In the Greek world, the Jerusalem Temple (Beit HaMikdosh) was well known, while the Ka'ba, the House of God (Baitullah) in Mecca was not known by name at all. The first Roman reference to the Baitullah is from Diodorus Siculus, a first century BCE Roman historian who wrote that in Arabia there was a
The start of the Syrian civil war in 2011 gave the historically marginalized Kurds their first real chance to assert their autonomy and to become a political powerhouse. Syrian Kurdish society now strongly feels that they can reverse the last half-century of assimilationist pressures and revive thei
23 December 2016 - it’s the time for Christmas carols, Santa Claus and lots of loving and giving among all brethren. For the 2.5 million Pakistani Christians the most joyous occasion is nearing and their preparations are in full swing for the upcoming Christmas festival.
This year however, the Sta
It is also true that there is no peace and sustainable development without respect for human rights. Antonio Guterres, Secretary General- elect of the United Nations
“Mankind must put an end to war or war will put an end to mankind.” President John F. Kennedy
It has always been a challenge to exc
The Associated Press is reporting this morning that German authorities have identified and are searching for a suspect in the attack on a Berlin Christmas market. Yesterday, ISIS claimed responsibility for this tragedy. But why would they attack Berlin? What did Christmas shoppers in Germany do to p
It is a voice of helpless, crashed, broken heart, persecuted human and a common citizen of Pakistan written by Bishop Dr. Farhad S. Bhatti about Government of Pakistan. This helpless human is tortured by Government and religions institute for basic needs of life in every field. His crying and sighs
Most college students have at one time or another asked, ‘If there is only one God why are there so many religions?’ This is a good question that I as a Rabbi have often been asked.
This is my answer. The Qur’an declares that Allah could have made all of us monotheists, a single religious community
According to a hadith report, the Prophet Muhammad said: “All creatures are [like] a family of God, and He loves the most those who are kindest to His family.” (Source: Baihaqi)
The hadith report uses the term al-khalq, which means ‘creatures’. And so, the hadith applies to both human as well as no
I would like to share with you about my great grief, burden for humanity' peace. Because Lord Jesus Christ came into this World as human to give us example as complete human sinless and complete God as Prince of Peace. It is written in John 1: 4 In HIM was life that life was light of human but darkn
Recently, a reader of my articles asked me to write about how I remain so positive while living in Iraq. Even though I live in a peaceful city in Iraq, he still encouraged me to answer his questions.
His first question was: “How, given the war, hate conflict and really enormous pain and suffering i
Ye Muslims! Today from this platform I sound you a warning. Listen carefully and ponder. In 1970…A panic of widespread bloodshed will sweep the nation. The frenzy of racial and provincial prejudices will grip the whole country…Take it from me that in 1970, Pakistan will be plagued with a grave threa
After WW2 paramount powers of the world transferred from Great Britain to United States of America (USA). These powers made USA a Hegemonic state and it started to rule the world¡¦s developing countries. After the tragedy of 9/11 most of these developing countries are making their policies accordin
Citing ‘tensions with India” as an excuse, Pakistan is about to postpone, yet again, its sixth census operations that have not been held for the last 17 years.
At the behest of the army, the Nawaz Sharif Government has told the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS) that it cannot spare a whopping 1
After reclaiming almost all of Aleppo, Syria's former commercial capital, President Assad has got his biggest prize of the war. It would put his forces in control of the country's four largest cities as well as the coastal region, and cap a year of steady government advances. It should be remembered
“No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.” Article 5, Universal Declaration of Human Rights
The statement of Mr. Ban Ki-moon - UN Secretary General deserves an appreciation who wants to console people by saying: “On Human Rights Day, let us rec
Once, somebody asked a monk: “Sir, you keep telling us that what really matters is not how we look from the outside, but, rather, how we actually are inside. Why, then, are you so particular about wearing your monk’s cloak? Why do you not dress like other men?”
The monk replied: “It is true that wh
On a warm, tropical December 7th morning in 1941, Oahu’s Pearl Harbor—with its Naval ves-sels bobbing quietly along Battleship Row—welcomed the sunrise, coupled by only birdsong, the quiet lull of waves against ship hulls, and the first stirrings of soldiers going about their morning military routin
I see her resurrecting in Christmas trees, mistletoe and Santa Claus. I see her appearing within the decoration in churches, homes and offices, in parties, family reunions and drinks.
I see her in the festive rush that is tiring and cards which people have no time to send but they do. I see her in
Sub:- (i)- Not only India even Pakistan does not want Kashmir solution (ii)- Unless Kashmiris take the matter in their hands nothing will be achieved (iii)- Letting 5 months shutdown go as waste will be disaster for Kashmiris
After he was allowed to offer Friday prayers after five months at histor
The mass uprising of the people of Kashmir against Indian military occupation has evoked two reactions from the Government of India. One is extreme repression and the second is the threat of war. On September 24, 2016, Mr. Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister of India made a formal statement with full
Mahatma Gandhi had once said, "If I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning". Gandhi's thought resurfaced after listening to Dr Ishwar Gilada, President of AIDS Society of India (ASI). He could not have been more since
After Pakistan decided to stay away from all official events in India recently, to which it was invited and was supposed to participate, the announcement that Sartaj Aziz, Prime Minister Sharif’s de facto foreign minister will travel to Amritsar, next door to Lahore, to attend the Afghanistan-centri
Success breeds complacency and complacency breeds failure. When the number of people affected by a disease decreases, there is a tendency to disregard it as a public health problem.
Even as the HIV/AIDS epidemic is on the decline in India, we have to intensify, and not dilute, our efforts to have v
An estimated 300 million people are living with asthma worldwide with an additional 100 million new cases expected to be added by 2025. WHO estimates that 15 million disability adjusted life years (DALYs) are lost annually because of this chronic disease that kills an estimated 250,000 people annual
Our Chief Minister stated recently that it is not possible to get Special Status for Goa. The special status was demanded by a resolution of the Goa Legislative Assembly moved by the then Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar and in a memorandum submitted under the leadership of Shri Parrikar to former Pr
Alarming rates of pulmonary diseases in India are warranting urgent action as well as well-coordinated and inter-sectoral comprehensive health responses across the country to ensure every citizen enjoys lung health.
"Recent smog in parts of north-central India had worsened the air quality in a dang
United States backed, Kurdish led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) are gradually pushing ahead in an offensive towards Raqqa, Islamic State’s de facto capital in northern Syria. The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have wrapped up the first phase of their operation against IS named Euphrates Wrath accor
In today’s ‘global village’, faith communities across the world are in contact with each other on a hitherto unprecedented scale. While this provides rich possibilities for mutual learning and sharing, it can also become grounds for conflict, as is the case in large parts of the world today. In this
While the hullabaloo over Modi’s rise on the international stage has been on the verge of being a circus, with all the elephants of trade on parade, it is a distraction from the recent collective beating of chests being put on by joint Naval forces of India, the United States and Japan in the South
So said Dr Tara Singh Bam, Regional Advisor for Tobacco Control at the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union) on the sidelines of the 47th Union World Conference on Lung Health in Liverpool, UK.
While reflecting upon the game changing successes in the field of tobacco
Despite commitment from the governments to end tuberculosis (TB) by 2030 (one of the targets of Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs) the pace of TB decline casts serious doubts on eliminating TB in the next 14 years.
The latest Global TB Report of the World Health Organization (WHO) has set the a
I’m not a Catholic. I’m not, for that matter, even a [different sort of] Christian! And yet, I am very grateful for the many, many ways in which I’ve benefitted from the Catholic Church over the years. Deeping my appreciation of interfaith dialogue is one of these.
It is true that like every other
Inayatullah Khan (famously known as Allama Mashriqi) and Mustafa Kemal Ataturk were contemporaries who are regarded as two of the great leaders of the 20th century. Throughout his lifetime, Mashriqi expressed a fondness for Turkey and Ataturk. On Ataturk’s 78th death anniversary, it is worth remembe
Over 90 percent of world population is affiliated to some religion or the other and for millions of people life would be unthinkable without the guidance of their religion. Religion provides a sense of peace and meaning to life and connects human beings to family and society.
