USA: December 31, 2007. In the shadow of gleaming new towers built for the Olympic Games, just outside of Beijing’s city center, one case highlights the religious persecution and corruption of justice that can still happen to ordinary Chinese citizens.
Just months before China is put on the
Pakistan is headed for an implosion within and the West is the cause. They have stood by idly over the last six months and done little to nothing to aid in the situation that is slowly not just affecting the region, but the world.
With strong footholds in the al-Qaeda bastions of Afghanistan and Ir
The sudden and most untimely demise of Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto is indeed a national tragedy of great magnitude and it was most appropriate for the President to declare an official mourning for three days in her honour. Pakistan has lost in her an icon of great stature and standing and the void so c
The death of former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhuttoo is being mourned by millions of Pakistanis. She had a profound public base despite staying out of her country for nearly a decade and dogged by corruption and nepotism charges.
Her death, however, should not come as a surprise at all.
Nasir Saeed finds little cheer for Pakistan’s beleaguered Christians in the electoral promises of a “moderate governmentâ€Â.
For anyone who likes their International affairs in black and white, Pakistan’s torturous political machinations can be a little confusing at times. T
The word Diaspora is not a substitute for the word immigrant. Diaspora essentially is a bitter experience of dislocation that leads to alienation, a sense of loss and nostalgic desires. It refers to that particular class of immigrants who are unable to go back, primarily because of the hostile cli
Brazil, Ecuador, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, Morocco are just a few countries where honour killings occur. Anja Wehler-Schöck has studied the phenomenon of honour killings using the example of Jordanian society. Naima El Moussaoui, a writer at, talked with the political
President Musharraf finally took off his uniform last week, handing over command of the armed forces to General Ashfaq Kiyani, a well-respected general in Western circles. The following day, he took the Presidential oath as a civilian president for the next five years. Though the emergency rule he i
What is this world coming to?
In a rape case that involves the very foundation of a disputed, age-old rite, the merits and certainly the clash of civilizations are ferociously and dangerously edging towards the limelight.
As described recently by nearly every outlet of the worldwide media, Islam i
Conflict resolution experts believe that when you have a problem, go for the simplest solution. This logistical approach to problem solving applies not only to selective areas of conflict management, but across the board in all spheres of human endeavors. This includes politics and its organization
Islamabad - Many Western media and policymakers appear preoccupied with the danger of Pakistan`s nuclear weapons falling into the hands of extremists â€" whether small terrorist groups or organized political parties who may try to take power in upcoming elections. Their immediate concern, therefo
The land of milk and honey - desired by many factions, fought for by a swelling army and the heart of perhaps the world’s greatest colonial conflict.
Ownership of Palestine proper, and for the most part, the Occupied Territories in general, have aroused much debate since the secretive Sykes
Syed Abul Ala Maududi (1903-79), founder of the Jamaat-e Islami, is regarded as one of the chief architects of modern-day Islamist revivalism. He was a profuse writer, and is credited with literally hundreds of works on a diverse range of issues. Although he not a graduate from a traditional madras
Dr. Stephen Gill contributed this poem “Mother of an Aids-Ridden Son†on World Aids Day.
December 1 is the World Aids Day to generate greater public awareness to this horrific epidemic that kills millions of children or their parents every year. Here is a poem by Stephen Gill to participate in the awareness:
He developed thrush in his mouth
and a l
Standing in perhaps one of the most aesthetically pleasing churches in the city and observing a small service being conducted, one would be hard pressed to pronounce this as being part of the former Soviet Union â€" its congregation extremely devoted to their belief in a higher power and in the m
Delhi, for various historical reasons, is the hub of the Muslim publishing industry in India. Most of the prominent Muslim publishing houses in the country are located in Muslim-dominated parts of the city, notably in Old Delhi, Okhla and Basti Nizamuddin. Literature produced by these houses are fou
In the worldwide marketplace of ideas, everything has a measure of value, even a bad idea.
