Philadelphia: Dr. Nazir S Bhatti, Editor of Pakistan Christian Post and President of Pakistan Christian Congress in a letter to President New York
Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz group PML (N) President Mian Nawaz Sharif announced menifesto of Elections 2013, in Lahore on March 7, 2013, in a press conference. The PML (N) is ruling Punjab province of Pakistan from last five years and have strong political base in this province where Christians are second biggest population with balancing vote bank; What PML (N) promises to Christian of Punjab in particular and other religious minorities in Pakistan in general is only "Celebrations of Minority Day" if PML (N) wins forthcomming national elections and forms government in federation. There is not allocation of development budget for minorities nor is sanction of job quota for them in federal and provincial governments or reservation of seats in medical, engineering colleges and other higher educational institutions in PML (N) menifesto.
Why PML (N) stressed only on "Celebration of Minorities Day" neglecting all other preveliges for Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, Ahmadiyyia and other religious communities which can ensure social justice for them in society? Why PML (N) not assured Christian to legislate against hate on religion which not allow them to dine in resturants owned by Muslims? Why PML (N) fell short to take in confidence to Christians in its menifesto that adequate security will be provided to them during Muslim mob attacks who destroy their homes and properties in Punjab nor to burn alive Christian women, elders and children? Why PML (N) not announced punishment for Muslims who kidnap and rape Christian women and walk free from courts using infulence and contacts of Muslims in government? Why PML (N) not added in menifesto a severe punishments for Muslims who enforcedly convert Christian women and sell them as sex slaves to wealthy and landlords Muslims? Why PML (N) not gave due consideration to demand of minorities "Election not Selection under Dual Voting Right"
There arise many questions after announcement of election menifesto of Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz group for elections 2013, but will any other Muslim political party secure rights of Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, Ahmadiyyia and other religious minorities in their menifestos? There is very loud NO to these questions!!!
According to survey conducted by Pakistan Christian Post PCP, there are 96 seats of National Assembly of Pakistan and 211 seats of Provincial Assemblies in four provinces of Pakistan where Christians and Hindus have a winning vote bank. In these constituincies, PPP, PML (N), PML (Q), MQM, ANP, JUI (F), JI, PTI or any other Muslim party candidate can win if Christian, Hindu or Ahmadiyyia not vote for him. PCP will soon publish that survey report where Christian, Hindu and Ahmadiyyia have power to reward sucesss to any candidate of Muslim parties.
When religious minorities have such a crucial role in winning of national general elections for any Muslim political party then why Christian, Hindu and Ahmadiyyia communities are being ignored by Muslim leaders?
I think, it is not that Pakistan which I enjoyed before 1970; Where Christian was free to enter in any kind of religious dialogue with Muslim; Where Christian-Muslim-Hindu-Ahmadiyyia were enjoying equal rights; Where all religious communities were given admission in professional colleges on priority; Where Christians were in higher courts; Where Chief justice never handed over Hindu or Christian girls without their concents to Muslim kidnappers when they cried in courts to go with parents; When Muslim never claimed that Pakistan is founded for Muslims only; When constitutions were not bound to elect Muslims only for posts of President of Pakistan, Prime Minister of Pakistan, Speaker of National Assembly, Chief of Armed Forces, Commander of any army regiment, Chief of Air Marshal, Admiral of Pakistan Naval force, Chief Secretary, Director Genetal of any government division, Ambassador or High Commissioner in foreign services, Deputy Commissionor, Inspector General of Police or even a Station House officer of any Police Station in Pakistan. I can say that its not mine Pakistan now nor Pakistan of Quaid-e-Azam!!!
I must point out to PML (N) that keep celebrating "Minorities Day" in Pakistan if you win elections because same sort of "Minorities Day" is being celebrated by PPP, MQM, PML (Q) ANP and their allies parties from five years but these Muslim political parties in colabration with opposition parties like PML (N), JUI (F), PML(Humkhial) and others had scrathed word "Minorities" from constitution of Pakistan and declared them "Non-Muslim" in 18th Amendment in Constitution of Pakistan for vested interests.
Why PML (N) not included word "Non-Muslims Day" instead of "Minorities Day" or it was best to include word "Genocide Day of Non-Muslims in Pakistan" as PML (N) government in Punjab supported attacks of Muslim mobs on life and property of Christians in Punjab province of Pakistan which it ruled.