Yet, in the present ag
The situation of Christian refugees in German shelters is “unbearable” according to an updated report released in October and co-authored by Open Doors Germany. The report documents 743 cases of discrimination, death threats, and physical assaults against Christians by Muslim refugees between Februa
There have been multiple diplomatic efforts to resolve the Syrian conflict since it erupted in 2011 but all have ended in vain. Recently as well no agreements was reached or set out in a final document at the ministerial meeting on Syria held in the Swiss lakeside city of Lausanne. It proved to be a
Multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) remains a public health crisis. As per WHO’s Global TB Report 2016, 480,000 people fell ill with MDR-TB in 2015, with 3 countries - India, China, and Russia - carrying the major burden and together accounting for nearly half of all MDR-TB cases globally.
Detection an
Mr. Shahbaz Bhatti, a name that no one is Pakistan cannot forget nor can afford to forget. In his life and death, he left a legacy of working for the equal inclusion of Pakistani minorities into the mainstream society. The slain minorities’ minister life ended in 2011 in an assassination in the hear
This week in Lahore, Pakistan, a court freed a Muslim man charged with double murder after he forgave himself and his two accomplices. Leveraging a longtime Islamic tradition, Faqueer Muhammad claimed family pardon and legal “forgiveness” for himself, along with his son and nephew, for the so-called
So said US Congressman Dr Jim McDermott while receiving the Lifetime Achievement Award at the 9th National Conference of AIDS Society of India (ASICON 2016) in Mumbai.
In an exclusive interview given to CNS (Citizen News Service), (watch video interview: | Audio podcast: http:
Jesus Christ is same, yesterday, today and tomorrow (Hebrew 13: 8). This verse has long history of 6000 years. Jesus is God, Jesus said that i am in Father and Father is in me. This teaching was also preached by Apostle Paul that Don’t you know that Holy Spirit dwell within you (1 Cor 3:16). God is
Aasia bibi has been facing execution since 2010 on charges of blasphemy, the mere accusation of which is enough to put an individual’s life in mortal peril. The evidence against her is untenable, but opposition from the religious right has prevented the state from securing her release. The Lahore Hi
‘China Pakistan Economic Corridor’ (CPEC) is the cause of much of present tension between nuclear India & Pakistan but fortunately it can also provide solution to most of the problems of Extended SAARC region in which China, Iran and some land-locked Central Asian countries can be members. A parliam
HIV-related point-of-care testing can potentially play a major role in accelerating the pace of progress towards achieving the '90-90-90' targets of the UNAIDS (joint United Nations programme on HIV/AIDS). Increasing access to quality and accurate diagnostics which function in low-resource settings
The latest massacre in Yemen by Saudi Arabia and the Sunni Muslim coalition highlights the utter moral bankruptcy of America, France, and the United Kingdom. These leading NATO powers, along with the Sunni Muslim coalition that is butchering in Yemen, show that international law and moral authority
The brave Christian lady called Asia Bibi (Aasiya Noreen) highlights that while ISIS (Islamic State – IS) hit the headlines, this Christian female is a victim of ordinary Muslims and institutional discrimination in Pakistan. Even before her ordeal, she faced intimidation based on being told to conve
Why Body of Christ - Church is in suffering, persecution so much? Why Church of Christ is led by Anti - Christ? Why Christianity is under-estimated? Why wickedness is on leadership over righteous leader? Why Christian condition is bitter and terrible? Why Christian could not fight good fight of fai
The joint United Nations programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) is mobilizing governments and other partners to achieve new set of targets, referred to as, '90-90-90 by 2020', but with current set of tools, approaches, funding commitments, and challenge that HIV poses to the world, the goal seems certainly
The Syria conflict has sparked the world's largest humanitarian crisis after World War II. Humanitarian needs continue to raise, population displacements are increasing, and an entire generation of children is being exposed to war and violence, increasingly deprived of basic services, education and
In various parts of the world today, Muslims are engaged in acts of violence. If they are told to stop this, they claim: “We are only doing what the Prophet of Islam commanded us to.” In this regard, they cite a hadith that orders the believers to rectify a wrong:
He who amongst you sees something
The AIDS Society of India (ASI) and all delegates of 9th National Conference of ASI (ASICON 2016) commended the government of India for finally approving the HIV/AIDS Bill – which will help in reducing discrimination faced by people living with HIV (PLHIV). ASICON 2016 is being organized in Mumbai,
Sub:- (i)- Nawaz evidently does not understand abcd of Islam (ii)-Reported instruction of Nawaz to ISI to apprehend Jihadis-for-Kashmir without declaring plan for Kashmir solution tantamount to ditching Kashmiris (iii)- Separatist leaders in Kashmir al-ready fast losing credibility (iv)- If Pak Jiha
The Eight Summit meeting of BRICS will be held in Goa on October 15 and16. The Heads of State and Government of the five member countries will participate in the meeting. India has also invited the Heads of State and Government of BIMSTEC for an outreach meeting during the Summit. BIMSTEC is a regio
Yes, this question merits serious thought, even as Kenya Ministry of Health recently announced the launch of fixed dose combination (FDC) of first-ever child-friendly TB medicines, making Kenya the first country in the world to roll out these products nationally. Starting 1st of October 2016, all ch
I don’t intend to convince anyone to do or follow my liberal ideas but I see and feel that there is always discrimination between black and white, poor and rich , disable and able. Although all are created by God the Almighty and deserve equal rights to live and grow then why human discriminate ot
Shimon Peres: Israel last founding father who sought peace with the Arab world. By Orlando Crowcroft
Shimon Peres stands alongside David Ben-Gurion and Yitzhak Rabin in the upper echelons of statesmen that dominated Israeli politics both before and after the establishment of Israel in 1948. Peres, the son of a Polish émigré who moved to Tel Aviv in 1932, was intimately involved in conflicts as far
From a hadith recorded in Sahih Muslim and Sunan an-Nasai we learn that the best provision in this world is a pious woman.
This means that every woman is, in terms of potential, capable of being the best companion for a man. But it is for the man to convert this potential into actuality. This is ju
NPR’s Julie McCarthy was in Kashmir earlier in September and reported on how different the unrest seems now compared to previous years. “First of all, there's this unprecedented kind of force being used. There's these high-velocity pellet shotguns for crowd control. And it's left thousands of peopl
Pakistan came into being on August 14, 1947; and probably fourth generation celebrating its independence now. During the struggle for an independent country, the history is witness that Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, Parsis and Jews that lived in Muslim dominated regions of undivided India supported Jin
This is the message of the World Heart Federation for this year’s World Heart Day, which is observed on September 29 every year to raise awareness about cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), which include heart disease and stroke. The CVDs, along with cancer, diabetes and chronic lung disease, form the 4
Sub:- (i)- In view of UNGA speech, Pakistan bound to try to separate Kashmir as India separated Bangladesh in 1971(ii)- India expert in waking-up after damage done as happened during gory partition in 1947 (iii)- India equally vulnerable as West Pakistan was in East Pakistan in 1971 (iv)- India left
According to a hadith in the Sahih Muslim, the Prophet of Islam is reported to have said: Strange are the ways of a believer, for there is good for him in every situation. And this is not true for anyone except for a believer. If he has an occasion of happiness, he is grateful, thus this happiness b
The Kurds as we know, thanks to Sykes-Picot order which drafted the modern day map of Middle-East after World War I are the largest stateless people in the world. Spread between four nations in the region— Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey, along with a wider Kurdish diaspora spread mostly across Europe
As fertility rates decline and life expectancy increases, the proportion of people aged 60 and above is growing globally. Global average life expectancy has increased from 48 years in 1950 to 68 years in 2010 and is expected to become 81 years by the end of the century. Nearly 60% of the world’s ove
"Jesus was not a prince," Pope Francis stated yesterday during his General Audience. "It is awful for the church when pastors become princes, far from the people, far from the poorest people. That is not the spirit of Jesus."