A bad idea can even illuminate the darkest landscape of truth with brilliant flair ¯ in a way that mere fact cannot.
Consider, for example, the idea that Islam is incompatible with democracy. It is a re
When I used to wear the hijab as a young Muslim woman, I thought it was pretty cool. I felt protected, modest and feminine. I no longer do so, as I have become a Christian and have seen with greater clarity the negative side of Muslim attitudes towards women. That`s why I am surprised to learn that
The General Assembly in its resolution of ten principles recommends observing a day every year to promote the welfare of the children all over the world. The resolution was adopted on November 20, 1959. Observation of the day varies from nation to nation. The Government of Canada designates 20th of
Pakistan today stands on the brink of anarchy. Government security forces seem to be helpless against the resurgent Taliban and extremist elements in Waziristan and parts of the Northwest Frontier.
Suicide attacks have spread even to Rawalpindi and Islamabad. Their number has increased from about
Hardly anyone would disagree that the state of the Arab nation leaves much to be desired, and that our Arab societies continue to stagnate. Our discourse and inspiration for the desired Arab renaissance remain merely rhetorical. What, then, is the missing element?
Let us recall that the first Arab
President Pervez Musharraf is in a very difficult situation.
This is a gross understatement in the unfavourable conditions that the embattled leader now sees himself facing. Consider the manner in which the army chief and president, a delicate subject to begin with, wakes up, scanning the morning n
Scripture Reference:
Psalm 139:13-16 (New Living Translation)
You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. 14 Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelousâ€"how well I know it. 15 You watched me as I was
One of the surmises that is being proliferated by most of the Muslim vocal clergy is their prolonged misconception. They believe firmly that they alone as a community have the exclusive right to rule. What is the logic for this fallacy? Simply because they assume they are better Muslims than the oth
The Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) hosted the International Khilafah Conference last month. Since this event, Indonesian mass media has been discussing the pros and cons of implementing a caliphate system in Indonesia, which involves the formal application of shari`a (Islamic law) as the legal code f
Should Pakistan finally take the final, all-important diplomatic step?
Should the country sign on to become part of such an exclusive ‘club’ in which secretive details that indeed surface from within its domain by decision and policymakers bear the threat of a subpoena or grand jury te
In the sea of family members waiting for loved ones to arrive at the Allama Iqbal International Airport in Lahore Pakistan, I see a familiar face that I have known for over five months only thru pictures, email and phone calls. Pastor Shamshad holding his son Abraham, along with his wife and brothe
In 1947, the Indian subcontinent was divided into three parts: India, East Pakistan, and West Pakistan. This division resulted in one of the bloodiest massacres the two nations have ever seen. Muslims and non-Muslims slit each other’s throats with anger and hate. The streets of many cities in
As Pakistanis celebrate sixty years of independence, the country finds itself embroiled in yet another seemingly intractable political crisis. The state, founded by one of the Indian subcontinent`s most brilliant lawyers, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, has spent more than half of its life under military rule.
Songs Before Shrine -2007
Stephen Gill
Authorpress, New Delhi-India
Pages 114 +xxii; ISBN: 81-7273-384-4
Stephen Gill is a multiple award-winning poet. His poetry is well-known in North America, India and Pakistan, and translated into other languages.
Reading Stephen’s Preface for Son
In traversing a 60-year history, amid the flag-raising ceremonies held across the republic celebrating the independence day of Pakistan, it is especially important in understanding how this country, on the first full day of Yom-e-Istiqlal, is positioned in its current state.
2008 will mark a pivota
It was shocking that three MLAs of Ittahidul Muslimin in Hyderabad gatecrashed into the book release function of her book Lajjai translated into Telugu on 9th August and tried to beat up Taslima and shouted slogans using unbecoming words, even using abusing language. And all this in the name of Isla
The current status of Kashmir is of grave international concern. Kashmir is being severely overlooked as a third party while two nuclear powers, India and Pakistan have battled both diplomatically and militarily without cessation.
