
If it is not A or B it must be C: A Stealthy Killer on the Prowl. By Shobha Shukla

Till the early 70s, nothing much was known about hepatitis C and it was called NANB (not A not B). Its genome could be cloned only in 1989. The Hepatitis C virus (HCV) has 6 different variants - genotypes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Within each genotype are further divisions called subtypes and mutations


“Mary’s Magnificat” Sermon by Rev. Patrick P Augustine

Fourth Sunday of Advent, December 18, 2011, Christ Episcopal Church, La Crosse, Wisconsin
2 Samuel 7: 1-11, 16, Magnificat: Canticle 15 (BCP p. 91), , Romans, 16: 25-27, Luke 1: 26-38
Thanks for reading with me Mary’s Magnificat:
My soul magnifies the Lord,…. (Luke 1:46-55)
Mary a simple young w


Christ, the Creative Spirit, Born On Earth. By Fr. Anand Muttungal

The Holy Bible is a compilation of the creative spirit of God revealed through prophets and in the incarnation of Lord Jesus Christ. As many times as one reads it one gets newer meanings and inspirations. But it gives no enthusiasm to the one who does not want to look for inspirations. Teachings of


Should Bishops Be Imported? (Church Restoration Series VI) By Fr. Anand Muttungal

It was considered that the origin of the Apostolate lies in the special vocation to lead the community. The Catholic Church from the beginning understood, a bishop as an ordained minister with fullness of the sacrament of Holy Orders and is to "teach, sanctify and govern, (serve)", he must over-see


My experience with Royal Mail. By Ata Us Salam

Despite a large popularity of Electronic communication still communication through paper is the major source of contact at official level in the whole world. In United Kingdom, Royal Mail is used for all kind of official communications. My experience has been very interesting with this department th


FDI in Retail without Enhanced Social Security will be Suicidal. By Dr. Rahul Pandey

A lot of well off and educated sections of our society are rooting for FDI in retail. There seems to be a disappointment among the middle/upper middle class consumers and the corporate world that the Government of India has put this policy on hold. There was an article published in The Telegraph on


What, Me Pessimistic? Egyptian Election Outcome is Worse Than I Expected. By Barry Rubin

Since last February I have predicted that the Muslim Brotherhood would win elections in Egypt. People have thought me very pessimistic. Now the votes are starting to come in and…it’s much worse than I thought. But my prediction that the Brotherhood and the other Islamists would gain a slight majorit


WORLD AIDS DAY: Want to get to zero? Deal with TB! By Jojanneke Nieuwenhuis

A giant condom will be 'wrapped' around the Dutch Munt Tower in Amsterdam this week. It’s probably one of the more striking activities that will mark World AIDS Day. Meetings, film-viewings, theatre plays, articles, brochures and many other happenings will call upon people to join the fight against


Celebrating life in a positive way. By Shobha Shukla

As we once again commemorated World AIDS Day on 1st December 2011, it is time to share the joys and sorrows of people living with HIV (PLHIV) with a positive attitude. It is also high time that instead of targeting the affected population, we sensitize the so called unaffected populations (those who


Can Public Persons Express Their Independent Thoughts? Is Yoga Evil like Harry Potter? By Fr. Anand Muttungal

As the importance of the media is increasing, the individual freedom is shrinking. The Church in India understands many of the customs, traditions, practices and certain knowledge as the common identity of the children of this country. Unlike anyone else Christians too take proud in being an Indian


Egypt's Election: A Victim of Power Struggle. By Ashraf Ramelah

In all likelihood, the Egyptian military, which has been successful in igniting warfare in the Cairo streets, pitting Muslim against Christian and inciting Islamist against freedom-fighters, will soon be rewarded with civil war. Exacerbated by pressures from Muslim Brotherhood and Salafi factions wh


Should Religion Be Taught In Schools? By Fr. Anand Muttungal

The debate on teaching Bhagwad Gita has again come to the forefront with the recent statement of Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh that Bhagwad Gita would be included in school curriculum. "Teaching Gita is no crime and the government would include the teaching of Gita in educational curriculum." Sh


Addressing gender inequality is an absolute must to stem HIV. By Shobha Shukla

Two films, "Diamonds" and "In Women's Hands" were screened by CNS in Lucknow on Saturday, 26th November, 2011, in the lead up to World AIDS Day, 1st December 2011, and to mark 16 Days of Activism against Gender Violence, which is an international event seeking gender equality in society, and lasts t


Prophet Muhammad’s Promise to Christians. By Muqtedar Khan

The document is not a modern human rights treaty but even thought it was penned in 628 A.D. it clearly protects the right to property, freedom of religion, freedom of work, and security of the person, says Muqtedar Khan.
Muslims and Christians together constitute over fifty percent of the world and


Implications of the arrest of a Pastor in Kashmir, India; By JOHN DAYAL

In retrospect, the church in India has displayed remarkable sobriety and a sense of responsibility in their response to the arrest in Srinagar of Reverend Chander Mani Khanna, pastor of the All Saints Church. The Muslim Ulema of the rest of India have been reluctant to condemn the arrest, precipitat


Off-Track, Off-Target - Sanitation in South Asia: Women Economists Urge Governments to Act. By Alka Pande

The observance of World Toilet Day was initiated by the World Toilet Organization on 19th November 2001, to raise global awareness of the emotional and psychological consequences the poor endure as a result of inadequate sanitation. Yet it is a disgrace that this completely preventable crisis contin


Act On Diabetes Now: Exercise Well, And Eat Healthy. By Shobha Shukla

The year 2011 marks the 21st anniversary of the World Diabetes Day, the primary global awareness campaign of the diabetes community, which was launched in 1991 on 14th November by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) and World Health Organization (WHO) to draw attention to the already high nu


Will The Citizens’ Right to Grievance Redress Bill 2011, Redefine Administration? By Fr. Anand Muttungal

The Union Government of India has presented the Citizens’ Right to Grievance Redress Bill 2011 as a historic bill to redefine the administration. It has to be seen with the demand of the Anna Hazare and his team members asking the Government to bring out a Jan Lokpal Bill with Citizen’s Charter. Thi


The naked sword of blasphemy law in Pakistan. By Moazzam Salamat

The U.N.O, Justice and Peace Commission, Human Right Watch, Women Organization, South Asian Institute of Human Rights Affairs, Y.M.C.A, Y.W.C.A, Civil Society of Pakistan and many other Human Rights Organizations of Global Level are of the view that the Non-Muslims and especially the Christians of P


Partnerships in tuberculosis control: Together we can! By Shobha Shukla

“One Swallow Cannot Make A Summer But Together We Shall Overcome” The theme of the recently concluded 42nd Union World Conference on Lung Health was ‘Partnerships for Scaling Up and Care’. The large number of delegates who attended this 5 day yearly event came from diverse fields - doctors, donors,


Re-understanding the Concept of Bishop (Church Restoration Series VI) By Fr. Anand Muttungal

In the present day a "Catholic diocesan bishop" is entrusted with the care of a local Church (diocese). He is responsible for teaching, governing, and sanctifying the faithful of his diocese. He functions as legislator, administers and acts as a judge for canon-law matters within his diocese. He se


Will Sanitation find a place in the agenda of 17th SAARC Summit? By Alka Pande

More than a billion people do not have access to toilets in South Asia. Over 700 million of these people defecate in the open and get exposed to severe health risks, violence besides adding to environmental pollution. On top of this, majority of schools without toilets and hand washing facilities, w


Effective vaccines are much needed shots in the arm of TB control. By Shobha Shukla

[Based on an exclusive interview with Dr Ann Ginsberg, Vice President of Scientific Affairs, Aeras, at the ongoing 42nd Union World Conference on Lung Health, Lille, France]
Around 2 billion people or one third of the world population are estimated to be infected with the TB bacterium and are at ri