According to the pope, true followers of Jesus take up his yoke to receiv
Spiritual awakening is most important part of Christian life according to the aligned of Lord Jesus Christ' teaching that assign human souls for commitment and refresh spirit to feel fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit (Ruach).
If Christian are not awaken, assigned and aligned according to His Holy
"…As the evening twilight fades away, the sky is filled with stars invisible by day" are the immortal words of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Alas! this does not hold ground for many people in countries of Asia Pacific (and maybe elsewhere too). The elderly are getting pushed more into a dark night dev
Mocking Islam or mocking the prophet of Islam spells doom. In Egypt you will be arrested, home and property confiscated, and coerced to “force emigrate” from your town. Then count on a five-year prison term. This was exactly the penalty for four Coptic Christian school boys, ages 14 through 17, and
Religious extremism has gone to its peak since Afghan refugees entered in Pakistan. Due to the terrorism Pakistan lost thousands of its precious lives and properties. Religious banned outfits attacked on schools, worship places, parks and even on law enforcement agencies and their places. In the pas
I grew up in an Islamic country within the Coptic Christian community of Egypt. On September 11, 2001 I was already a free man living between two nation-state democracies – Italy and the USA. I must admit I never looked back. I never again thought of tyrannical rule and persecution – the words and a
With declining fertility rates and increasing life expectancy, the proportion of people aged 60 and over is growing globally. There are currently 900,868 million people aged 60 or over worldwide (12.5% of the global population). Nearly two-thirds (533 million) of them are in the Asia Pacific region
The perseverance and tenacity of Sri Lanka’s Anti-Malaria Campaign today received international acclaim, as the country received official ‘malaria-free’ certification from the World Health Organization (WHO) for successfully eliminating the disease.
Following decades of efforts to control it, inclu
Since the current uprising in Kashmir began with the killing of Burhan Wani on July 8, the unjustifiable and violent attack with bullets, birdshot from pump-action shotguns and extreme cane beatings by Indian military forces upon many of some 200,000 mourners who attended his funeral, who were in t
Since 2009, Pakistan started celebrating August 11 as “National Minorities’ Day” to reiterate the country’s determination for securing the fundamental rights of minorities and paying tribute to their services. This particularity came into place after the struggles of Mr. Shahbaz Bhatti, the Christia
It is great grief to share the burden and pain of Christ's heart about this dying world. How Christ - Spirit had been crucified daily by the politics, double minded - standard people who pleases themselves above His Holiest standard in their ignorance. It is so sad to see that there is no commitment
Air Commodore Mohammad Zafar Masud (HJ, SBt) was fondly known as Mitty Masud in the Pakistan Air Force (PAF). Born on October 17, 1927, he obtained his commission in the General Duty Pilot (GD [P]) Branch of the Royal Indian Air Force. Masud’s Commission Date was February 25, 1946 and Service No. wa
Ref:- (i)- Without eliminating poison of communalism (reason for partition) SAARC can never be in peace & prosperity (ii)- Hindus simply incapable of political supremacy (iii)- Last word on India’s partition yet to be written (iv)- Only genuinely secular party can unify J&K and rule SAARC (v)- Comm
Former Prime Minister of Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) Chaudhry Abdul Majeed said that Pakistan policy regarding Kashmir seems to have failed miserably. Talking in a seminar held under International Lobbing Group Youth for Kashmir, Kashmirs leadership unanimous call that the parliament should form a
Demand of plebiscite in J&K by Sikh groups tantamount to another partition of India (ii)- Sikhs will demand India’s partition in favor of Muslim Kashmiris only when see prospect of independent Khalistan (iii)- Will be easier for Pakistan to support independent Khalistan than for India to support ind
Aleppo, once Syria’s industrial and economic hub before the war, has emerged as the civil war latest high-stakes battlefields as the warring parties pour in all of their military might to try to strike a definitive blow against their opponents. In the first year of the revolution Aleppo saw neither
Sub:- (i)-India finds itself at pre 1947 situation about ‘two nations theory’ in J&K (ii)- Presently it is zero sum game where either India or Pakistan will have to lose the territory with it (iii)- It is ‘advantage Pakistan’ in present face-off (iv)- Martially deficient Hindus can’t retrieve PoJK (
Overuse and/or misuse of antibiotics have led to antimicrobial resistant superbugs pose a global health emergency. This threat is particularly great in India that has the highest burden of TB in the world and is also the world’s largest consumer of antibiotics. In a first of its kind study, led by D
The number of TB cases in India may be up to 2-3 times higher than the latest current estimates, suggests a new research study published today in the The Lancet Infectious Diseases journal. TB is a major global public health challenge. In 2014, 6.3 million TB cases were reported worldwide, with Ind
“We have SPADE as our symbol…Spade is another sign of humility and our carrying it on our shoulders shows that we are out to proclaim to the world THE DIGNITY OF LABOUR. Spade levels up the ground. We are here TO LEVEL UP ALL SOCIETY! A rich man with a spade considers that he has come down a bit to
UN is not working for citizens of member countries (ii)- With such anti-democracy mindset UN has become anti-humanity (iii)- Human rights in member countries should be priority for US President (iv)- For saving his already sullied legacy Obama should at-least ensure free entry of UNHRC Observers in
Regarding Jihadi / ISIS factor, during TV interview the PDP Member of Parliament (MP) from Kashmir Muzaffar Hussain Baig has rightly expressed his fear that (i)- As in fight between USSR and USA (West) during cold war, the young generation of Pakistan and Afghanistan got converted in Jihadi terrori
On August 15, we celebrate the Independence Day. On this day, in 1947, India put an end to colonial rule and affirmed itself as a sovereign and democratic nation.
The colonial rule destroyed the Indian economy and greatly impoverished the people of India. By all accounts, India was a prosperous na
Armed with a management degree in marketing, Amruta Soni is currently working in Patna as the state programme manager at National Coalition of PLHIV in India (NCPI) for the Vihaan project in Bihar. Today she confidently handles 15 partner NGOs, providing them with technical support on how to impleme
Every year in Pakistan, hundreds of young Christian and Hindu girls are forcibly converted to Islam, but our media very rarely highlights their stories. However, many of these stories can be easily found on social and in the international media. The stories of Zeba Masih and Pooja are among the few
Illness appears on the face of it to be something very undesirable. But if you think about it deeply, you will discover that there is a positive aspect even in illness. It is said that whenever the Prophet visited a patient, he would say to him, “Don’t worry, God willing, it will be a means of purif
(i)- PoK alright but GOI should be asked to clarify about Baluchistan due to Sri Lanka / LTTE experience (ii)- Public commitment of GOI about early retrieve of PoK will have to be fulfilled by Modi (iii)- Declining political base will constrain Modi to try military adventure in PoK & intervention in
Dalit-Muslim rally in Ahmedabad on 31st July 2016 followed by resignation of Mr. Anandiben patel could serve as an eye opener for the BJP. BJP should take serious note of the ground realities in its true perspective. If BJP is ambitious to be an alternative for Congress then it should grasp positive
In response to this question, Joe David, author of The Infidels, asks another question: Are the international crises, instigated by savage groups like ISIS, the result of conflicting religious views, as many are led to believe, or are they the result of something even more urgent?
