" the holy book of the Muslims. However this document presents the subject using the reverse order of the Qur'anic passages. In general, the last recorded revelations received by Muhammad are at the beginning of the Qur'an and the
"We shall prevail and they shall not," was the reassuring statement read by the shaken British Prime Minster Tony Blair, flanked by fellow G-8 leaders in response to four terrorist attacks against civilians in London, July 7, 2005, that killed at least 50 people and injured 700. Among them, at least
v An introduction……….. why I am here
It’s like a tedious journey, to preach tolerance, peace, harmony and love. It’s certainly not easy to bring communities to a point where they talk about similarities and not the differences. The path is hard, people are rigid an
v An introduction………….why I am here
v Ecumenism……………the term described & understood in Pakistan
v Present situation of Christian minority in Pakistan
v How deepened spirituality can be helpful in the present scenario
v An introductionââ‚
The whole Christian Community is condemning the lethargic attitude of the Bishops of the Church of Pakistan, the Church of England and the Church of Pakistan Mission Partners Forum who instead of becoming instruments of justice for the victimized students and administrator of Brenton Carey Girls Hos
The issue is thus one of continuity. Was "Allah" the biblical God or a pagan god in Arabia during pre-Islamic times? The Muslim's claim of continuity is essential to their attempt to convert Jews and Christians for if "Allah" is part of the flow of divine revelation in Scripture, then it is the next
Whoever talks to a Muslim soon recognizes that he considers our faith in God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit as an unforgivable sin. The Islamic creed stresses that there can be no God except Allah! Anyone who associates a Son or a Holy Spirit with the Creator is considered to be an enemy of
to a point where they talk about similarities and not the differences. The path is hard, people are rigid and resources limited but I’m hopeful enough to dream that our children will see a new sun rising tomorrow. I hope for the day when no one will be taken his right to live in the name of r
It’s certainly not easy to bring communities to a point where they talk about similarities and not the differences. The path is hard, people are rigid and resources limited but I’m hopeful enough to dream that our children will see a new sun rising tomorrow. I hope for the day when no
, races, traditions and religions. Some four thousand years ago, the Punjab was the cradle of the Indus Valley civilisation. Then came the Aryans from Central Asia, followed, in the centuries after them, by the Scythians, the Huns, the Greeks, the Turks, the Persians and the Afghans. All of them hav
Those who read the Bible can find 250 names, titles and attributes of Jesus in it. If someone studies the Qur'an he can also find 25 names, titles and attributes of 'Isa as an Islamic echo to the gospel. One helpful way to approach Muslims is to fill the meaning of the names of Christ from the Bible
God’s People Fellowship of Pakistan, a Christian organization, urged the government of Pakistan on Thursday to recognise Israel so that Christians of the country could visit the Jewish state to perform their religious obligations.
Speaking at a news conference here, Ashraf P. Butt, general-
At the same time he emerged as the symbol of freedom and a passionate champion of the culture of life. He kissed the soil of around 129 lands that he visited, outlining the blueprint of peace to their citizens. Before Pope John Paul 11 departed for the land of bliss, the Berlin Wall cam
I always says that Christian people are foolish and mad because they believe that the Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Is Mary was the wife of God? There were many questions in my mind, which I can ask to Christian people. How a man, Jesus Christ, can save you? How you can call God the Father? G
First and foremost, we have right to breath “Islamic Oxygen” made by the “Islamic plants” of Islamic Republic of Pakistan. (Though it has been “polluted” by Mullahs, yet we can use it)
We have “right” to stay alive. (Though the “right” t
This apparently routine change in the passport format drew a sharp response from the six-party religious alliance, the Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal (MMA), which won a substantial presence in the Pakistani parliament in the October 2002 elections. "We feel that the omission of the religion column is an at
Some believe that all prophets are equally important, apart from a few minor differences (Sura 2:253; 4:150,151; 17:55). But Muhammad claimed to be the seal of all prophets (Sura 33:40), the climax and final fulfillment of all revelations (Sura 4:80; 7:158; 10:57-58; 34:28). We will examine those op

On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress www.pakistanchristiancongress.org . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.