There is group of so-called Christian leaders also who supports these Muslim political parties to extend their conspiracies against Christians in reward of seats in parliament but is Muslim leader in Pakistan an ignorant, wicked or shameless who forgets social and political values as Nawaz Sharif have forgotton in his PML (N) election menifesto of 2013, to secure whom Founder of Pakistan said " Minorities are sacred trust of Pakistan"
By Nazir S Bhatti
Why PML (N) stressed only on "Celebration of Minorities Day" neglecting all other preveliges for Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, Ahmadiyyia and other religious communities which can ensure social justice for them in society? Why PML (N) not assured Christian to legislate against hate on religion which not allow them to dine in resturants owned by Muslims? Why PML (N) fell short to take in confidence to Christians in its menifesto that adequate security will be provided to them during Muslim mob attacks who destroy their homes and properties in Punjab nor to burn alive Christian women, elders and children? Why PML (N) not announced punishment for Muslims who kidnap and rape Christian women and walk free from courts using infulence and contacts of Muslims in government? Why PML (N) not added in menifesto a severe punishments for Muslims who enforcedly convert Christian women and sell them as sex slaves to wealthy and landlords Muslims? Why PML (N) not gave due consideration to demand of minorities "Election not Selection under Dual Voting Right"
There arise many questions after announcement of election menifesto of Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz group for elections 2013, but will any other Muslim political party secure rights of Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, Ahmadiyyia and other religious minorities in their menifestos? There is very loud NO to these questions!!!
According to survey conducted by Pakistan Christian Post PCP, there are 96 seats of National Assembly of Pakistan and 211 seats of Provincial Assemblies in four provinces of Pakistan where Christians and Hindus have a winning vote bank. In these constituincies, PPP, PML (N), PML (Q), MQM, ANP, JUI (F), JI, PTI or any other Muslim party candidate can win if Christian, Hindu or Ahmadiyyia not vote for him. PCP will soon publish that survey report where Christian, Hindu and Ahmadiyyia have power to reward sucesss to any candidate of Muslim parties.
When religious minorities have such a crucial role in winning of national general elections for any Muslim political party then why Christian, Hindu and Ahmadiyyia communities are being ignored by Muslim leaders?
I think, it is not that Pakistan which I enjoyed before 1970; Where Christian was free to enter in any kind of religious dialogue with Muslim; Where Christian-Muslim-Hindu-Ahmadiyyia were enjoying equal rights; Where all religious communities were given admission in professional colleges on priority; Where Christians were in higher courts; Where Chief justice never handed over Hindu or Christian girls without their concents to Muslim kidnappers when they cried in courts to go with parents; When Muslim never claimed that Pakistan is founded for Muslims only; When constitutions were not bound to elect Muslims only for posts of President of Pakistan, Prime Minister of Pakistan, Speaker of National Assembly, Chief of Armed Forces, Commander of any army regiment, Chief of Air Marshal, Admiral of Pakistan Naval force, Chief Secretary, Director Genetal of any government division, Ambassador or High Commissioner in foreign services, Deputy Commissionor, Inspector General of Police or even a Station House officer of any Police Station in Pakistan. I can say that its not mine Pakistan now nor Pakistan of Quaid-e-Azam!!!
I must point out to PML (N) that keep celebrating "Minorities Day" in Pakistan if you win elections because same sort of "Minorities Day" is being celebrated by PPP, MQM, PML (Q) ANP and their allies parties from five years but these Muslim political parties in colabration with opposition parties like PML (N), JUI (F), PML(Humkhial) and others had scrathed word "Minorities" from constitution of Pakistan and declared them "Non-Muslim" in 18th Amendment in Constitution of Pakistan for vested interests.
Why PML (N) not included word "Non-Muslims Day" instead of "Minorities Day" or it was best to include word "Genocide Day of Non-Muslims in Pakistan" as PML (N) government in Punjab supported attacks of Muslim mobs on life and property of Christians in Punjab province of Pakistan which it ruled.
There is group of so-called Christian leaders also who supports these Muslim political parties to extend their conspiracies against Christians in reward of seats in parliament but is Muslim leader in Pakistan an ignorant, wicked or shameless who forgets social and political values as Nawaz Sharif have forgotton in his PML (N) election menifesto of 2013, to secure whom Founder of Pakistan said " Minorities are sacred trust of Pakistan"
By Nazir S Bhatti
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"Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" By Nazir S Bhatti
On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.