“In order to prov
Farooq right that without remembering past future can’t be built (ii)- But shallow analysis of past and ignoring the present will not do (iii)- Farooq fails to take present ‘global Jihadi terrorism’ especially of ISIS in reckoning (iv)- No Kashmir solution without adhering to Federal-Democratic-Sec
Pakistani minorities under the leadership of Federal Minister for Human Rights, Kamran Michael are planning to celebrate Minorities’ Day on August 11. Pakistan Peoples’ Party (PPP) former government had declared August 11 as minorities’ day; however some minority groups chose to observe August 11 as
ISIS threat especially in N-E is already being apprehended (ii)- 5/8 bound to activate other terrorist groups in North-East (iii)- BJP won election in Assam mainly on the issue of Muslim Bangladeshi infiltrators in alliance with two such parties (iv)- Hence ultimately issue of Muslim Bangladeshi inf
Religion has emerged as a major source of conflict all across the globe. A perceptive writer points out that ideological strife has now given place to the “clash of civilizations” and predicts that in the foreseeable future, religion will be a major source of conflict within and among nations. Samue
Jabhat-Al-Nusra Front, once al-Qaeda's official branch in Syria, has cut ties with the parent organisation with the approval of al-Qaeda central leadership. Nusra Front is one of the largest and most effective rebel groups in Syria. It controls territory in the north, west and south of the country a
In Kashmir Separatists will carry our regular protests and will pressurize elected representatives, through boycott, for resignation (ii)- In Pakistan Jihadis may pressurize China about early Kashmir solution through ‘economic corridor’(iii)- This two pronged approach by Jihadis / Separatists bound
One of the many threats faced by minorities inside Pakistan, the issue of forced conversions is the most harmful, as annually hundreds of girls hailing from Christian, Hindu and other minority faiths fall prey to this growing practice.
Usually young girls as young as teenagers belonging to religio
Abdullah & Co. Ltd. was a cigarette company that was started in London in 1902. One of its cigarette brands was called Abdulla, and it was very popular. How it became so famous is a very interesting story. Once, some people associated with the company met with the famous British writer George Bernar
Pakistan was created by the struggles of Muslim - Ahmadis, Christian and Hindu Minorities. But now majority of Hindus and Sikh had been migrated to another countries even Christian are seeking Asylum in other countries because of their faith limitation, self - respect, persecution, lawlessness, brut
In 2003, an American-led coalition launched a war against Iraq, which lasted till 2009. On the face of it, America won the war, but after this a huge problem in the name of the self-styled ‘Islamic State of Iraq and Syria’ (IS) was born.
The former British Prime Minister Tony Blair played a key ro
While the continuous misuse of the blasphemy law has become commonplace in Pakistan, and Pakistan’s government pays no attention to this urgent matter, the world seems more concerned. Recently, the US Congress Human Rights Commission conducted a hearing on this law’s implications, and Malta is the l
Sub: - (i)- Two nation theory presently being buttressed by Caliphate factor (ii)- Pakistan important to Sunni Muslims due to its Nukes (iii)- Without being true to secularism & socialism India can’t solve Kashmir problem (iv)- BJP can practice secularism & socialism only when adopts patriotism, wha
At the 2015 United Nations General Assembly, governments committed to achieve SDGs by 2030, one of which is to end AIDS and TB by 2030. If people living with HIV continue to die of TB, we will not only fail to achieve SDGs but also lose gains made in the fights against HIV and TB.
Keeping in mind t
Senior HIV activists who have not only helped shape HIV responses on the ground over the years, but also have been living with the virus for several years, shared their personal battle against self-stigma at a press conference session hosted by The Work For Change ( and part
Pakistan recently lost another icon, Abdul Sattar Edhi, who died in Karachi at the age of eighty-eight. Edhi’s services for Pakistan shall be long remembered and he joins the ranks of other great South Asian icons, including the late social scientist Dr. Akhter Hameed Khan. This piece highlights the
(Based on an exclusive interview given by Nqobile Zungu, and her doctor Dr Samele Madela to CNS Citizen News Service)
I met 37 years old Nqobile Zungu, at the 21st International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2016) that is being held in Durban. And yes, her looks were deceptive in the sense that one could
In its own interest China should start taking keen and active interest in the solution of Kashmir problem (ii)- China should try to avoid war between nuclear India and Pakistan over Kashmir.
China should shed its false-pretenses and rather should come down from high horse and sit with India to dis
China’s heightened interest understandable due to economic corridor through POK (ii)- If China too is in denial as India on Jihadi factor, no peaceful dialogue possible on Kashmir (iii)- Islam has laid down lives of ~ one hundred thousand Jihadis for Kashmir (iv)- No solution possible on Kashmir oth
"Children are central to where we are heading for in TB control. If we aim to end TB in the next 20 years we should know the trends in infection and disease in the paediatric population and amend it," said Dr Jennifer Furin of Harvard Medical School, at a session in International TB Conference (TB 2
Without asking for retrieve of POK, recommending referendum by STOI in Kashmir, tantamount to asking second partition of India (ii)- Management and owners of Timesgroup doubly guilty of threatening territorial integrity of India.
Sunday Times of India (STOI) has crossed the ‘Laxman Rekha’ on July,
A recent UNAIDS report shows that decline in new HIV infections among adults has stalled. In 2014, key populations, including gay men and other men who have sex with men (MSM), sex workers and their clients, transgender people, people who inject drugs and prisoners, accounted for 35% of new HIV infe
Key lies, in not allowing Sunni Muslims to live alone, mainly through Realized Common Wealth (CW), The condolence messages for 84 killed and prayers [for early recovery of over 120 injured in terrorist attack by a Jihadi (Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel) on July, 14 the Bastille Day at Nice in France] fro
After the Arab Spring started in Middle East in 2011, Turkey was seen as an inspiration for aspiring democracies in the region. Because there was a democratic government that has leaning towards political Islam but did so in a seemingly moderate way, is a member of NATO, a growing economic powerhous
Justice begins with compassionate leadership. Compassion is more than our self-focused passion for what we want and need, but empathy, mercy, and respect for what others need. Compassion allows us to suffer together, and it is a fundamental keystone of a representative democracy and the concept of u
So much for Ban Ki-moon’s heart and possibly even more so his soul. One can only recall the quote in Matthew and the betrayal of Jesus, “When Pilate saw that he was accomplishing nothing, but rather that a riot was starting, he took water and washed his hands in front of the crowd, saying, "I am in
Sub:- ‘Watan ki fikr kar nadan musibat aane wali hai, teri barbadiyon ke mashware hain aasmanon me’ (o naïve take care of the country because misfortune is going to come as conspiracies are being hatched in the heavens against mother-land)
---- The ruling BJP’s Member of Parliament Subramanian Swa
AIDS 2016, the XXI International AIDS Conference - (with the theme of 'Access Equity Rights Now') which will be held in Durban, South Africa, from 18 to 22 July 2016, marks a dramatic change in the country’s AIDS response in the 16 years since XIII International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2000), which wa
Demonstrations and protests are going on since Friday in Kashmir valley (after terrorist Burhan was declared killed by security forces) in which 30 civilians have been killed and over 300 injured by the firing of security forces. The security forces still do not use non-lethal bullets against civil
It is terrible truth to share with you due to great grief about corrupt system, religious extremism, terrorism and persecution with innocent citizen of Pakistan and especially Pakistani Christian who had been forced to leave Pakistan. it is also tragedy with grieved humanity, National Spirit as Pat
A country where more than half its population lives on the fringe – marred by poverty, food insecurity, economic hardship and sectarian violence there is much to be done. Be it a street vendor in Karachi’s bustling Saddar or a tea stall worker at Muridke in Punjab province they share one thing in co
Sub:- (i)- Complacent & routine analysis of Dallas shoot-out will harm USA (ii)- Armed retaliation at Dallas to Police killing of Blacks at Minnesota and Louisiana has potential of bringing ISIS and Blacks together.
