Distribution of Liquor on religious grounds.


The city government of Karachi have passed a resoulation to ban distribution of liquor in Karachi and recommended to close all the shops of liquor duly permitted by the Sindh government during PPP and Jam Sadiq administration to Christian, Hindu and

The Christians of Pakistan strongly protested and urged that consumption of liquor is sin in Christianity and alcohol is not used in rituals as the government have stated but due consideration was not given on their demand to ban liquor completely in Pakistan. When we discuss this issue its important to note that all the breweries and distillers in pakistan are owned by the Parsi community and generals of Armed forces and bureaucracy was practically involved in the profitable business of liquor since 1947. The independence of Pakistan. The Zia ul Haque order to distribution of liquor was to safeguard the business interests of armed forces generals and other high ups in his government and keep an out let for Muslims for consumption of liquor, the religious minorities, the christian religious teachings were used with mollified intention to secure the interests of individuals involved in this business. The then martial law government was fully aware that poor christian community in pakistan do not have the buying power to purchase the three or more units of liquor.

The social evils penetrated in Christian society when Muslims forced them to buy alcohol from them from government issued permits from government licensed shops of liquor. The Christian members of provincial assemblies were awarded these special permits to open out let shops and involved in this profitable business and they earned millions from these liquor shops on bargaining the Christian rights. The government on one hand saved the business interests of high profile Muslim officers and used these so called elected or selected Christian MPA, s to suppressed the voice of Christians in the hose. Two Christian's members of sindh Assembly Michael Javeed and Saleem Khokhar were also awarded five for each permits to sell liquor and they opened these shops in Karachi. They made so much money from these shops that these to poor members were counted among rich class of province but they never raised voice on floor for their voters.

On other hand the Christian colonies became the dens and government agencies forced them to sell drugs with the bottles of liquors to Muslims causing major elements of corruption in Christian society. The trafficking of Muslims to purchase alcohol and drugs in christian colonies ultimately turned many christian women to prostitution by force of Muslim inflectional buyers of drugs and alcohol or the area police officers. We want to make very clear that in the name of issuance of permits of consumption on religious ground the peaceful Christian community was involved in social evils. The decision of Karachi city government is very positive step to ban
distribution of liquor in Karachi and we hope the other city governments in country shall adopt such resoulation to put complete ban on distribution of liquor as its also prohibited in Christianity, Hinduism and Islam too.

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nazirbhattipcc@aol.com , pakistanchristianpost@yahoo.com