TB Partnerships: Whole is greater than the sum of its parts. By Bobby Ramakant

A report released online earlier this week states that effective partnerships can improve tuberculosis responses globally. The summary report, titled, "Whole Is Greater Than The Sum Of Its Parts", was also distributed at the 42nd Union World Conference on Lung Health in Lille, France (online at: htt


The Distanced Relationship with Family Members (Church Restoration Series V) By Fr. Anand Muttungal

When I came to know from the sisters of Missionaries of Charity that they visit their homes once in ten years. I felt sympathy for them. But it made me to reflect over the present life of priests and nuns. So also, what in fact motivated to enforce such an unattached life from one’s family by the Fo


Wanted: Better, safer, cheaper TB drugs. By Shobha Shukla

The 42nd Union World Conference on Lung Health, focusing on tuberculosis (TB), HIV, tobacco control and non-communicable diseases, is currently being held at Lille from 26-30 October. Lille is the place where Professors Albert Calmette and Camille Guerin developed the current TB Vaccine BCG 90 years


National stop TB partnerships improve local responses. By Elisabetta Minelli

National partnerships to stop tuberculosis (TB) bring varied partners together to develop and implement shared action plans to tackle TB. The partnering process allows national partnerships to maximize the efforts of existing state and non-state actors; bring more services and awareness-raising camp


Adopt sanitation, hygiene and clean water for healthy living. By Alka Pande

After India's most celebrated Bollywood star Shah Rukh Khan becoming the brand ambassador for Geneva-based Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC), now Indian cricket players are to promote sanitation and hygiene in the country. Yusuf Pathan and Irfan Pathan have already shot a cli


Effective communication is key to social change. By Anjali Singh

She packs a powerful punch, given her pint size stature, yet the lady from Dora, a quaint hamlet of district Ghazipur in Uttar Pradesh, is a tall woman thanks to her achievements and she makes no bones about it. Having stood for the Gram Sabha elections and winning with a over 300 votes which was a


Issues and debate on National culture, Nationalism and ethnicity in historical and post-colonial perspective of Pakistan; Prepared and Compiled By: Salma Peter John

As researchers have found over and over, the influences of national cultures shape strong value systems among people and the resulting shared values, preferences, and behaviors of population groups differ widely between countries.
This study examined the effects of National culture, Nat


Sermon by Very Rev. Canon Patrick P. Augustine on Seventeen Sunday after Pentecost, October 9, 201, at Christ Episcopal Church, La Crosse, Wisconsin

Matthew 22:1-14
The Gospel reading is a tough passage to explain. During this week I have read several commentaries to understand this particular text. I receive biweekly Christian Century magazine which also has commentary on the Gospel lesson for today. It states “If you wrestle with this Matthea


Fall of the Nuns and Laity (Church Restoration Series IV) By Fr. Anand Muttungal

The second fall in the history of the Church is the fall of the Nuns and Laity from main stream of the Church. The laity included nuns, brothers and ordinary ‘Laity’. Role of laity is very well explained in the book of Acts that they were instrumental in spreading the gospel. The lay people had a m


Curb Yet another Challenge. By Fateh Ullah Khan Kundi

Being a stricken nation, we have yet to cope with a multitude of chaotic disasters and challenges. Poverty, Breakdown in law and order, target killings, ethnic and political divides, widespread hunger, homelessness, unemployment, rising inflation, corruption, energy crisis and dengue have resulted i


University Hospital of Wales and British Health Sector. By Ata Us Salam

.The central hospital of Wales is located in the area of Heath of Cardiff City. Heath hospital is commonly known as University Hospital of Wales. UHW is the combined research institute of University of Wales and Cardiff, in which a large number of teachers and students of these famous Universities e


Dr. Akhtar Hameed Khan and President Barack Obama¡¯s Mother, Dr. S. Ann Dunham: A Tribute on Dr. Akhtar Hameed Khan¡¯s 12th Death Anniversary. By Nasim Yousaf

¡°In East Pakistan, Patten told me, he had worked with Akhtar Hameed Khan, an Indian born [Pakistani national], Cambridge educated social scientist and development activist, now recognized as a pioneer in what is known as microcredit¡±
¡ª A Singular Woman: The Untold Story of Barack Obama's Mother


Call to protect rights of domestic workers. By ANJALI SINGH

It is a social outcry, one that has borne testimony of its existence when well-known Bollywood film-star Shiney Ahuja was accused of raping his domestic help. But his is not an isolated incident say union of domestic workers campaigning for their rights in the Uttar Pradesh (UP) state. They thus org


TB diagnostic innovations: Can India take the lead? By DR MADHUKAR PAI

No country has more cases of tuberculosis (TB) than India. Research from India played a critical role in the development of the global strategy to stop TB.Yet, Indian industry and academics have not developed any new tools (diagnostics, drugs or vaccines) for TB. Why has India has failed to innovate


Is the Parachinar not a part of Pakistan? By Mohammad Ali Turi

Parachinar which is the capital of Kurram Agency and a Federally Administrated Tribal Area has been harvested from whole country from last five years. Talibans have been kept blocked arrival and departure roads on the tribes of Parachinar from last continuously five years. Thousands of tribes are li


Egypt’s 3rd Revolution “A Priceless opportunity” By Assad

What is the price for freedom, equality, liberty and democracy? The quest for liberation, democracy and freedom from dictatorship in Egypt has cost nearly 900 lives with 10,000’s injured. The struggle has been very far from smooth, tourists avoid Egypt like the plague, Christian Coptic minority are


Fall of diocesan clergy! (Church Restoration Series III) By Fr. Anand Muttungal

For a believer, there isn’t much difference between a diocesan priest and a religious priest. But indeed, there is. In contrast to the religious priests, the diocesan priests lived among the people like one among them. The vow of chastity remained optional for diocesan clergy in the early period. In


Dog's Name Offends Islamic Watch Dogs. By Ashraf Ramelah

Just recently The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia interfered in a Canadian organization's right to place a TV ad on Canadian television which educated Canadian consumers with statements of true facts. Yes, that's right. A foreign dictatorship policing another nation threatens individuals with a cease and de


Salafi Leader Threatens Coptic Christians in Egypt. By Assad Elepty

Egyptian Islamic cleric and Salafi Leader Muhammad Mustafa, also known as "Abu Shadi", has used his position to incite vile hatred against the coptic community. He delivered a disgraceful speech, that contained direct threats aimed at the Coptic community.
It is truly hoped SCAF and the interim Gov


Narendra Modi adds a new lesson to the Fundamentalist’s History. By Fr. Anand Muttungal

The Constitutional experts say that the Chief Minister who rules the State on behalf of the Governor before going for a fasting in any nature will have to seek the permission from the Governor, if the Governor refuses permission then he /she has to resign to take up fasting. It is not clear whether


Miracles of Leadership. By Riaz Anjum

Problems and challenges has always been part of life since the birth of universe. Although the nature of problems has always been different but life and problems has been inseparable. It is true that the nature of problems of one nation, country or community is different than others therefore they a


Teaching Shariah Law in America. By Sandra Wideman

This week, one of the leading authorities on Islamic Law and Chair of the Islamic Studies Program at UCLA, Dr. Khaled Abou El Fadl, spoke at the 2011 Kenner Lecture Series at Lehigh University's Zoellner Center. Dr. El Fadl served on the U.S. Commission for International Religious Freedom under Pres


War and Peace in the Work of Stephen Gill

Professor Dr. NDR Chandra invites scholarly papers on the works of Stephen Gill to be published in War and Peace in the Works of Stephen Gill, an anthology. Scholars are expected to submit papers conforming to the MLA norms. The subthemes of the paper could be on peace, non-violence, conflict , hum


Christian village Shanti Nagar was first target of Muslim mob in Pakistan. By Naseer John

On 17th January 1997, seven policemen raided the house of Baba Raji of Shantinagar. According to the police officers they come to know that in that very house some people were involved in gambling and the sale of liquor. Nothing was found there. During the operation the Police threw the holy Bible o