Since 1947, during the partition of India and Pakistan into two sepa
Society is made of human persons influencing human minds, actions and being shaped at the same time by human beings. Beginning, growth and an end is part of living organism, human being are not different in this matter. However there is a difference and that is about change. Human beings are not mer
Multiple award-winning author Stephen Gill was born in Pakistan, grew in India and has settled in Canada after staying in Ethiopia and England for a while. He has authored more than twenty books, including books of fiction, collections of poems and literary criticism. His poetry and prose have appea
There is no such word of “HIJAB†meaning head covering for women in the holy Quran. “ Hijab†is not a religious attire. Also modern Muslims believe it is optional. The option to choose wearing of hijab is a fad created by the Wahhabs of Saudi government. It is not a reli
The last three decades have witnessed unprecedented conflict within and among nations, and religion has often been misused and invoked to justify sectarian strife. The United Nations, which was created “to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war†sees interfaith dialogue and
Despite efforts by political rivals to spin the 22 July elections as a confrontation between Islamism and secularism (and the convenient adoption of this rhetoric by some in Europe who conceptualise global affairs and Turkey`s EU membership along these lines), the focus in Turkey was largely on demo
Banking sector
When the government started an information-technology (IT) and e-commerce initiative in early 2000, the banks were expected to lead the way into e-commerce. However, banking sector is the leading spender on information communications technology, the most progress in e-commerce has be
Contrary to how the media generally portrays them, madrasas in India are not entirely opposed to reform. Indeed, the winds of change are being felt even in the portals of the more conservative madrasas, such as the vast network of Deobandi seminaries spread across the country. One such instance is
Public opinion polls show that while Arab popular support for US foreign policy is at an all-time low, the popularity of American-style higher education in Arab society is at an all-time high. Given the difficulties of obtaining student visas and the higher costs of education in the US, many Arab st
As the world enters a new age of enlightenment both technologically and intellectually, conflicts plague the earth while large distances between continents vanish as a result of a newly emerging global community. The amalgamation of people with different cultural backgrounds, traditions and values e
1. Introduction
After constitutional denial of Scheduled Caste origins converted to Christianity and Muslims after the Presidential Order 1950, a million dollar question remains in the minds of Indian Dalit Christians “Will the Judicial system of India give justice to Indian Dalit Christians
Norhan Mohammed, an eleven-year student, loved participating in her school`s swim team, but not anymore. She left the team in May 2006 after she put on a hijab (headscarf), which did not go with her swimsuit.
Mohammed does not regret her decision to put on the hijab. She still has the same freedom
You wrote and I quote and answer,
“I would like to support Mr. Michael who reacts in the right direction, no doubt we have lot of issue with Muslims fundamental, where Christians are 1% of population, on which 80% percent don’t have the minimum level in educationâ€Â.
With this
According to Samuel Huntington, wars between civilisations are arising because of differences in the foundation of history, language, culture, tradition and religion among nations of the world that eventually shape the particular worldview of a certain group toward another. Globalisation has made th
I have been listening and watching Pakistani media for sometime, in particular reading the Urdu News papers. I have come to realize that there are many besetting misunderstandings in the minds of our Muslim friends that come to appear regularly in TV programs and news papers. These misunderstandings
The issue of Salman Rushdi has yet again sent a shock wave in Islamic world initiated by Pakistani Muslims. The Pakistani Government Minister Ejaz-ul-Haq reacted on the knighthood of Rushdie in the following way;
He said: “If someone commits suicide bombing to protect the honour of the Proph
Traditional African Value System
Africa is a deeply patriarchal society. Men dominate the socio-economic and political machinery and organizations. Men are regarded as natural leaders, who are superior and born to rule over women. Women are considered weaker vessels-extensions of men and secondary
The brief, if checkered, history of the struggle of Christians of Scheduled Caste origin for justice is, hopefully, coming to a fruitful conclusion with the Justice Rangnath Misra Commission having given its report and the Supreme Court expected to take up the matter by resuming hearings in July on
A number of people are attending a unique marriage ceremony, being held in a public space in a remote village in central Bihar. The bride and the bridegroom move around the fire, a Hindu religious symbol, supervised by a Pandit who recites Vedic mantras. The relatives and friends of the couple are s
I remember clearly the first time I feared for my life. My father was visiting my mother and their new baby in hospital, leaving my ten-year-old sister and me at home taking care of the younger children.