---- It is not merely what President Obama said about racial-USA by giving Statisti
"It did not strike me even for a second how fatal it could be for my child to ride a two-wheeler as a pillion rider - without a helmet. If I was conscious about the risk then I would have definitely given a helmet to my child" said the mother of a child who died in an unfortunate road accident in Lu
WHO recently announced new recommendations to speed up diagnosis and improve treatment outcomes for multi-drug resistant TB (MDR-TB) through the use of a novel rapid diagnostic test called MTBDRsl, and a shorter, cheaper 9-12 month treatment regimen. The new treatment regimen can be completed in 9-1
Sub: (i)- ISIS registers its presence in SAARC through Bangladesh (ii)- Sunni Muslims will not rest till come under one military power (iii)- ~ 250 million Muslims (including illegal immigrants) in Hindu majority India bound to be considered hurdle by Jihadis in political unity of Muslims (iv)- Jiha
Sunni Islamists are butchering innocents in countless nations and the atmosphere is now turning dark in modern day Bangladesh. After all, in recent times bloggers, Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, Secularists, writers, and anyone deemed un-Islamic, have been targeted. Of course, in the mindset of Sunn
This topic is a core essential priority of every believer to remain in HIS Holy Words promises for doing His Holy Words in their daily lives. True believer does not depend on worldly provision but supernatural provision in every field of life as written in His Holy Words (Matthew 6: 25 - 34). Even i
Hindu majority India should give-up habit of waking-up after damage done (as happened in 1947) (ii)- Increased attack on security forces in Kashmir and dozens of ISIS sympathizers in India cannot be ignored as minor & routine affair (iii)- ISIS hold on Bangladesh bound to increase in view of Assam
The killing of a famous Sufi singer in Karachi in June this year strengthens the growing belief that Pakistan has no place for singers, writers, thinkers and artists. It has become a theocratic state with no concessions to free expression and creativity. In this quest for transforming what was once
Christians and Muslims have failed to eliminate global Jihadi terrorism, let Hindus try (ii)- The key is in ‘not leaving Muslims to live alone without others’ (iii)- After BREXIT the UK should be persuaded to Realize Common Wealth (CW) in its own interest (iv)- Any ‘Common Wealth Party’ in India tr
Sunni Islamist terrorists have killed at least 36 people after a brutal attack against Ataturk International Airport in Istanbul. The final death figure may increase because at least 130 people remain injured. Therefore, once more Sunni Takfiri Islamists have slaughtered innocents at random on a maj
India carries the highest global burden of TB - a curable disease that kills one Indian every 90 seconds. There are 2.2 million new cases of TB in the country every year, out of which an estimated 71,000 cases are of multi-drug resistant TB (MDR-TB). This curable disease kills 110,000 HIV-associated
“Is it true Narendra Modi just boarded a flight to visit India?” Tweeted a critic of Indian Prime Minister’s globe-trotting jaunts. “Welcome home, Pradhan Mantriji! How long will you be staying this time?” Modi has already been to 33 countries just this year alone. The Donald Trump of South Asia,
It is difficult to believe but true that Pakistan, a country created for Muslims, for Sunnis and Shias alike, has today become a nightmare for millions of Shias living there. A well-known writer and a member of the famous political family in Pakistan, Fatima Bhutto, said the country had become a ``c
It appears that the Sunni-led leadership of the Kingdom of Bahrain is intent on increasing tensions with the Shia majority. This reality is based on stripping Ayatollah Sheik Issa Qassim of Bahraini citizenship, suspending the leading Shia opposition group called al-Wefaq National Islamic Society, t
Islamic State which stormed Iraq and whole world in 2014 with its takeover of major Iraqi and Syrian cities by exploiting Sunni Arab grievances in Iraq and chaos in neighbouring Syria. But the militant group is steadily losing ground in both the countries. The so-called Caliphate is on the back foot
The recent years have seen a rise in the trend of exclusion of non-Muslims from our national society and there are factions within the State ensuring the continuation of this process. Having said that, one cannot be stress more that no citizens, Muslims or non-Muslims should be hounded due to the re
Investigators from the United Nations (UN) human rights committee finally stress that ISIS (Islamic State – IS) is committing genocide against the embattled Yazidis in Iraq and Syria respectively. Of course, while this is welcomed it still remains unclear why this reality wasn’t stated much earlier.
We woke up yesterday to the horrible tragedy in Orlando. I wrote a Cultural Commentary calling on Christians to pray with passion, honesty, and hope.
But the pain is just as deep today. And the threat of further terrorism is just as real.
Omar Saddiqui Mateen was born in New York and lived in St.
Sub:- (i)- Merely military and economic power will not do, political power too needed (ii)- Muslim countries (especially in NAME) finding difficult to stop breeding of Jihadi terrorism (iii)- SAARC region also a ticking bomb and will be conducive for Jihadi terrorism (iv)- Muslims cannot be allowed
Though some of media, politicians and political commentators all across the world are busy in advising UK that it should not leave European Union (EU) through June, 23 referendum but Brexit will be good for UK if ‘Common Wealth’ is realized by UK as given below:-
(1)- First and foremost UK should u
Pakistan and Kashmiris are happy after Modi made Kashmir an international issue in address to US congress; Pity on the incompetent strategy and security advisers of PM Modi who may be patting on their back that Modi has done a great job on Wednesday by bringing, the issue of terrorism emanating from
Islamic Republic of Pakistan, a Muslim dominated country, where, it is imposed to respect Islam and if any one talk about its force imposition, it can be consider as blasphemy. Minorities of the country are already living under the 24/7 threats and being dealt as second class citizen. Many people ar
The date was October 29, 1974. My brother and I were in Houston's Astrodome along with 50,000 others, there to watch a closed circuit telecast of Muhammad Ali's fight with George Foreman. Even though Houston was Foreman's hometown, ninety percent of the crowd chanted "Ali! Ali! Ali!" through the ent
Does Defense Minister know that ‘Pak Occupied Kashmir’ (POK) is still not with coward & crafty India? As if one ‘Bayan-Bahadur’ (Brave through Statements only and not by action) PM Narendra Modi was not enough – [who is so brazenly & flagrantly protecting black money and corruption and (instead of
It is an enormous grief for all citizens of Pakistan (minorities and Majority). Highest prices of daily basic need of human had been increasing in every year budget than income of daily wagers. It breaks back bone of daily wagers, servants who are earning below 12.000 Rupees monthly. Poor becomes p
Several religious scholars believe that non-Muslims cannot be awarded the death penalty for blaspheming; In the recent months we have seen relentless misuse of the blasphemy law. Within a month, three false blasphemy cases have been reported in different cities of Punjab — first in Mandi Bahauddin a
In a development that is most important since the killing of Al Qaida chief Osama bin Laden, Mullah Akhtar Mansour, the onlyTaliban leader India was forced to deal with in 1999, has been killed by an American drone attack. This can hardly be a consolation as his successor could be worse.
The likely
Syrian peace talks are heading in direction of another failed process, or have already been failed, depending on how grim a view we take of the events unfolding in Geneva. The Syrian opposition has called a ‘pause’ to negotiations which we can conclude as an equivalent to a walkout from the talks. E
Tobacco use poses the biggest threat to public health in the world today, even as more than 1 billion people consume it globally. It is the leading preventable cause of premature deaths worldwide, killing more than 6 million people each year, and is a risk factor for 6 of the world’s 8 leading cause
The President of Egypt, President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, promises that everything will be done to bring a Muslim mob to justice for parading an elderly Christian lady naked through the streets. El-Sisi rightly condemned the brutal attack against Coptic Christians in the village of Karama in the provi
Few days back, Islamic constitutional body, Council of Islamic Ideology (CII) has proposed its own women protection bill, recommending ‘a light beating’ for the wife if she defies the husband. This recommendations spark outrage though the CII chairman soften the tone stating ‘violence’ is not permis
It is terrible time over Pakistan. Pakistan is in jeopardy where citizens are hearing the truth of leaders who are involved in the awful fraud, corruption and stealing of Government treasures. Group’ voices of inner problems that are another danger for country sovereignty and stability. Citizens ha
7 And the Lord said: “I have surely seen the oppression of My people who are in Egypt, and have heard their cry because of their taskmasters, for I know their sorrows. 8 So I have come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians, and to bring them up from that land to a good and large lan
Divorce and remarriage’s topic is complicated topic in the Holy Bible. How much questions gives birth in this connection? It is not possible to answer all questions. It is spiritual growth and beneficial to study about comprehensive salvation what the Holy Bible teaches us.