Was the Operation only a drama against the terrorists in Central Kurram Agency? By Naseer Hussain

The tribes who were besieged from last five years got a hope that they will get freedom from terrorists bedevils and all the roads will be opened for traffic along with Thall Parachinar road when Security Forces established an operation against the terrorists from 4th of July 2011. But the dramatica


Tools to manage Asthma exist, but not reaching many: Report, By Bobby Ramakant

The Global Asthma Report 2011 shows the tools to manage asthma exist but are not reaching many of the 235 million people affected. Asthma is the most common chronic disease among children and also affects adults. "The tools to treat asthma are already available – there is no reason to delay", says D


God is in control. By Pastor Bernard Schnee

How many of us have heard others say:” Oh; God is in control!”? I felt that it was important for us to look at this statement deeper as it looks like most of the time, we might take it for granted or as an excuse to forbid us to face realities. God is in control only if our lifestyle is in accordanc


Cervical and Breast Cancers: Killers On The Prowl. By Shobha Shukla

A week before the United Nations (UN) Summit on Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) open, reviewing outcomes of a new global analysis on breast and cervical cancers is warranted. In developing nations, breast and cervical cancers are rapidly replacing complications from pregnancy and childbirth as the


“The Gospel of Ground Zero-Gospel of Reconciliation” By Rev. Canon Patrick Augustine, Rector

Sermon on the Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost, September 11, 2011, at Christ Episcopal Church, La Crosse, Wisconsin
Matthew 18: 21-35:
The Gospel of Ground Zero – Gospel of Reconciliation
Today we as a nation commemorate the tenth year since we saw hate in action as devastation and destruction


Insecticide-Treated Bed Nets Lower Child Mortality from Malaria. By Shobha Shukla

A new study by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington shows that insecticide treated bed nets (ITN) have a dramatic effect on child mortality due to malaria, reducing it by 23%. The study, “Net benefits: a multi-country analysis of observational data e


Up-rooting Terrorism after Osama. By Fr. Anand Muttungal

The terrorism continued to grow faceless till Osama was projected as its head following attacks on World Trades Centers. Long ten years of search and killing has put him a point of reference to terrorism. Every year we remember the victims of the September 11. In the same time the opponents remember


Terrorism in FATA and especially in Kurram Agency; what will be the future of tribal students? By Naseer Hussain

All parts of the life of FATA especially in Kurram Agency have been affected by the terrorists. But educational system has been affected completely. The educational ratio of Kurram Agency had been considered equal to Islamabad and Peshawar. But during the last five years the students of Kurram Agenc


Living With HIV And Dying Of TB. By Shobha Shukla

Fuelled by the HIV pandemic and the spread of drug-resistant strains, tuberculosis (TB) has re-emerged as a major threat to global health. TB is a curable disease that continues to affect millions of people globally each year, and is a leading cause of death in HIV positive people. According to the


Prevent Bad Laws From Spreading HIV. By Shobha Shukla

HIV/AIDS is a serious health challenge, and the law itself is in crisis in responding to this epidemic in the Asia and the Pacific Region. The legal impediments to universal access, which also enhance stigma and discrimination, were discussed at length at the recently concluded 10th International Co


A History of Religious Life and the Catholic Church (Church Restoration Series II) By Fr. Anand Muttungal

The history of the origin of the religious life records that the individual hermits lived a life in isolation as an imitation of Lord Jesus' forty days’ life in the desert. They lived as dedicated monks without sharing the ministerial priesthood. It was by the 2nd century religious life began to ta


Decriminalize and engage MSM and transgender populations in HIV responses. By Shobha Shukla

Policies that criminalize same-sex behaviour and punitive laws continue to impede access to existing healthcare services for those at heightened risk of HIV such as men who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender populations. The 10th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific (10th ICAA


Needs and rights of key affected women and girls in HIV programmes: Report by Bobby Ramakant

In the lead up to the 10th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific (10th ICAAP), an issue-focussed and time-limited online consultation was facilitated on the issue: key affected women and girls, on SEA-AIDS by the Asia Pacific Alliance for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (A


Unite The Diverse Voices Of Key Affected Women and Girls. Shobha Shukla

The 10th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific (10th ICAAP), which is being convened in Busan from 26th August to 30th August, 2011, promises to promote equal access to prevention, support, treatment and care for all people. It raises our hopes to address the needs and rights of ke


“PRAYER” A Biblical Essay by Bahir Victor

Prayer means conversation with God, thanks giving, intercession or make petition to God.
Prayer is a direct line through which we can communicate with God. Many people consider God as a doctor or a lawyer. They address Him only when they are sick or in difficulty. Yet, prayer is not only away to ge


Independence Day 14th August 2011. By Kaleem Saleem

Pakistan is one of the biggest Muslim states in the world today. Today is a day of patriotism, honor, respect, celebration and remembrance. We should observe the independence Day to remember our great national struggle and our great victory. It is a holy and auspicious day for us. Besides, this day


The Independence Day of Pakistan and the minorities. By S.P.John

11 August is a landmark in the History of Pakistan as the founding father, Quaid -e Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah on this day in 1947 gave a robust speech that was to be a guiding light for erecting the very foundation of Pakistan. A vision that was later distorted by people having vested interest and co


In Praise of Criticism. By Fr. Anand Muttungal

In the recent times one of the Church heads who is very critical about the Conference of Diocesan Priests of India wrote in his long critical letter addressed to the Catholic Conference of Bishops of India (CCBI) that “As a whole CDPI is a colourful balloon attractive from outside, empty inside. A


Way to survive in Pakistan. By Riaz Anjum Advocate

It is beyond any doubt that progress of communities, nations and countries has always been result of collective efforts of its individuals. Only such nations, countries and communities can be the victorious of social, economic, and political fields whose individuals prefer their national interest ov


Justice is being delivered finally! By Anjali Singh

In a thriving democratic set up like the one that India has, access to justice for all would seem like a cake walk. More so with the Indian Constitution ensuring that there are enough legal safeguards within the system, well established edifices of justice and a very proactive judiciary. Nevertheles


Have we no more real heroes and heroines? By Dr Sandeep Pandey

We are told that there is a clamour for Sachin Tendulkar to be awarded the Bharat Ratna. The government has moved to change its rules so that sports can be included as a category to be considered for giving the highest award of the land. It can be said almost with certainty that the next category th


Children of the World Unite: Raise Your Voice against Mindless Pursuit of Nuclear Power. By Shobha Shukla

This was the message that came out loud and clear, during a lively seminar: Lessons from Japan on ‘Nuclear Radiation Health Hazards’ held on 6th August at IMA Bhawan in Lucknow on the occasion of Hiroshima Day. It was the culmination of a month long campaign titled Lessons from Japan, which focused


“Empowering the Youth” a reflection by Friar Bernard Y. Bhatti OFM, a Pakistani Missionary in Jamaica

It is three months, now, that I am here in Jamaica and I am very much inspired by the culture and geographical beauty of it. The most amazement was brought by the life, the beauty of its people, and especially the youth.
Recently I got a chance to be very close to the youth at Catholic Youth Summe


Oh Minister, “Forget the ‘Tie’ and Go For Developing Education”. By Fr. Anand Muttungal

Madhya Pradesh education department has come into controversy many times. The recent one in this line is the order of removal of tie from the school of excellence, a group of schools run by State Government. The minister added spice to her statement by quoting Mahatma Gandhi saying “we were not made


Let Us Work Together To Combat Non Communicable Diseases. By Shobha Shukla

The high level UN Summit on Non Communicable Diseases (NCDs), due to be held in September 2011 in New York, is the second such High Level Meet (HLM) on a global health issue—the first one held 10 years ago was on HIV/AIDS. The outcome of this meeting is expected to create the political momentum to g


Slavery in the ‘Land of the Pure’: Pakistan’s Two Million Dalits (Part Two) By Yoginder Sikand