The other two babies, aged one and two, were asleep and the original Godzilla film was on te
Sometimes when a person becomes a Christian he or she does not know what to do next. Hopefully someone will be there to explain things and answer questions about this new life in Christ. I pray that today’s lesson will be helpful if you are a new Christian or know someone who has just accept
I have written “Islamic Re Search Foundation†because every now and then some one starts “Re Searching†Islam according to his own understanding of Islam. However what the mode of “Re Search†of Islam may be, it is absolutely important for such people to criticize
World seems to have gone insane in the name of God. Violence and extremism take centre-stage in international news and much of it speaks in religious terms. Nevertheless, there are examples of leaders who, in the midst of ongoing conflict, have renounced their former violence in order to engage thei
The Quran claims that Muhammad is the seal or the last of the prophets:
Muhammad is not the father of any man among you, but he is the Messenger of God and the last (end) of the Prophets. And God is Ever All-Aware of everything. S. 33:40 Hilali-Khan
This has been widely understood to mean that the
Almost two years ago the citizens of London were victims of a great atrocity. Those who perpetrated those crimes would like you to believe that they were inspired by the religion of Islam. Nothing could be further from the truth. There is nothing in Islam that could ever justify these blatant acts o
My name is Shereen Sharif. I was born in Vancouver, Canada into a Muslim family. Although we participated in a few religious events, my family was not very religious. I am the only Christian in my family and the story that follows is about how I found Jesus.
I have always believed in ``god`` and th
I read the article of Major Timotheus Nasir “Take the Beam out of Your Eyes†with deep curiosity, because he discusses a social and political cancer in a way that is logical and to the point. His accurate portrait of the persistent malady of corruption at courts of Pakistan is eye-open
On 26th May 2007, during a Seminar in the Supreme Court of Pakistan, highly derogatory remarks were made against the Pakistan Army, by the Lawyers, in support of the Chief Justice of Pakistan. This Seminar was said to be a usual “Bar Council Meeting or Seminar†that was held in the Confe
[Paper presented at a conference on the Sachar Committee Report, 19 May, 2007, Trivandrum, organised by the Forum for Social Action]
This presentation is not a rigorously-argued academic paper. Instead, it seeks to offer stray thoughts on the very complex issue of the sociology of Indian Muslim d
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida - In the ongoing tension between the United States and the Arab world, religious fanaticism plays a major role: religious zealots are on the militant frontline in Arab countries and on policy boards in America.
Cultural context plays a role in the development of fanatic
Last year, I was invited to a casual dinner party while in Chicago visiting an old college friend. It was a small and informal affair of professional feminist women. The evening progressed peaceably until another guest asked me how it felt to be submissive: a reference to my marriage to a Muslim Tur
Two collections of poems of Stephen Gill have been released lately by two different publishers. One collection is called Flashes; another, Songs Before Shrine.