The Holy Bible is comple
ISIS got tremendous boost by killing 150 in regime controlled territory having Russian bases in Syria (ii)- World-community should take cognizance of explosive development in India (about tens of millions of illegal Muslim immigrants) with huge potential of attracting ISIS in SAARC
Sunni Islamists in Syria target predominantly Alawite areas in Tartous and Jableh. Immediately, ISIS (Islamic State – IS) claimed responsibility for the suicide and car bombing attacks that have left at least 78 people dead. Sadly, the death toll will likely increase because many people remain injur
The test of success of any democratic nation is its fair and equitable treatment to the minorities. The countries of Indian sub-continent have failed this test very often. There may be difference in degree of failures but these countries have often failed to protect the rights of their minority comm
Current situation of Pakistan is pathetic, but it shows long term history of corrupt attitudes. It seems that will never end, May Lord of Host do justice with Pakistani Nations.
This situation is miserable from all aspects of life from higher level to lower. These speeches and news reports are jus
Less than two weeks ago, while we were celebrating Sadiq Khan becoming the first Muslim and Pakistani-origin British mayor of London, in Pakistan, in chak no 44, Mandi Bahauddin, Christians were suffering at the hands of Muslims, and desperately crying for help after a Christian young man Imran Masi
In the last two weeks, hundreds of mainly Shia Muslims have been killed in the capital of Iraq by brutal Sunni Takfiris. This applies to many different sectarian terrorist attacks by ISIS (Islamic State – IS) in Baghdad. The common theme is the targeting of predominantly Shia Muslim areas throughout
Unsettled (since 18 th century) power equation / balance between Hindus & Muslims can no longer be postponed.
After decline of Moghul power in 18th century there would have been bloodbath between Hindus and Muslims for political supremacy had Britishers not come and intervened. Hence power equatio
Breast and cervical cancers are two major cancers among women. For decades, cervical cancer was the most common cancer in women in India. But now, breast cancer has replaced cervical cancer and become the leading cancer in terms of incidence and number of cancer deaths among women in India. The most
There are some disputes in modern history that one might take lessons from in understanding the wisest course to take in resolving the Kashmir dispute.
The Aaland Islands is a case in point. The Aaland Islands are joined at the hip -- well, should I say, the toe of Finland -- and has been consider
Sunni Islamist Takfiris from Ahrar al-Sham and al-Nusra overran a mainly Alawite village in central Syria several days ago. Since then, reports stress that many Alawite civilians have been butchered. Equally disturbing, many civilians from the village of al-Zara are missing and presumed either dead
Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.) supports the universal human rights of freedom of religion for all. But for the Ahmadiyya Muslim community, such freedom is regularly under attack especially in Pakistan and among other areas of the world, including Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Belarus, Be
During Pakistan Movement religious groups and parties opposed Quid e Azam (founder of Pakistan) and creation of Pakistan but after the existence of Pakistan these people came to Pakistan with a design to convert it into an Islamic state of their own vision and binding. That was a plan to hijack a pr
As lung cancer treatment outcomes are difficult and five-year survival is abysmally low, preventing lung cancer is a top public health priority. Up to 90% of lung cancer cases are because of tobacco use. Therefore effective implementation of evidence-based and comprehensive tobacco control policies
The biennial Asia Pacific Lung Cancer Conference (APLCC 2016), organized by the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC), will be held in Chiang Mai, Thailand from 13-15 May 2016.
Lung cancer experts from several countries in the Asian-Pacific region with a wide range of exper
Open Doors Germany, and others, continuously report attacks and open discrimination against Christians and other non-Muslim minorities including the Yazidis in various refugee/economic migrant housing centers. The perpetrators in these centers are Muslim refugees/economic migrants and security perso
It is great grief and miserable tragedy with current of age of Christian leadership who are guided by social sector, wicked judgment and advocacy. It is downfall of Christian nation in the hands of those high positions of different denominations who are leading communities and churches. Until people
Labour politician Sadiq Khan has been sworn in as mayor of London at Southwark Cathedral, becoming the city’s first London’s first Muslim mayor. Pakistani Muslims in the United Kingdom (UK) and Labour party are celebrating the victory of Khan as he is the first Muslim to lead a significant city of E
Criticism from the world community is a major reason why Pakistani media keeps harping, albeit in anguish, some of which is genuine, that more Muslims die as a result of terrorism, when a Christian shrine or anyone belonging to the religious minority is attacked. This is the theme after the Easter m
Pakistan was born as a country which would protect all its citizens and provide them with peaceful lives. Our current situation is completely opposite to the principles on which this nation’s birth took place. Just take the example of religious minority issue; many things are going wrong and uncheck
Muqtada al-Sadr has long served as the spark in a volatile Iraqi politics. When the Shiite cleric ordered his followers to fight U.S. forces in 2004, it was the gravest challenge to the United States in Iraq since Saddam Hussein was toppled. More than a decade later, the mercurial leader has taken o
It is tragic situation with Pakistani Christian all over world because of “Orange Line Train track in Lahore” that had been planned on other place where was Government Minister’s house. But its direction has been changed to churches because there was minister’s house. A nation and country had been c
People in India and abroad may be tempted to think that Chief Justice of India (CJI) Tirath Singh Thakur is deeply concerned about proper health of judicial system in India hence with his choked voice coming close to tears and rubbing his eyes with his handkerchief, over the weekend, CJI implored Pr
Not all ailments are of the type that can be cured completely over time, even though they are not life threatening. Asthma, which afflicts an estimated 300 million people worldwide, is one such disease that cannot be cured though it can consciously be controlled. Those who keep it under check, throu
With the recent attacks in Kabul the Taliban demonstrated that it’s has become too easy for them to strike the capital at will. The Taliban wants to show ordinary Afghans how weak their government is, that it cannot protect them even in its stronghold. The Taliban definitely scored on that front. In
Pakistan ranks number three in the world with the highest prevalence of child and forced labor. To top it all, authorities failed to conduct any fresh child labor survey since 1996 making it difficult to ascertain the correct details of children working in different sectors around the country.
On Friday evening, Jews around the world will gather in their homes for the seder, the ritual meal marking the beginning of the weeklong celebration of Passover, the holiday that commemorates the emancipation of Israelite slaves from Egyptian bondage more than 3,000 years ago.
The biblical account
On April 12, 2016, a 16-year-old girl was either molested or threatened with molestation in the Kashmir town of Handwara by a so-far unidentified Indian soldier when she was using washroom. Her screams from within could be heard in the surrounding community, and it is believed that an Indian soldie
St Andrews Church, built in 1860 is one of four churches the Government of Pakistan has proposed to demolish to make way for undesired metro-line.
It is 4am and I am writing this article, another sleepless night follows the pain and anguish I feel for suffering Christians in Pakistan. Living as a
The debate over a "separate or dual electoral system” has been ongoing amongst Pakistani Christians for a long time. But until now there has been no concerted opinion on the matter.
Some people think the best option for Christians is the separate electoral system, which was introduced by the lat
Sub:- (i)- Naela etc should be pragmatic and should depend upon open military support of India for Balochs (ii)- Instead of thinking about independent Islamic theocratic State Balochs should prefer to be part of secular federation
Professor Naela Quadri Baloch has recently appeared in electronic me
In many countries around the world, women’s choices about their attire and appearance are restricted to some degree by government laws, policies or regulations. In recent years, most of these countries have had laws or policies that ban women from wearing religious attire in public places or limit t
If like me you were born and raised in Pakistan, probably you have attended a local school where we as children learnt at an early age the “conspiracy of the non-believers against Muslims.” You may say whatever in its defense, but our reality is troubling.