In the previous part of this article I had summarized some of the findings of probably the first-ever in-depth study about Pakistan’s Dalits, the country’s most dispossessed and vulnerable religious minority. Zulfiqar Shah’s alarming report, titled ‘Long Behind Schedule: A Study on the Plight of Sch


War for Peace: By Kaleem Saleem

Call to nations, tribes, people and languages.
Why does peace remain such an elusive goal?
I think that nations, tribes, people and languages want peace so much that one of these days, we have forgotten that we belong to each other and respect for the rights of others. We must learn on our own ter


In the Name of God: Plight of Minorities in Pakistan. By Yoginder Sikand, NewAgeIslam.com

Not a day passes without news of bomb blasts and targeted killings, mainly of innocent civilians, by armed Islamic groups in some part of Pakistan or the other. Pakistan, many Pakistanis themselves are now forced to admit, today tethers on the brink of collapse in the face of the deadly threat that


Height of Ruthlessness…. By Rida Tariq

Every day I woke up I long for a good start but the hope remains hope and later it fades away because it never happens. I always think that our leaders have suffered a lot to get a separate homeland for Muslims where they can live according to the teachings of Islam for this reason they lost their o


Depicting Tobacco Use In Films Adversely Influences Teenagers. By Shobha Shukla

A study titled “Tobacco use in Bollywood movies, tobacco promotional activities and their association with tobacco use among Indian adolescents” published recently in the British Medical Journal, explored the relation between watching tobacco use in Bollywood movies and tobacco use among Indian adol


He, who has ears, let him hear. By Kaleem Saleem

Blessed is the coming kingdom of our father David. His kingdom will never end. Nations are arising against nations and kingdom against kingdom but His kingdom that cannot be shaken and He will reign over the house of Jacob forever and ever.
The kingdom of God is not a matter of eating, drinking and


The Christians in Egypt are suffering. By Ashraf Ramelah

Bishop Musa, Coptic Bishop of Youth in Egypt, stated in a recent interview with Egyptian magazine Rosa le-Youssef (June 15, issue #1827), that Copts in Egypt are in no need of protection from anywhere outside of Egypt because Copts are protected "through Allah and their Muslim brothers," - "brothers


2011 WHO Global Tobacco Epidemic Report: Warns About Dangers of Tobacco Use. By Shobha Shukla

The World Health Organization (WHO) recently released the Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic, 2011, which is the third in a series of WHO reports on the status of global tobacco control policy implementation. It tracks the status of the tobacco epidemic and the impact of interventions implemented


“Ban all forms of tobacco - smokeless and smoking both": By Dr. Mira Aghi

Tobacco control experts of the country have expressed their concern on the notified pictorial warnings for smoke tobacco. The experts feel that they are in no way an improvement on the existing ones. The Ministry of Health on occasions more than one has admitted that the existing warnings are ineffe


Birth and Death of Jesus-Proved: By Ch. Rajinder Nijjhar, M.Sc

Many people know that Jesus was born of a Virgin in the manger of an Inn situated in Bethlehem, the birth place of King David, the lion of Judah tribe, and He died a very humiliating death on the cross at a place much haunted and feared by people. But why it happened so?
Why the Virgin Birth? -


Beware the Tobacco Bullies: Do Not Let Them Use Free Trade Agreements to Endanger Public Health. By Shobha Shukla

Tobacco giants, who always put profit ahead of lives and health, are invoking investor-state dispute mechanisms in bilateral investment agreements to challenge moves of governments which are aimed at controlling the widespread use of tobacco products. This scary development highlights the dangers of


Watch Your Tongue Mr. Minister. By Shobha Shukla

India's Minister of Health and Family Welfare, Mr Ghulam Nabi Azad, has landed himself in an unhealthy soup (pun intended) and earned enough raps on the knuckles of his country, by his regressive statements. His sick proclamation at the recently held National Convention of Parliamentarians on HIV/A


The Limping Giant”: Turkey and the Kurdish Question, By Ofra Bengio, Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies at Tel Aviv University

Mehmet Ali Birand, a Turkish journalist, once said: as long as Turkey avoids solving the Kurdish issue, it will never become the “star” of the region and will remain a “limping giant”. For over 30 years now, the Kurdish question has constituted the most serious challenge confronting Turkish society


A Childhood Fraught With Dangers. By Alka Pande

"God has sent us on this earth for a picnic. Let us enjoy. Once it is over we all will have to go back." These pearls of wisdom are from 14 years old Mohd Enamul Hasan - a resident of Talchhadi village of Jessore district in Bangladesh, whose only dream is to get a passport and visit Darjeeling. Has


DANIDA IN PAKISTAN. By M Akram Khan Faridi

Poverty, terrorism, corruption, religious conflicts, foreign pressure and inflation are the common problems faced by the entire world. Financial crises are affecting the whole world but in poor and underdeveloped countries, rate of crime has been doubled due to unemployment. It is essential to provi


“The Great Commission” Sermon by Rev. Patrick P. Augustine on Trinity Sunday, June 19, 201, at Christ Episcopal Church, La Crosse, Wisconsin.

Matthew 28: 16-20
The Great Commission
On a mountainside, the risen Christ appeared before his disciples. He said to them:
All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of th


Who is the champion of democracy? By Dr Sandeep Pandey

Manish Tiwari, Congress spokesperson, has said democracy faces greatest peril from the tyranny of unelected and unelectable. He said that the Centre was running out of patience with 'irrational expectations and attitudes.' Earlier Pranab Mukherjee said that there is growing trend of undermining the


Your Heart Is Worth Your Grain of Salt. By Shobha Shukla

In India, salt (chemical name: sodium chloride, local name: 'नमक or namak') is not only an important ingredient on the kitchen shelf, it is also ingrained in our cultural psyche. There are many phrases in the vernacular Hindustani language which reflect its importance - ज


Muslim Brotherhood Ayman Al-Zawahiri, New Al-Qaida Leader. By Assad Elepty

On 2nd May following confirmation of the killing of Osama Bin Laden I predicted Ayman Al-Zawahiri would take the helm of Al-qaida, it is now official.
Ayman Muhammad Rabaie al-Zawahiri may not be in egypt, but he still has very close ties with the muslim brotherhood old guard and their spiritual le


Journalists under threat in Pakistan. By Amir Syed

It is unfortunate that while terrorists have punished those who revealed their atrocities, the state, too, has killed to hide its dereliction
The `dharna' by the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) in Islamabad demanding adequate inquiry into the killing of journalist Saleem Shahzad has fi


Human Rights: A La The European Union Style. By Shobha Shukla

In a significant development, the European Parliament (EP) has linked the Kashmir dispute with the signing of Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with India. According to a news (Source: The Nation, 14 June 2011), the para-33 of the resolution passed by the European Parliament on May 11, 2011, over the FTA b


How do you make abortion laws? By Jose A. Calvo, Independent Forum of Opinion

How is it possible that, with such evidence as there is, there are still people who say that human life can be undone in the womb? Is it possible that there are governments in the XXI century, that support such aberration and tyranny?
Dr. Nathanson, in his book "The Hand of God" published by Palabr


With his sacrifice, Nigamanand exposed double facet Sangh. By Navaid Hamid

Nigamanand, the crusader to save river Ganga had died after a lonely battle in Himalayan Hospital, the same hospital where Sangh’s puppet Ramdev who is alleged to have built a vast empire of business in disguise of the Charitable Trusts was admitted by the Sangh parivar’s administered Uttarakhand Go


The Arab Spring and Sub-Saharan Africa. By Irit Back, The Moshe Dayan Center

The region-wide wave of popular protests that started in the North African states of Tunisia and Egypt quietly passed over most of the Sub-Saharan countries. Apart from a small-scale anti-governmental demonstration in Djibouti (nominally, an Arab League member), it seems that the cascading challenge