As the title of the book suggests, Flashes are trilliums in haiku spirit. Haiku is a form of poetry that was originated and matured in Jap
The future looks bleak for Christians and other representatives of religious minorities in Pakistan. In fact, the rapid increase in registrations of blasphemy cases against Christians in Pakistan should ring alarm bells to anyone who believes that religious freedom and justice should be available to
The future looks bleak for Christians and other representatives of religious minorities in Pakistan. In fact, the rapid increase in registrations of blasphemy cases against Christians in Pakistan should ring alarm bells to anyone who believes that religious freedom and justice should be available to
In February 2004, it was reported in the newspaper from Islmabad that “A 60-year-old man shot and killed himself on Wednesday after a court sentenced him to eight years in prison for raping his daughter.†This is a horrible case of incest. These kinds of cases occur frequently in Pakist
Boston, Massachusetts - Islam is often perceived as a potential threat to democratisation, and justifications for this view tend to repeat ad nauseam the idea that for Islam, there is no separation between politics and religion.
In the West, politics based on individual rights (as opposed to the c
In the Lahore city of Pakistan, a man name Chapa works hard labor every day. Sometimes he carries the carriage he accounts as nylon, ruff papers peaces of Iron Plastic. Sometime he sleeps on Church roof and sometime in the corner of street. Dogs bark all night but he sleeps deeply. Long time ago he
One wonders what Karl Marx would have made of it all. Buried in Highgate cemetery in London, Marx had lived in the city for many years and it was in the august reading rooms of the British Library that he had once declared that religion was the opium of the people.
The ambitions of the organisers o
Same sex marriages are not something very new. We find references in the history of the written record of the world dated four thousand years back homosexuality existing in the world. But media has given it new dimension and spark.
To make the hottest news media needs something new and different
Mumbai - On July 11, 2006, terrorists blasted bombs on several suburban trains in Mumbai, the industrial and commercial capital of India. Over 200 commuters were killed while many more were maimed.
Within 48 hours, over two dozen Mumbai-based maulanas, or religious leaders, representing the most p
I remember a church pool party with lots of little kids swimming, screaming and laughing. The aroma of hot dogs and hamburgers filled the air and tables of delicious food assured me of some good eating but playing in the pool was all I could think about.
Holding on to the side of the pool, I foun
May 16, 2007 Israel celebrates the 40th anniversary of Yom Yerushalayim, Jerusalem Day; the commemoration of the unification of Jerusalem after the 6-day war of 1967.
In 1947, the UN decided to create a Jewish and an Arab state out of the Land of Israel of which Jerusalem was to remain neutral, bel
The Church all over seems rightly divided over the issue of homosexuality. The Church leadership of the west has been lobbying hard for same sex marriage and acceptance of Gay and Lesbians within all the ranks including the Holy Orders. Since most of the money in the Church is held by the leadership
The context (2 Samuel chapters 15 and 16)
After Amnon’s murder, his half-brother Absalom spent three years in exile, in the region of Geshur. Back in Jerusalem, David did not want to see him for two years. So, there were five years in which the bitterness in Absalom’s heart took roo
Compassionate and Practical Ways to offer comfort
H. Norman Wright writes this book as a person who knows firsthand about helping others through trauma. He is a licensced therapist and certified trauma specialist, he also suffered loss with the death of his son at a young age.
After forty years
From our last lesson we learned why we need Jesus Christ to save us so that we can become children of God. Now let us look at what we must do for this to take place.
Dear Lord, help those hearing this message understand what Your word says about our salvation and how they can receive it. In Your so
Stra-te-gic also stra-te-gi-cal: Important or essential in relation to a plan of action.
Without question, prayer is the most important - and potentially the most powerful - tool in a Christian’s arsenal.
It`s time we learn to pray practical, specific, result - oriented prayers. The earth
This week is a very special one for Christians, and in this lesson we’ll look at why we should be so happy about these seven days.
Dear God, it is so wonderful that You were our hero and saved us from our sins. Help us to thank you in our hearts and our lives every day for Your wonderful gif
Recently, the Catholic Bishops of the Holy Land addressed a letter to the Neo Catechumenate Movement in Holy Land.
