Drug trafficking in Christian areas by Mafia and agencies, a plan to make Christian youth addicts.


In Pakistan, Christian areas means, the residential colonies without civic amenities in the far-flung Ares in urban jurisdictions and on any corner of the villages and towns in the rural areas adjacent to Muslim residential areas. When ever any new h

The second reason of such separate Christian colonies is the social problem existing among different religious communities in Pakistan. Muslim majority hate to eat and drink with Christians and do, t allow them to eat and drink in the restaurants in the same utensils which they use. Muslims capture the small business of groceries and other by force in Christian areas and spread money on high interest rates among Christians and take un necessary social advantages from the residents by the help of area police who are Muslims also.

After independence of Pakistan in 1947, the Christians in their colonies were living very peacefully, in small churches performed the Sunday prayers and other religious rituals. Till 1970, Christians have 0% record in police stations in theft, assault, rape, robbery, and kidnapping and murder cases or in any other minor charges under law. They have their own committees to settle their family disputes and differences and involvement of government agencies was not found in these colonies. Some Dutch and Belgium missionaries stressed the need of education among Christians in 1960 and they opened schools up to primary levels and new generation started to equip them with education too.

The educated Christian youth refused to adopt the profession of sanitary worker imposed on their parents by Muslim majority and demanded their rights in government and semi government establishment. They neglected the restrictions not to eat in hotels and restaurants in commercial areas as well as in residential areas, which resulted in law and order situations in some cities. The education and voice of christian rights in Pakistan drew the attention of Muslims as well as the government of Pakistan and planning to keep them slaves were initiated on all levels.

In 1977, the prohibition of hudd ordinance was implemented by president order no 4, the military government of Zia ul Haq, banned the distribution of liquor and issues the liquor permits to Christians to consume liquor on religious grounds, claiming that taking the liquor is permitted in Christianity. The general Christian have, t the power to purchase the liquor being on below level of poverty in Pakistan.

The Muslims in the Christian colonies running small business insisted them to purchase liquor on their permits and sell to them on small margin of profit. The Christians refused to sell them the liquor; those Muslims with help of local Muslim policemen raided their houses and arrested them. These were the first incidents of involvement of Christians in police cases. The police tortured those arrested Christians and forced them to sell drugs in their areas. When drug was sold under the police cover and the Christian youth was depressed not getting jobs started taking drugs.

Now the 20% of Christian youth is addict of drugs as planned by the government agencies with the help of drug mafia. Its moment of attention for christian social and political workers to adopt measures to stop drug trafficking in christian colonies to save the new generation as christian nation in Pakistan. Now when the Christians have the representation in local governments on colony basis, it must be their priority duty to stop drug trafficking in their areas. If the due consideration is not given on this serious issue the future shall be very dark of Christians in Pakistan.

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nazirbhattipcc@aol.com , pakistanchristianpost@yahoo.com