Burma (Myanmar): Free Burma Rangers update

Over fifty years of civil war have left Burma one of the poorest countries in the world. The military dictatorship attacks its own people, killing thousands, and leaving millions displaced.
Many in opposition are either imprisoned or killed. In most of the country there is a false peace due to the


Investigative Journalist shot dead in Mumbai. By Sardar Tara Singh

A senior investigative journalist, who extensively covered underworld and crime for over two decades, was shot dead in broad daylight today (June 11) by four motorbike-borne persons who pumped at least four bullets into him from behind at close range in suburban Powai. Jyotirmoy Dey (56), Editor (Sp


Impact of Free Trade Agreements on People Living With HIV. By Shobha Shukla

Thirty years into the AIDS epidemic, and 10 years since the landmark UN General Assembly Special Session on HIV/AIDS, the UN organized a High level Meeting on AIDS from 8–10 June 2011 in New York to review progress and set targets and commitments for the coming years on HIV prevention, treatment car


Pakistan’s dirty war from ‘’Bangladesh’’ to ‘’Balochistan’’. By Ali Baloch

The Pakistani state is violating the international laws since her creation on 14th august 1947.The Pakistan first started violating the international norms by the military aggression and forcefull occupation of the soverign state of the Balochistan on 27th march 1948.The Baloch nation is fighting th


Make Our Blue Planet Green: World Environment Day 2011. By Shobha Shukla

World Environment Day was first celebrated on 5th June in 1972, and has since become an important vehicle through which the UN stimulates worldwide awareness of the environment and encourages political attention and action. In the face of continuing deforestation (currently estimated at 5.2 million


Wake up UNO wake up. By Ata Us Salam

When I started to write this article, it was right that time when terrorists were killing innocent Ahmadis almost one year ago in two mosques of Lahore. In these attacks almost whole Ahmdiyya leadership of Lahore was killed. Among higher political leadership of Pakistan only interior minister of Pak


A Bishop’s Solemn Funeral Dream. By Fr. Anand Muttungal

Chintu was born in an ordinary family. He was not very clever but hard working and diplomatic dealings made him acceptable to most people. He spent much of his time in learning, so just after being ordained a pastor, he was sent for higher studies. After his returning he was appointed to a few insti


Implications of Free Trade Agreements for Micro, small and medium enterprises. By Shobha Shukla

India's policy on Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) is bound to have significant impact on the country's economy in general, and in the manufacturing sector in particular. India is currently engaged in negotiating bilateral trade and investment agreements with several countries, having already signed FTA


Story Of Three Positive Doughty Women: Down But Not Out. By Shobha Shukla

(As told by them to CNS )
Their grit and determination affirms our faith in the power of womanhood. Fighting against all odds, they have risen like the Phoenix, and continue to rise high, taking others along with them, transforming lives. All three were part of the Leadership for Training (L4R) pro


From Breakdowns To Breakthroughs. By Shobha Shukla

It was indeed an empowering experience for all of us women, and the few men, present at the Valedictory Session of the Leadership for Results (L4R) programme, where 17 undaunted, women living with HIV were lauded for their grit and determination on completion of this L4R training programme. Despite


Call to protect water and reject corporate conflicts of interest

India: May 23, 2011. (CNS): As health experts gather in Geneva to attend the 64th World Health Assembly (WHA), global civil society organizations are calling on World Health Organization (WHO) Director General Dr. Margaret Chan to address widespread concerns about corporate conflicts of interest reg


Pakistan: Violation of Minority human rights and Akram Gill:

I am Akram Gill. I was Assistant Director in Solid Waste Management Department of Pakistan. In Holy fasting month of Christian I demanded to give one hour earlier leave then the regular duty hours for Christians for offering their daily prayers as it is also given to all Muslim brothers in Holy Rama


Lessons from Japan. By Dr Sandeep Pandey

In 1945 the catastrophe was inflicted by the enemy. In what remains till date the most horrendous attack on human beings, over three lakhs were killed in Hiroshima and Nagasaki and many more continued to suffer because of radioactivity related ailments. Today it is self-inflicted catastrophe for Jap


There Is Nothing Honourable In Honour Killings... By Shobha Shukla

They are nothing but barbaric and brutal murders by bigoted persons with feudal minds - So remarked a bench of Justices Markandey Katju and Gyan Sudha Misra of the Supreme Court of India.
"All persons who are planning to perpetrate 'honour killing' should know that the gallows await them," said the


Human Body Is The Temple of God, So keep It Healthy. By Shobha Shukla

Thus spoke Swami Sampoojya Poornamritanandapuri, at the inaugural function of Amrita Diabetic Foot Conference (ADFC 2011), organized by Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre (AIMS), Kochi, India (6-7 May 2011). In the words of Swamiji, 'we can reach a supreme state of bliss if we


Pakistan: A mixed reaction on Osama bin Laden`s death. By Xavier Patras William, Modern Tokyo Times

At night between May 1 and May 2 in Pakistan there was news of a low flying American helicopter having blown up in the city of Abbotabad, Khyber PukhtunKhawa. Three loud blasts were heard near the Pakistan Military Academy (PMA) Kakul. There were reports that these helicopters were carrying out an o


Make Private TB Drug Markets Responsible Partners Of The Public Sector. By Shobha Shukla

A study titled 'Size and Usage Patterns of Private TB Markets in the High-Burden Countries' was recently conducted by the TB Alliance and IMS Health (a healthcare market research and consulting-services firm) and published yesterday (4th May, 2011) in the journal PLoS ONE. It is the first of its kin


NACO meetings lack transparency and civil society participation. By Bobby Ramakant

India's national AIDS programme lacks transparency and civil society participation, said health activists of Delhi Network of people living with HIV (DNP+). Working group meetings for planning the fourth phase of India's AIDS programme (2011-2017) are being held in New Delhi. DNP+ is calling on NACO


Doha Talks Sound The Death Knell Of Industrial Development. By Shobha Shukla

The Centre for Trade and Development (Centad) and Third World Network (TWN), in collaboration with Our World Is Not for Sale (OWINFS), recently organized a very lively and informative workshop to discuss the current undercurrents of the Doha talk. The workshop was ably facilitated by eminent persona


Killing the future: Hunger deaths among children. By Alka Pande

In a small village in the eastern part of Uttar Pradesh state, 88 out of 545 children were found severely malnourished, of which 32 died within a span of a week. These children succumbed to a situation due to absence of any medical intervention though the deaths were very much preventable. No wonder


Bin Laden’s Replacement: Ayman Al-Zawahiri: By Assad Elepty

Following confirmation of the killing of Osama Bin Laden, Jubilation was the natural reaction. In America, U.S. citizens converged on the white house to celebrate a taste of delayed Justice after the horrific 9/11 attack.
Celebration however can not allow the world to drop its guard, the death of


Blue Blood Social Wedding. By Navaid Hamid

In my early childhood my grandfather usually use to narrate fairy tales before we sleeps. These tales, some times, includes that of the Kings and Queens, Czars, Sultan, Nawabs and Maharaja's and that of brave Queens of Rajputana. We all were very demanding about the tales of the pomp of Queen Elizab


Another Front in Balochistan: Paki media battle of distortion. By Adeenag

After years of intentional negligence, Pakistani media has come up with a deluge of reports and analyses over Balochistan. Why Balochistan matters now?
This rush for reports and analyses is not on humanitarian basis. Neither is it a renaissance nor an awakening of souls of intelligentsia, nor a ne


Free Trade Agreements (FTAs): A Threat To People's Freedoms. By Shobha Shukla

The year 2011 has seen the most significant attempts to revive the World Trade Organization (WTO) in recent times, with the stated objective of member countries to conclude the Doha round before the end of the year. At this juncture, developing countries like India need to take stock of the situatio


Eat healthy to reduce the risk of non-communicable diseases (NCDs). By Shobha Shukla