The bishops first acknowledged and welcomed the presence of the Way. Then they went on to remind, invite and appeal to the Movement to observe certain juridical and pastoral regulation
Luke 20:9-19
He began to tell the people this parable: ‘A man planted a vineyard, and leased it to tenants, and went to another country for a long time. When the season came, he sent a slave to the tenants in order that they might give him his share of the produce of the vineyard; but the ten
You may know someone who has asked “So why do I need Christ anyway?†You may have even asked that question yourself. I pray that this lesson will show very clearly why we all need Jesus in our lives.
Father in Heaven, I pray that You will make these words clear, give those listening t
The easy availability of information technology even in remote areas is going to open a new chapter for women in India. The emerging digital era will give them a wide range of options and a power to be more self-aware, more enlightened and economically independent. Women will be more decisive as
Luke 15: 1-15
I love the fifteenth chapter of Luke. It is filled with familiar stories of “lost and found.†There is a story about a lost sheep…followed by a story about a lost coin and leading to a story appointed in the gospel reading for today. This story is commonly known Ã
She Believes That All Mankind Is Precious.
In 1996 she resigned from her place of employment. She had been employed with her employer from 1989 - 1996.
Angela Thomas Pen Names: Angela Watkins, Angela G Watkins, Angelique Watkins & adelorez
She is a Writer, Web Publisher, Freelancer, Book Revi
A young woman from Pataskala, recently shared some wonderful memories of her father with me. The following memoirs are delightful to read and describe an enchanting relationship between father and child.
Father was a good listener; always took the time to listen and understand what was on my min
During Lent, period of 40 days of prayer, penance and fasting observed in some Christian churches, which is drawing to its climax: the holy week and finally to Easter; there is a sudden blown up of pilgrims coming to the Holy Land especially in Jerusalem. More than simple touristy curiosity, many p
After 3000 years of dominations and oppression on Indian Dalits, why has all of sudden Saffron brigades started opening up? Where was Art of Living Guru Sri Sri Ravi Shankar all these years? Why he needs to wake up now and start calling Indian Dalits to compromise with dominate caste Hindus?
Sahir Ludhianvi, and Stephen Gill, born in Panjab, shared the same language and culture, though they were born in different parts and in the families of different religious backgrounds. Sahir was born in Ludhiana that is still in India. Stephen Gill was born in Sialkot that is now a part of Pakis
The human appetite to learn about Jesus is insatiable -- never satisfied. In spite of all the skepticism of the human mind, there persists compulsive interest in the person Jesus, who continues to fascinate, intrigue and draw people with his wonderful life and teaching.[1][1] CNN, Associated Press
Sahir Ludhianvi, and Stephen Gill, born in Panjab, shared the same language and culture, though they were born in different parts and in the families of different religious backgrounds. Sahir was born in Ludhiana that is still in India. Stephen Gill was born in Sialkot that is now a part of Pakist
Once I was held captive in Kabul. I was the bride of a charming, seductive and Westernised Afghan Muslim whom I met at an American college. The purdah I experienced was relatively posh but the sequestered all-female life was not my cup of chai â€" nor was the male hostility to veiled, partly veil
Mundokooro-Mundakooro children were shouting with alarm as they saw me approach the first primary school for children in the diocese of Juba. I asked my host, Rev. Enoch Tombe, the reason for the children’s reaction. Rev. Tombe is the Secretary General of the Episcopal Church of Sudan. He t
The priest piously swings the censer that doles out spurts of white smoke, saturating the entire church with fragrance. The silence graced by the regular, gentle click of the chain of censer charges the atmosphere with holy fear. I‘m thrown into adoration. Isn’t the same feeling of Isa
Muslims who want to live under Islamic Sharia law were told on Wednesday to get out of Australia, as the government targeted radicals in a bid to head off potential terror attacks.