Little children’s minds are forced to stu
Although the governments of UN member countries had adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in September 2015, a lot more work needs to be done to deliver on these promises by 2030. Thirty-six Asia Pacific nations had met in Thailand for Asia Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development (APFSD)
The Easter massacre in Lahore that killed scores of men, but more significantly, women and children out on a Sunday evening outing, has brought the battle right at the doorsteps of Punjab from where both the Sharifs – Prime Minister Nawaz and Army chief Raheel – draw their principal support. If Naw
Kurds despite being the one of the largest ethnic group in Middle East numbering perhaps 35 million were denied a nation of their own as a result of the deliberate Anglo-French carving up the map of the collapsed Ottoman Empire following the First World War. Kurdish culture predates the birth of Isl
In Pakistan, freedom of religion exists but only on paper because the number of incidents affecting religious minorities continues to rise like anything. Just take the case of Sana Shahid, a thirteen year old Christian girl that was abducted last year in November by some Muslim men.
Sana Shahid wa
With all respect to Muslims…….. Multiculturalism is failure. And that was reason for Pakistan. There is no point when Muslims migrating to Western Nations and imposing them to accept them or otherwise call them as racists. Does Christians migrate to Muslims nations? Do they accept Christians as all?
The first ever public holiday for Holi, the festival of the Hindus and Easter for the Christian minority, has not gone well in Pakistan. The two holidays combined with a bunch of reformist and liberal measures and gestures by the Nawaz Sharif Government have the conservatives asking in protest wheth
Recently we celebrated the 76th Pakistan Day with traditional zeal and pledges to strengthen the country by eliminating terrorism and striving for greater political stability and sustainable economic growth. Every year this day is marked on March 23 to commemorate the 1940 Lahore Resolution — the fi
“The best way to solve any problem is to remove its cause.” Martin Luther King: "Nuclear weapons are the scourge of the earth; to mine for them, manufacture them, deploy them, use them, is a curse against God, the human family, and the earth itself." Philip Berrigan, American Peace Activist.
The nu
Although he has assured the government of his return, by all available indications, Pakistan’s retired General Pervez Musharraf has gone into exile, yet again, for good.
He was allowed by the government for “urgent medical treatment”, following a Supreme Court order lifting a ban on his foreign tr
I am grieved to write on topic of bomb Blast over the humanity again and again. Blast recently was attacked in the Gulshan Iqbal Park, Lahore dated 27th March 2016. I want to lighten mysterious plan of Satan against Pakistani Muslim and Christian. I collectively want to present”school of thoughts” d
Unfortunately Easter day attack on Christians in Pakistan is not first and if proper action is taken then will not be the last (ii)- Organized Christianity will not come to the rescue of Pakistani Christians (iii)- USFSDSAARC the only solution to the problem of Pakistani Christians (iv)- With $ ~ 15
It has been many decades of neglect and oppression for the Hindu community in Pakistan. They have faced considerable persecution and kidnappings have been routine. This has been particularly the case in Sindh province. The 1998 census records less than 2.5 million Hindus in Pakistan, the majority re
Today, a Muslim friend asks the question to American Christians: “Christians, since you haven’t been able to get rid of these terrorists, how do expect Muslims to get rid of ISIS?” The posting is accompanied by a photograph of members of the Ku Klux Klan with an American flag. Having fought this bat
Early and accurate diagnosis is a public health imperative for both diseases of epidemic proportions in Asia Pacific: tuberculosis (TB) and lung cancer. But since TB of the lungs (pulmonary TB) imitates lung cancer in many aspects including risk factors, symptoms, signs and radiographic findings, of
Goodman Makanda, who lives in Khayelitsha - outside of Cape Town in South Africa - was diagnosed with multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) in November 2013, when he was 30 years old. As if this was not enough, after 3 months of treatment, he was told in January 2014 that his MDR-TB had escalated to extre
The idea that the dispute over the status of Jammu and Kashmir can be settled only in accordance with the will of the people, which can be ascertained through the democratic method of a free and impartial plebiscite, was the common ground taken by all the three parties to the dispute, viz., the peop
With the formal end to five and half month of the Russian brief military intervention in Syria. Many analysts are busy drawing Russian Profit and Loss account in Syria. Since beginning Russia maintains the stand that its operation will last for limited time and there is no intentions of extensive mi
Nationalism or Racialism - series 29: Patriotism - IV
Now after 68 years, it is happening more worse than past history with Christian political and religious leadership. We admit that our political leaders are powerless due to the system of Pakistan's law for minorities. They are selected not el
I met Lucy in Khayelishta (near Cape Town) on the bright sunny morning of 4th December 2015 - just two days after she had celebrated the 10th birthday of her lovely daughter. A cured multidrug-resistant (MDR) TB survivor, her face glowed with the happiness and pride of winning her battle against tw
It took less than 50 months for hope to die in Maldives. It was heady days in 2008 when after 30 long years, Maldives, known for its beautiful islands and beaches, came out of the clutches of an authoritarian regime and took the first baby steps towards becoming a democratic state. There were jubila
The freedom of the Indian sub-continent (now comprised of Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan) did not come easy. Its foundation is built on the blood of the Khaksars as well as Allama Mashriqi’s teenage son, who were killed in the struggle for independence. Mashriqi, his immediate, family, and the Khak
On 3rd March 2016, at Kasur Brick kiln Olakh Bonga a young man named Mohammad Imran s/o Mohammad Ghafoor was murdered brutally by the manager of the Brickkiln owner named Muhammad Tufail Alias Pervaiz who slaughtered Mohammad Imran brutally and abducted Sonia who was recovered by the Police from the
The aftermath of Mumtaz Qadri’s execution was obvious and I am sure the government would have done all its calculations before taking its final decision.
Although all the legal process and procedures have been fully observed, the head of the council of Islamic ideology (CII) chairman Maulana Moham
Sub:- (i)- Kanhaiya can become national leader through J&K / Kashmir (ii)- Speaking against AFSPA and rapes of women in J&K by security forces, not enough (iii)- Martial deficiency of India is the main reason behind all the problems in J&K (iv)- Kanhaiya should demand retrieve of POK (even militaril
Introduction: The Regular Abuse of Pakistan’s Controversial Blasphemy Law
Blasphemy laws have always been a controversial subject for discussion in Pakistan. These laws have put hundreds of members of minority communities behind the bars. It has commonly been observed that section 295- A/B/C of the
Over the past few days stories of Pakistani minorities’ suffering have been reverberating in the UK’s House of Commons, House of Lords, and the British and international media. A debate about Pakistani minorities’ suffering was held in the House of Commons on February 11. On 24th February the All Pa
India's draft National Health Policy 2015 was riddled with privatisation bid and it is no surprise that 2016-2017 budget too takes that agenda forward. Also earlier this month Indian government indicated its intent to exit from hospital 'sector' (along with Air India). The vision of universal health
The United States and Russia are backing a cessation of hostilities agreement in war-torn Syria which has been accepted by most of the parties involved in the conflict. This is the second ceasefire plan recently which calls on the warring parties to stop fighting but specifically excludes the Islami
In the 1920s, the young Lebanese artist Georges Dawud Qurm developed a restrained art that held up the countryside of Lebanon, and facial types of its people, to a new generation that wanted some sort of identity as France clamped down its mandatory rule that might deculturize. Born in 1896, Qurm st
Takfiri Islamists belonging to ISIS (Islamic State – IS) in Syria have finally released the last 43 kidnapped Assyrian Christians of the original 230 that were taken by this Islamist sectarian force. Of course, no Islamist morality was based on this release. After all, ISIS thinks nothing about ensl
The Prime Minister of Japan Mr. Shinzo Abe visited India last December to participate in the annual bilateral meeting with the Prime Minister of India.