The first WHO Global status report on non-communicable diseases (NCDs) launched on 27th April, confirms that NCDs are the leading killer today, with 36.1 million people dying from heart disease, strokes, chronic lung diseases, cancers and diabetes in 2008. In other words, NCDs killed 63% of people w


America and Iran: Shared interests or natural enemies? By Lee Jay Walker, Modern Tokyo Times

President Obama is maintaining America’s uneven approach with Iran because the opposition continues to suffer at the hands of the internal security services. Also, several outspoken individuals who attacked the current leadership in Iran have been killed in prison. Despite this, comments against I


Shariah Will Dominate: Islamists Outwit the West: By Assad Elepty

"Democracy is Evil and anti Islamic" It is less than three months after the momentous Egyptian revolution, and it is patently clear democracy will not be the future path of Egypt. Islamists have seized the moment and are determined to dictate the road for transition. Despite the denials from the mil


LOVE AND FEAR: A short story by Stephen Gill

The soft fingers of the first breeze started to play with his hair. The poet looked at the moon that smiled in its grace and then at the stars that twinkled in their silent harmony across the horizon of the endless canopy. His thoughts dozed like butterflies on the blossoms of love and peace. Feeli


Corruption, Jan Lokpal Bill and the Rule of Law. By Navaid Hamid

Corruption has become a major of issue of concern for a good number of Indians in last few years. The major scandals of recent past has shaken the ordinary people. But are we, as citizens, serious to confront this menance once for all ? This needs to be understand with an open mind.
Those who bel


French Veil Controversy: Muslim rethinking of Islam is overdue. By K. Itarwala

The Mullah and the torch-bearer
Hail from the same stock;
They give light to others,
And themselves are in the dark.
(Bulleh Shah, Sufi, revolutionary and poet)
The shrill opposition of many 'Muslims' to the French ban on the face veil has only reinforced my conviction that a thorough reform, i


Tribute to Salman Taseer: A Poet

Salman Taseer
To death
By bullets,
Heaven is dark.
The wind carries his voice to the helpless.
To pain
By his death,
Heaven is grieved.
The fight is on; more will die for freedom.


Blaspheming the Name of God. By K. Itarwala

Each religion, as it has come to be humanly, historically and conventionally understood, is premised on the notion that those who claim to follow it have a special access to the Ultimate (called by various names), and that others, often defined as ‘disbelievers’, are in varying manifest error. Such


Need of Social Sciences research at national level. By Ata Us Salam

It is an admitted fact that there was no lack of funds and attention for educational purpose during Parvez Musharraf’s reign. Many colleges were given the status of universities and a large number of talented teachers and students were awarded scholarships during his tenure. Most of the scholarships


'Building capacity, redressing neglect' on harm reduction. By Jittima Jantanamalaka

The 22nd International Harm Reduction Conference took place in Beirut Lebanon during April 3-7, in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region where it faces diverse and rapidly changing patterns of drug, tobacco and alcohol use. Despite to the fact that harm reduction has been adopted in policy


Emerging global mandate to save 36 million lives from Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs). By Bobby Ramakant

According to The Lancet, non-communicable diseases (NCDs), mainly heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancers, and chronic respiratory disease, are responsible for two out of every three deaths worldwide and the toll is rising. A landmark global alliance between leading scientists and four of the world


Vibrant people's campaign against corruption. By Dr Sandeep Pandey

Anna Hazare's sitting on indefinite fast in Delhi has galvanized the middle class of this country, which is most vocal against corruption but also the one responsible for most corruption in this country. Corruption is a very contentious issue. Our morals tell us to oppose it but for convenience we o


Libya and Ivory Coast in Comparison with use of violence and Islamic forces in Kosovo. By Lee Jay Walker, Modern Tokyo Times

The current problems in Libya and Ivory Coast are complex and clearly the opposition has different aspirations. After all, both sides are involved in a bloody conflict and the use of violence is being used by each faction in these divided nations. Therefore, it appears that the “new democratic war


In The Pursuit Of Healthy Happiness. Shobha Shukla

Since times immemorial, the human race has sought health, happiness and wealth —not necessarily in that order. Wars have been fought and lives have been lost due to the overwhelming desire of possessing them. These three basic ingredients are thought to be essential for a meaningful life. Ironicall


World Health Day: Coordinated approach needed to overcome anti-TB drug resistance. By Bobby Ramakant

TB drug resistance can be overcome with a comprehensive, multi-pronged strategy: The Union
Some 440,000 cases of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) are identified each year, causing at least 150,000 deaths from a disease that should be curable. Extensively drug-resistant TB (XDR-TB), which h


What is a Salafi? By Assad Elepty

Post Egyptian revolution, the Muslim brotherhood has sought to shield them selves from accusations of criticism by allowing Salafists to take the lead on the streets and push their agenda. Today we read that Salafists are quickly menacing society, making extremists threats and using the tactics of t


Unholy Alliance in Egypt. By Assad Elepty

There is now no doubt there is an unholy alliance between the military and the radical Muslim Brotherhood. It has become crystal clear that the young, educated secular activists who initially propelled the non-ideological revolution are no longer the driving political force. The Muslim Brotherhood


Empowering Rural Women. By Shobha Shukla

A Regional Women Leaders' Convention is being held on 24-25 March 2011, in Mau, UP, as part of the Empowering Rural Women (ERW) programme, which has been operating in 253 Gram Panchayats (village councils) of 10 districts of UP, since December 2007. This is a unique programme as its key focus is on


Egypt’s Referendum a “FARCE” By Assad Elepty

Media reports saying, “Egyptian voters overwhelmingly turned out to vote in the constitutional referendum”, are some what absurd if not ridiculous. The reality is, “Elections commission chief Ahmed Attiya has confirmed, “only 41 percent of 45 million eligible voters cast ballots in Saturday's refere


'Be The Change' in tuberculosis control among women. By Bobby Ramakant

Although women get diagnosed for tuberculosis (TB) later than men, treatment outcomes among women are better than men with higher TB treatment success rate and lower default (drop-out) rate in the female patients. Among the unreached people who need TB care, a significant number of them are likely t


“Does it Matter to Sin” sermon by Rev. Canon Patrick Augustine on First Sunday in Lent at

Genesis 2:15-17, 3:1-7, Psalm 32, Romans 5: 12-19, Matthew 4: 1-11
Does it matter to Sin?
“Happy are those whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.” (Ps. 32:1)
Just as sin came into the world through one man, and death came through sin, and
So death spread all because all have sinn


Thin Is Not Healthy And Neither Is Fat. By Shobha Shukla

Close on the heels of International Women's Day 2011, comes the news of a path breaking research which puts the onus of a healthy generation on women. The research, by scientists from the University of Cambridge, provides important insight into why children born to mothers who consumed an unhealthy


Women with tuberculosis (TB) could lose their home. By Bobby Ramakant

According to the study done by Tuberculosis Research Centre in India alarming numbers of women with tuberculosis (TB) become homeless once diagnosed with TB. At a meeting on importance of addressing TB in context of women’s health organized by Global Health Advocates (GHA) to mark the International


A Toast To Hundred Years Old Struggle. By Shobha Shukla

The 8th of March 2011 marks the centenary of the very first International Women's Day which was celebrated in 1911 in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland, when more than one million women and men attended International Women's Day rallies campaigning for women’s rights to work, vote, and end d


The Rev. Canon Patrick Augustine delivers sermon at Christ Episcopal Church on Last Sunday after the Epiphany in La Crosse.

