Minorities countdown on 5th august cabinet meetings for restoration of representation in parliament.


Its learned that President General Mushraf shall preside the meeting of cabinet to give final shape to the constitutional package in the light of his meetings with political parties leaders. The minority's delegation also put forth the demand to rest

This government restored the joint election system under consultations with non-representing elements of minorities but also abolished the minority-reserved seats in parliament with the end of separate election system in Pakistan. Here we do not want to indulge in discussions that which system of election was best for minorities because the minorities practiced the separate election system for more than decade under 8th amendment in constitution and elected representatives never raised voice against the separate election system on floor nor in public except the rejected elements under franchise vote. That make it final verdict of 15 million Christians in Pakistan that they were fully satisfied by the separate election system with limitation and delimitation of the constituiencies to these reserved seats in parliament.

The issue or reserved seats has turned to be very surprising for minorities in Pakistan. The president of Pakistan claims that with these present amendments in the election system and abolishment of reserved seats have turned back the minorities in the main stream of political and social life in Pakistan. How far he is true to the minorities cause when he never thinks for general woman reserved seats under constitution to be obstacle for women in the same ways and moreover he had tripled their reserved seats in parliament with the increasing number of seats in parliament in the forthcoming elections. The president of Pakistan has created more categories in the reserved seats for the technocrats in parliament. This the point for general discussions that if he do not seek the reserved seats of women and technocrats ad undemocratic under which circumstances he ever considered the minorities reserved seats to be undemocratic and killed their voice in parliament by the abolishment of their seats only.

Something very serious is underway against the minorities of Pakistan and future will clarify the negative effects of this undemocratic and unconstitutional act of present government toward the minorities.

Now it's the last chance for government to restore the reserved seats of minorities in parliament in the 5th august cabinet meetings and to win the support of the minorities in Pakistan. We again repeat here that this government is not empowered to bring any amendment in the constitution under the supreme court judgment and its in the best interests of solidarity and integrity of Pakistan that this government may hold the transparent elections and may leave all such amendment on the elected house of parliament.

Nazir s Bhatti.

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