The peoples of India and Japan are guided by common cultural traditions including the heritage of Buddhism, and share a commitment to the ideals of
Sub:- (i)- PM Modi finds JNU controversy politically profitable as Muslim factor is involved (ii)- This JNU controversy has potential of solving Kashmir problem
---- The sedition charges slapped on Students of Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) by Union of India have raised following important po
In many respects the brouhaha over the Jawahar Lal Nehru (JNU) protest and the arrest of the student union president Kanhaiya Kumar can be counted as a good thing, in that it has brought the issue of Kashmir again into the national limelight, encouraging discussion and dialogue about self-determinat
Sub:- (i)- India enters civil war and will face imposition of national emergency (ii)- National emergency under Modi may see a repeat of 2002 Gujarat as 2016 India.
-- As was apprehended India has entered civil war on JNU controversy as university students, the supporters of popularly termed Right
Sub:- (i)- World community should stop its honeymoon period with fascist Modi (ii)- Leader of free world USA should wake up and ensure that the only functioning secular democracy in this part of Asia (that too of ~ 1.25 billion people) does not succumb to fascist forces (iii)- This time SCI should n
Indian Sunnis need not be so selfish and instead should come forward to help unfortunate coreligionist Syrians (ii)- Indian Sunnis should take lead in launching HRNGO to (A)- Persuade terrorists to handover territories to opposition in Syria (B)- Assist UN in carrying out elections in Syria
-- Hug
The United Nations mediated Syrian peace talks in Geneva was abruptly suspended it was stated that there was more work to be done by the big powers sponsoring the talks between the Syrian sides. The latest inconclusive Syrian peace talks were attended by representatives of the Syrian government, the
Pakistani-American terrorist David Headley is in headline quoting Mumbai girl Ishrat Jahan as terrorist of LeT.. During his deposition, he refered to a woman killed in a police encounter on Indian soil. When he was given three names, he claimed that the name of the woman was Ishrat Jahan. Ishrat’s
The recent statement from Maulana Muhammad Khan Sherani, Chairman of Council for Islamic Ideology (CII), has once again attracted attention to the need to reform the blasphemy law.
The law has been criticised regularly by civil society, the international community and minorities that have been dem
Your excellences
Sub:- Open letter to King Salman bin Abdulaziz of Saudi Arabia and President Khalifa bin Al Nahyan of UAE
Ref:- (i)- After December, 18 UN resolution military operation in Aleppo etc by Russia and Assad regime is betrayal and unnecessary and exacerbating humanitarian crises (i
The Russian Federation is multi-ethnic and multi-religious and clearly the armed forces resemble the religious mosaic of Syria. Orthodox Christians in the armed forces of the Russian Federation may predominate, just like Muslims in the armed forces of Syria, but both armies are multi-religious and b
Saudi Arabia and allies of this nation are pulverizing Yemen to pieces on a daily basis. Indeed, nothing is sacred because mosques, hospitals, schools, food centers and the entire infrastructure are being targeted. All this is happening with little concern being shown by America, France and the Unit
Turkey and Saudi Arabia, routinely referred to as the United States (US) Middle East allies, have been implicated supporting the Islamic State (IS) or ISIS or ISIL (term used by president Obama) or Daesh (Arabic name); Salafists, Al Qaeda affiliate al-Nusra Front and other jihadists pursuing the Mus
This piece honors some of our iconic fighter pilots from the past and celebrates their unprecedented achievement, which brought pride to the Pakistani nation.
Air Commodore M. Zafar Masud was a decorated fighter pilot in the Pakistan Air Force. He was a recipient of the Hilal-i-Jurat (the second hi
Recently Pakistani Army boasted they had the Pakistan taliban also known as Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) on run and are in disarray. It was claimed that the punishing, yearlong offensive had ousted the Taliban insurgents from their most prized tribal sanctuary. The movement’s various factions wer
Nationalism or Racialism – series # 30: Patriotism – Part IV
It is crystal clear truth of Pakistan’s parliament, True man of his party (PPP) who resign from position for rights of people on the guidance of party. Most of people like character of “Nana Patekar” of India film industry for genuine rol
Pakistan mulls integrating Gilgit –Baltistan into its fold. For the first time in the country’s Constitution, the mountainous region has been mentioned by name which brings it one step closer to being fully absorbed as its fifth province .It has, in fact, been under pressure to elevate the constitut
Pakistani textbooks openly violate the Constitution of Pakistan and Pakistan Penal Code but it is so sorrowful that the federal and provincial governments of Pakistan are not interested to take any action against the authors, reviewers and publishers of these textbooks.
These textbooks promote dish
Sub:- (i)- Entire world is afraid of taking action against India centric Jihadi terrorists of Pakistan due to potential of regime change in Pak (especially after ISIS factor) due to unresolved Kashmir problem (ii)- If Kashmir problem is not resolved without further delay, ISIS has every chance of ge
Once again Islamic extremists forced sobbing parents rushed into hospitals searching for their children. Taliban insurgent once again hit soft target at Bacha Khan University on 20th January, 2016 Wednesday after a month Pakistan observed the first anniversary of the deadly attack on Army Public Sch
The world has entered a new year with new aims and objectives, new aspirations, new hopes for change, and a new start to life for many around the world.
But unfortunately for Christians in Pakistan it is the old same story, as their persecution continues and seems to be worsening.
So far what I h
The latter half of the 20th century has seen many countries successfully emerge as regional powerhouses. Unfortunately, Pakistan has been struggling to make this happen despite being endowed with rich resources. In the 1960s, Pakistan was touted as a rising economic power like Japan but its progress
The people of Goa can be justifiably proud of the progress achieved over the last five decades in core sectors such as education. The literacy rate in Goa was about 30 percent at the time of Liberation. It is now hundred percent if we exclude some persons above the age of 50 years. In 1961, in my ow
Nationalism and Racialism series # 27: This topic is an interesting and favorite for all patriotic people who love humanity and their country. As we love our country Pakistan with true spirit of patriotism. In fact, the spirit of patriot is the special spirit of love, loyalty, sincerity and purity.
Sub:- US military should be sent by US Congress in harm’s way in NAME only after ensuring RGPO and people-centric UN policies
-- It was not the first time that the question of authorizing the use of military force against ISIS was raised. In US Media it has been discussed umpteen times. But the way
Sub:- (i)- Pakistan can take action against JeM etc only at the cost of civil war in Pakistan (ii)- After USA hinting at Laden type operation, India (in a gladiator type frenzy) is after PM Modi to act (iii)- No effective action by India will harm Modi politically.
-- India watched with satisfactio
Relations between Riyadh and Tehran have been tense ever since the Islamic Republic of Iran was established in the Iranian revolution of 1979. In recent time religious competition between the Islamic world’s Shia and Sunni powerhouses have also turned into burgeoning geopolitical rivalry. But curren
Pakistan is predominantly a Muslim country with its 97 percent of population adhering to Islam and the religious minorities make just a fraction of the population with varying estimates few percent of the total population. Constitution of country guaranteed the rights and protection of the all its c
I wish my friends a peaceful 2016, although it is not easy to pass the year in the true spirit of peace because of the obvious clash of two cultures. It is a time to reflect to save the citizens of the global village from further torture in the name of God, Who is the embodiment of peace in the Hind
Going by his Tweet, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had invited himself to Pakistan when he told his Pakistani counterpart, Nawaz Sharif, before leaving Kabul that he will ‘drop by’ in his home city while returning to India. But there are reports that his all too brief visit to Lahore on way back home
Several million Hindus living in Sindh are increasingly finding it difficult and dangerous to live in Pakistan, forcing many of them either to find shelter in India or in other provinces. The condition of Hindus in other provinces is no less different. In all, there are about 7 million Hindus in the
Is there any end to the suffering of Pakistani Christians in Bangkok? How many more children will turn into orphans, how many more families will be broken, How many more tears will be shed and how many more lives will be sacrificed.
It’s been years and years that we are begging to UNHCR Bangkok for

On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.