Exodus 24: 12-18, Psalm 2, 2 Peter 1:16-21, Matthew 17: 1-9
The story of transfiguration (metamorphosis) of Jesus is one of the most difficult in the New Testament. It has the form of a historical narrative, but its content is so otherworldly that it is hard for us to accept it historicity. Some


Long road ahead for Asian women workers' struggle for equality. Babs Verblackt

While much achievement has been made in the past decades, women workers across Asia still struggle for more rights and equality. They need to find more ways to make their voices heard, such as engaging in politics, speakers at a seminar in Bangkok said in the run up to International Women's Day (Mar


Call for effective Child Welfare Committees (CWC). By Anjali Singh

A sincere effort was made to encourage the Child Welfare Committees (CWCs) to be more proactive in the state of Uttar Pradesh (UP) to preserve the best interest of the child by fostering child rights. The duration of survival of the child, right to life, right to inclusion and protection were key in


Zamindari system in Pakistan. By Arvind Pereira

Am from India.
In my analysis, I feel the reason for so much wide spread poverty in Pakistan is due to the old Zamindari system still prevalent in Pakistan, after the Europe renaissance it’s now the Arabic revolution, as in Egypt, Libya etc.....
India got rid of this system which the English had i


Women Rights’ Movement in rapidly Changing World. By Mrs. Aima Mahmood

8th March is a magnificent and vibrant date on the calendar for women around the globe. From last ten decades women’s’ organizations, progress group and scholars are struggling for reorganization, protection and accomplishing women rights. International women day give us opportunity to pay homage an


Sermon on Eighth Sunday after the Epiphany by The Rev. Canon Patrick Augustine at Christ Episcopal Church, La Crosse, Wisconsin

Matthew 6: 24-34
Therefore I tell you. Do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, or about your body, what you will wear. …
Do not worry; do not fear are the words which stand out from the teachings of Jesus for this morning. We live in a fear filled society where we


Fighting tuberculosis in prisons is a smart choice. By Bobby Ramakant

Fighting tuberculosis (TB) in prisons is a smarter choice for governments from economic, social justice and public health criteria. In India, the government was asked to cough up INR 300,000 (>USD 6000) as compensation to be paid to the wife of the TB prison inmate who died inside Howrah Jail (sourc


Pollution of religion. By Dr Manzur Ejaz

The spirit of religion has been polluted so much that every sect considers the other as non-Muslim. Instead of spiritually uplifting individuals, irrespective of their religion and sect, religion has been turned into a power game, a political circus
Allama Iqbal himself probably did not appreciate


Dialogue on legal barriers obstructing HIV response in Asia-Pacific. By Babs Verblackt

In Asia and the Pacific, as well as worldwide, laws and practices continue to often seriously hamper the progress made in HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment, care and support. Some 150 participants from 22 countries from across the region gathered in Bangkok last week to discuss the issue. "In the Asia-


Let Different Flowers Bloom In The Garden. By Shobha Shukla

Kudos to the nineteen parents of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people, who recently came together in the Supreme Court, to stop the State from criminalising their children. They have joined hands to fight in courts a "sustained attack" by organisations and private persons who insist


Culture of Peace. By Syeda Farkhanda Ather

The entire world and particularly our country Pakistan is passing through a serious crisis of terrorism. Terrorism has affected the Third World countries or the developing nations. Poverty, economic crisis and political instability are the main causes of terrorism and extremism in Pakistan.
The ext


Challenge for Chinese Development Projects. By Asad Khan Betini

China a time-tested friend of Pakistan in the region for developing worth of 20$ billions projects in the country including Gawadar International Port, During the last visit of Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, both sides signed agreements to undertake projects worth $15 to 20 billion and Pakistan would p


Allah saves Asia Bibi!

Dear newspaper of Pakistan,
I tried to send this letter to everyone in the Pakistan government and human rights groups I could get an e-mail address for and haven’t gotten a reply. Hopefully one of you can do something about it, I’m sure you will be interested. If anyone in the government reads thi


Breaking the silence against rising violent attacks on women. By Anjali Singh

It was the voice of women in Uttar Pradesh that found an expression at a silent march organised by women's organisations working for women rights in Lucknow on 12 February 2011. Though there was no slogan shouting or chest beating to lament the state of declining law and order in the state when it c


“Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany” Sermon by Rev. Canon Patrick P Augustine on February 13, 2011

Deuteronomy 30: 15-20, Psalm 119: 1-8, I Corinthians 3: 1-9, Matthew 5: 21-37
We are a nation of choosers: paper or plastic? Small, medium, large or super-sized? Fries or chips? Coke or Pepsi? Organic or conventional?” Having a choice has become a staple of the American dream. Political agendas of


Progress in tuberculosis vaccine research. By Jojanneke Nieuwenhuis

Collaboration and funding are some of the major requirements for delivering new, more effective and safer vaccines against tuberculosis (TB). This was a much-heard statement during the annual research meeting of the TuBerculosis Vaccine Initiative (TBVI). 'Challenging' would be an understatement whe


The cries of minorities are crossing the border. By Nasir Saeed

The issue of the blasphemy law is still making headlines in the national and international media and it seems that it is no more simply a local issue but has crossed over our borders and into the consciousness of the world’s religious and political leaders.
First, Pope Benedict XVIII asked the Gov


A question of Pakistani Minorities. By Professor Anjum James Paul

Mr. Ram Singh Sadhu a member of the Sindh Assembly has resigned from the membership of the asembly on January 24, 2011. His seat has been declared vacant by Mr. Nisar Khoro, speaker of the assembly on January 29, 2011. He belonged to Pakistan Muslim League (Q). There were threats to his life so for


Wake up call for community engagement in TB programmes. By Bobby Ramakant

In Andhra Pradesh state of India, a doctor gulped down sleeping pills when pulled up by authorities for not doing field visits to follow up tuberculosis (TB) patients (source: The Times of India). "There was no other medical officer" in the clinic so she couldn't go to field visits and rather attend


Local response to fury of Bahraich floods. By Anjali Singh

Just a short stroll through Rewali, Adampur, the mud embankment in Kaiserganj, Bahraich, a small district in the flood prone area of Uttar Pradesh, gives you an idea of the gravity of the predicament people here face year after year. Yet this year none seem to grumble their grievances about governm


Sixty per cent of people living with HIV in India die due to TB. By Bobby Ramakant

Sixty per cent of people living with HIV in India are losing their life because of a preventable and curable cause: tuberculosis (TB). India's largest network of people living with HIV (Indian Network of people living with HIV - INP+) held a meeting recently with Cepheid, and Foundation for Innovati


What is Marriage? By Roberto Grao, Independent Forum of Opinion

Ordinarily, men and women throughout his life and especially in their youth, feel a strong impulse to share his life with another person, usually of the opposite sex. Thus, both seek companionship, affection, complementary psychological, help with their projects and dreams and also to the difficulti


Agnes Massey is not President of Pakistan Christian Congress Canada Chapter. PCC Council

Karachi: January 31, 2011. (PCP) The Central Council of Pakistan Christian Congress have dissolved PCC-Canada Chapter with immediate effect on intimation of Agnes Massey, PCC-Canada Chapter President.
Agnes Massey resigned from PCC-Canada Chapter in 2010, but her resignation was under consideratio


Let's count our blessings: Successes of India's tuberculosis (TB) Programme. By Bobby Ramakant

For a country like India that has the largest number of people infected with tuberculosis (TB) in the world, there are significant life-saving advances made in TB care and control over the past years, despite challenges. A lot more remains to be achieved but the gains made over the past decade, are


Food insecurity robs good outcome of quality HIV care. By Bobby Ramakant

If people living with HIV (PLHIV) are food insecure, then we alarmingly lose the desired good outcomes of quality HIV treatment and care. This was powerfully articulated and backed by evidence in the session of Dr Christine Wanke, Director, Division of Nutrition and Infection, Tufts University Schoo


PCC Holland Chapter's special thanks and appreciation to EU.