A day after a group of mainstream Muslim leaders pledged loyalty to Australia and her Queen at a special meeting wit
The Government of India continues to defy commonsense by refusing to accept caste based discrimination is discrimination defined in the International Convention on Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD). The Indian delegation to substantiate this position also made a statement that Brahmins, Ks
Const. Petition No. / 2007
1. M/S. God’s People Fellowship of Pakistan
Through it’s Secretary General,
Asharf Pervez Butt
S/o Ch. Murad (Late),
Christian, adult, R/o Block-A
16/11, Qayoomabad , Korangi Road, Karachi…ââ
[John Dayal`s Note: India, a Constitutional Secular Democratic Republic, continues to be not a very safe place for its tiny Christian minority. A mere 2.3 per cent of its 1.20 Billion population, and concentrated in Eight of its 30 States, the Christian community registered at least a crime against
And he sent a man before them - Joseph, sold as a slave. - Psalm 105:17
God is doing a unique work around the world today. He is rising up Josephs throughout the world. Some are still in the "pit" stage of their pilgrimage, while others are heading toward fruitfulness. What does it take for a man t
Canada`s ideological left, confident of its control of academe, the Supreme Court and the federal Liberal Party, appeared this month ready to declare war on its most formidable enemy of all, namely conservative Christian churches that refuse to make their teachings conform to the Charter of Rights a
Lahore Dateline: The Catholic Milap Organization and the Untied Christian Hospital organized the celebration of the International day of the sick at the call of Pope Benedict XVI at the United Christian hospital in Lahore on the 11th of February, 2007.
Forty five nurses and the hospital staff joi
200 years ago Jesus entered Jerusalem as king. Coming from Bethpage, he descended the slopes of Mount of Olives to the Kidron valley and then ascending towards the Temple Mount, he entered the city by the east wall gate to the Temple.
Christians all over world commemorate this royal entry into Jer
How often do you dare to do something grand and reap the rewards by telling yourself, ‘I did it?’ You know, that something you have always wanted to do but were afraid you would fail. Maybe you’ve always wanted to write a book, learn to fly an airplane, go back to college, or bec
The whole world utilizes a lot of finances and resources every year to curtail the population through different Family Planning Programs but still waiting for desired results. In Pakistan the only masses who accomplished these achievements are religious minorities. This reality came to the surface w
You are
the softness of the dulcet
that melts the mist in the air
stirs the soul of clouds
pushes down the rain showers
which kiss the dry lips of earth
in the imperishable harmony
that I cherish to sip
Working near Stonehenge in England have discovered what appears to be an ancient religious complex containing a wealth of artifacts that may finally illuminate the lives and religious practices of the people who built the mysterious monument 4,600 years ago.
The circle of massive stone blocks on Sa
Like most of the Christians in Pakistan, my family also has its roots back in the rural area of the Punjab. My maternal family belongs to a small village of Multan where all my cousins are hardly running their families nevertheless they are filled with the passion to educate their children. They sen
Dr. Zakir Abdul karim Naik, a so-called Muslim scholar is in reality a tongue twister. He can “Twist†any word of any religion to his liking and to show his shallow knowledge. I call Dr. Zakir Naik a Hafiz or Memorizer as most Islamic scholars are. Today while speaking on an Islamic Tele
In my wonder less mind, I yarned to see, my fellow bellowwith eyes to seek, would you be there to see me through, at the end of my race, have I touched or dawn to pew.
I have always been intrigued to see myself, watching the winter blues when the nights are long and days are small. I have often won
In 2006, 24 priests, religious and lay workers are known to have been killed in the course of their missionary work. This is one less than last year. Fides News Service has sent us their stories below.
Fr Elie Koma, Society of Jesus (SJ), a Burundian aged 59, killed in the capital Bujumbura, in t
Lent is beginning soon. Strange enough, of all things what comes to mind is a Yom Kippur. Memories of the day come vividly. What does this have to do with me or Lent? Does conversion begin like this?
I remember Waking up that morning, I switched on the radio. Nothing! What demon damaged it in the
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through him, and without him not one thing came into being. What has come into being in him was life, and the life was the light of all people. The light shine

On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.