Where is Asia Bibi? A mystery surrounds about her whereabouts. By Dr. Nazir Bhatti


After Asia Bibi review petition in Supreme Court of Pakistan, media reported that she is in Canada with her daughters but then we witnessed news items in world press that she is in Karachi and kept in a locked room with her husband during day and only allowed to make phone calls to her daughters in Canada in evening. It seems mysterious that why she is still under locked room and who are preventing her to go abroad after her acquittal?

Let’s look in briefs of events after October 31, 2018, when Supreme Court of Pakistan heard her appeal against her death sentenced and acquitted her in a judgement. She was taken by ISI agents from Multan Jail and flown to Islamabad. There were rumors that Netherland Ambassador was also in same plane and she might have departed for Holland but late such news was not proved right.  This decision sparked anger among religious extremists’ group who launched countrywide protests damaging public properties. The leaders of TLP issued Fatwas to kill Judges of Supreme Court of Pakistan and to throw away General Bajwa, the Chief of Army as he was supposed to be instrumental in planning release of Asia Bibi. The government reached with an agreement of protesting leaders and they were intimidated to file review petition in Supreme Court of Pakistan against judgement. During that period, it was acceptable the notion of government of Pakistan that Asia Bibi must stay in Pakistan until decision on review petition not take place. Eventually, on January 29, 2019, a petition requesting an appeal against the court's decision to acquit Asia Bibi was rejected, lifting the last legal hurdle in the case and paving the way for her to leave the country then reports emerged in media that she reaches Canada joining her daughters who are waiting for her but later such reports seemed baseless.

I think, government of Pakistan or Pakistan Army shall allow now to Asia Bibi to leave country and join her family in Canada but why its keeping her in custody in Karachi. The protective custody was acceptable when riots broke out by Islamists and review petition was filed in Supreme Court of Pakistan but what are intentions keeping her in custody after all hurdles are over.

The Asia Bibi not know that in which city she is at present nor that person who was allowed to talk with her on phone where she told him that she is with her husband being locked up in a room during day and allowed at nights to be out for few minutes to use phone which makes more mysterious about her whereabouts in Pakistan.

Its need of time that Asia Bibi may be free in reality to move and settle in a country of her choice which means freedom.

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nazirbhattipcc@aol.com , pakistanchristianpost@yahoo.com