Holland, January 25, 2011. (Shumail P. report for PCP) Parvez Iqbal, President Pakistan Christian Congress Holland Chapters in his exclusive message to the Human Rights Unit for South Asia in EU and to the European Parliament as whole has thanked for first considering an appeal filed by PCC Holland


“Proclaim The Kingdom of God” a Sermon by Rev. Canon Patrick Augustine

Third Sunday after the Epiphany, January 23, 2011
Christ Episcopal Church, La Crosse, Wisconsin
The Rev. Canon Patrick P. Augustine, D.Min., Rector
Matthew 4: 12-23
Proclaim the Kingdom of God
Preaching the Gospel this morning is a challenge in Green Bay Packers country. Our minds are focused


Doctor Heal Thy Patient !! Shobha Shukla

We are indeed living in hostile times. There is violence not only at the war front, but also in our homes, on the roads and even in hospitals. It seems as if each of these places has become a battlefield. Hospital rage is increasingly becoming a common phenomenon. Every day, we hear about patients’


Salman Taseer: Justice Through Democracy by Tahir Qazi

A call for liberal democracy and economic democracy. That would best avenge Governor Taseer’s blood whose murderers are fearlessly roaming the streets. That would help stem the rising tide of fanaticism.
The moving wheel of history sometimes turns up a situation where, if ordinary human beings act


The Blood of a distinguished son of the soil, Pakistan. By Naeem Tahir

Pakistan : Blood on the concrete pavement was what the television screens showed. It was the blood of a distinguished human being, Salmaan Taseer, an outstanding son of the soil who worked hard and achieved a lot. He was a professional, a businessman, a politician, a friend and a family man. He also


Women Of The World Unite!! By Shobha Shukla

The United Nations General Assembly has created UN Women, the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, in July 2010 -- a new agency solely focused on women's rights with a view to invest in women's equality. In the words of Michelle Bachelet, UN Under-Secretary-Gene


In Remembrance of Martin Luther King, sermon by Rev. Canon Patrick P. Augustine

Second Sunday after the Epiphany, January 16, 2011, Christ Episcopal Church, La Crosse, WI
Isaiah 49: 1-7, Psalm 40: 1-12, I Corinthians 1: 1-9, John 1: 29-42
I will sing a New Song
This week we remember the life of Dr. Martin Luther King our modern day American prophet. He once wrote in his le


India must resist European pressure to trade away health. By Bobby Ramakant

Mumbai: January 14, 2011 (CNS): India should resist pressure from the European Union to accept, as part of a free trade agreement, harmful provisions that will have a major negative impact on access to affordable medicines, the international medical humanitarian organisation Médecins Sans Frontières


Sermon on First Sunday after Epiphany, January 9, 2011, by The Rev. Canon Dr. Patrick P. Augustine, Rector

At Christ Episcopal Church, La Crosse, Wisconsin
Matthew 2: 1-12
Last Thursday on January 6 we entered into the season of Epiphany. Epiphany is one of the oldest festivals in the Church and one of the seven principal feast days on the Christian calendar. The story of the epiphany is eloquently s


Patricia Prime Reviews “An Armless Hand” a Collection of Poems By K K Srivastava

An Armless Hand Writes by K. K. Srivastava. New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers & Distributors (P) Ltd., 2008, 176 pp. Rs. 250.
An Armless Hand Writes is K.K.Srivastava’s second collection of poems. While Srivastava’s lyrical short poems show polish and finish,
several longer poems have a muscul


Breaking the siege of Gaza. Dr Sandeep Pandey

The First Asia to Gaza Caravan was given a warm send off from Latakia, Syria, where the Baath Party Chief and former Ambassador to India, Dr. Mohsen Alkhyyr, accompanying the Governor of Latakia, announced that the names of the caravan members would be mentioned in the text books as brave people who


2010 was year of the lung: Lung health needs attention. Bobby Ramakant

The year 2010 was declared as year of the lung recognizing that hundreds of millions of people around the world suffer each year from treatable and preventable chronic respiratory diseases. This initiative acknowledged that lung health has long been neglected in public discourses, and understood the


Quaid-e-Azam and minorities in Pakistan. By Nasir Saeed

On the 25th December 2010 Pakistan celebrated the 134th birth anniversary of the father of the nation, Quid e Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah. People from all walks of life, including Governor Dr Ishratul Ibad Khan and Chief Minister Syed Qaim Ali Shah of Sindh visited the Quaid’s Mazar (grave) to pay trib


K. Sudarshan, RSS Ideology and Scandalous Statements. By Ram Puniyani

In public space one keeps hearing many a things which are horrifying, vicious and bad in taste. K.Sudarshan, the father figure of RSS, recently (November 2010) stated that Sonia Gandhi was a foreign agent, that she had some role in the deaths of her mother-in-law and her husband, and that Rajiv Gand


Christians killed by Muslims in Egypt, Iraq, and Nigeria. By Lee Jay Walker, The Modern Tokyo Times

Islamic terrorists have massacred innocent Christians in the name of Allah in Egypt during New Year celebrations. Just like Islamists blew up several Christian churches in Nigeria the week before and murdered Christians in Iraq. In truth, the violence of 2011 will follow the same pattern towards n


Universe Column. By David Alton

Christmas and the New Year were marked by two bloody and ominous attacks on Christian worshippers in Iraq and Egypt. On December 30th, in Baghdad, at least two Christians were killed and nine wounded in a string of six attacks on Christian homes. The areas targeted were predominantly Christian areas


Humanitarian aid sails on final leg of its journey to Gaza. By Dr Sandeep Pandey

The Asia to Gaza caravan arrived to a grand welcome by the Governor of Latakia, Dr. Khalyl Mashhaddya, a cardio-thoracic surgeon, on 25th December, 2010, in the port city of Syria, with school children playing their band and raising pro-Palestine and pro-Syria placards on the street.
Next day at a


Sermon by Rev. Canon Patrick Augustine on Second Sunday after Christmas in Christ Episcopal Church, La Crosse, Wisconsin

Jeremiah 31: 7-14, Psalm 84: 1-8, Ephesians 1: 3-6, 15-19a, Luke 2: 41-52
Church of Epignosis
Nothing packs up and leaves town quicker than the Christmas spirit. The secular trappings of the ‘holiday season” faded with the New Year celebration. The Christmas trees of many are already lying by th


Religion and Anti-Indianism in Pakistan . By Yoginder Sikand

Decades after the two states came into being, relations between India and Pakistan continue to be, to put it mildly, hostile. This owes largely to the vast, and continuously mounting, influence of the Hindu religious right-wing in India and its Muslim counterpart in Pakistan. Seemingly irreconcilabl


Egyptian Security Guards Withdrew One Hour Before Church Blast, Say Eyewitnesses

Alexandria: January 2, 2011. (By Mary Abdelmassih AINA) The car explosion that went off in front of Saints Coptic Orthodox Church in Alexandria killed 21 and injured 96 parishioners who were attending a New Year's Eve Mass. According to church officials and eyewitnesses, there are many more victims


Baloch bodies vow to work together in USA to confront Pakistan's evil designs

Washington DC: January 2, 2011. (PCP) Two key Baloch organizations in the USA have buried their hatchet to work on issues of common interest to Balochistan in the backdrop of the worsening human rights situation there.
The American Friends of Balochistan which reposes its trust in the three main re


Pakistan Christian Congress condemn life threats to Asia Bibi

Islamabad: January 1, 2011. (PCP) Dr. Nazir S Bhatti, President of Pakistan Christian Congress PCC have strongly condemned slogans chanted in protest marches by Islamic parties “Hang Asia Bibi” and “Do not Touch blasphemy law” on December 31, 2010.
Nazir Bhatti said that it is shameful for Christia


Voice of the Copts condemning barbaric attack on Coptic Church in Alexandria. Ashraf Ramelah

USA: January 1, 2011. (PCP) Voice of the Copts strongly condemns the barbaric act committed this morning in the early hours of the New Year against Coptic worshipers at a church in Alexandria, Egypt.
The car bomb attack carried out by Arab Muslims against innocent people leaving their place of wors

"Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" By Nazir S Bhatti

On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress www.pakistanchristiancongress.org . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.

nazirbhattipcc@aol.com , pakistanchristianpost@yahoo.com