Joint electorate is conspiracy of anti Christian and anti Pakistan elements.


The October 2002 national general elections, under joint electorate are on bid by the military government again after 1971, for the second time in the history of Pakistan. The 1977 national general elections under joint elections were duly rejected b

The first elections under joint election system were conducted in 1971 under the military government when a Christian jurist as an administrative tool, introduce the joint election system, in the legal framework, a political package as election code in the country. The Christian minority in Pakistan after independence of Pakistan in 1947 has been practicing separate election system to elect their own representitives in democratic institutions. There was 5% quota in job opportunities and admissions in the professional and higher studies institutions for the Christian youths. As whole there were impressions of brotherhood and harmony among different religious communities and they were playing the positive active role in the integrity and prosperity of the state.

The 1971 national general elections under this newly introduced joint electorate were the fist blow to the geographical structure of Pakistan when East Pakistan emerged as new Muslim state in subcontinent of Bangladesh, damaging the two-nation theory as basis of creation of Muslim state of Pakistan. This fact surfaced after analyzing that the fall of Dakha was after the elections under joint election system, which played vital and important role in separation of East Pakistan in 1971. In these first elections under joint electorate, the Hindu minority funded the Awami league on the six points manifesto to set apart the Pakistan in two states. The national and international forces have never successive to separate East Wing Of Pakistan if joint elections were not introduced and conducted in the east wing of Pakistan. No doubts there were some political and economic issues unsettled from years among the provincial governments of East Pakistan and West Pakistan and Bengali speaking majority of east Pakistan have been declaring themselves as the oppressed nation in Pakistan with complains in distribution of the resources of the state and cultural passage among population but those issues had the solutions and might have been settled by dialogues. . In Mahmmod Ur Rehman commission report declared later that military government have knowledge of negative results of the six point manifesto of Awami League but they never tried to discuss or propose amendments in this election campaign manifesto with the leaders of the Awami League and issued green signal for which the Hindus minority in East Pakistan took proper advantage of the situation by providing funds for the six point in election to the Muslim leadership in east Pakistan.

Now after decades the present military government have revived the joint electorate and its feared for the solidarity of Pakistan because when we discuss the current situation in the Sindh province of Pakistan where the majority of Hindu minority is settled and have been demanding the joint electorate from decades, are in position to use the Muslim separatist elements in sindh to achieve the land slide results, to strengthen them, who are claiming to be oppressed nation in sindh province like Bengalis in East Pakistan. The positions of Hindus in sindh province are stronger than the Hindus in East Pakistan. In sindh province there are Hindu feudal lords, leading businessman and bureaucrats to play a vital negative role comparing to the Hindu in East Pakistan. The cultural values of Muslims and Hindus are still unchanged from centuries in sindh. It's the 55th anniversary of Pakistan but the Muslims of Sindh still prefer to greet each other in Hindu customs than the Islamic ways. In sindh province the Muslim leaders have been demanding the confederation system, as the only solution of the unity of Pakistan and more provincial autonomy. More over the independence of sindh movement have been remained a very strong and popular movement between Hindu and Muslim youth of sindh. Now the urban and rural population has joined hands in these elections in the name of Rights Of Sindh province. Anti Pakistan elements are preparing and funding for the victory of these Sindh Rights Groups in the elections and the Hindu and Christian vote banks in Sindh is put in their favour, as well as the funds by those national and international forces which have apprehensions on having ability of atomic bomb by the Muslim state of Pakistan. The situation in Balouchistan and NWFP provinces is not quite up to mark and people have fears from the Armed Forces of Pakistan and supremacy of Punjab in democratic institutions and undue large share in national resources of Pakistan.

As far as separate election is concerned, Founder of Pakistan in his 14-point doctrine endorsed the separate election system for minorities after consultations with the minority leaders in the Pakistan movement but unfortunately the leaders in Pakistan have ignored the consents and concepts of founder of Pakistan for their vested interests. The separate election is only democratic way for the minorities to elect their representation in parliament. No one can count it democratic mean on any ground that the Muslim legislators may select minority members of parliament when minority voters shall vote for Muslim candidate only as set forth in the joint election system in Pakistan. This may be called selection but not elections on the reserved seats for minorities in parliament. This selection can never be taken as democratic or part of democracy when separate elections are symbolic democratic. The joint election provides opportunity for the Muslim majority to impose minority leadership of their own choice against the will of the minorities.

In such circumstances any one can assume that few Christian elements are being used by the government agencies to join hands with Hindus and Muslim anti Pakistan elements on the demand of joint electorate again when majority of peace loving and patriot population of Christian were enjoying the privileges of separate elections since 1985.

It's on record that Christians were happy with separate election system in Pakistan and elected their representatives in parliament for 17 years. The Christians never boycotted any elections under separate elections and the voting percentage was higher than Muslim seats when the minorities have all Pakistan as their constituency on multiple bases. To make the separate elections transparent the Christian leaders demanded the limitation and delimitations of their constituencies and urged upon government to introduce the dual voting right There was no voice in house of parliament by elected minority representatives to introduce the joint election system in Pakistan for minorities and views against the separate elections in Pakistan.

The Christians in Pakistan experienced change in the uplift programmes by their elected member under separate elections, which they have never practiced by the Muslim leaders after the joint elections in 1971. The development budgets allocated to their representatives was utilized on community centers, sewerage system, water connections and roads in the Christian colonies. The Christian youth enjoyed the privileges of quota of professional seats and jobs allocated to their leaders when Muslim leaders have never recommended on their quota for medical colleges to any Christian youth nor on any job quota of grade seventeen jobs for the Christians in the history of Pakistan.

The Christian elements that demanded joint elections are those so-called leaders who never had the confidence of Christian voters. These Christians were sure that they can never reach in parliament by the votes of Christians under separate elections and demand of joint election was the only backdoor for their success and to dreams come true.

Now, those Christian community rejected leaders are trying to gain the confidence of Muslims for their selection on reserved seats in parliament and ready to serve as slaves to those Muslim leaders and to dance on their master's voice. The Christian selected leaders shall never be the Christian community leaders because Christians have not voted for their elections but they have selections of Muslims only under these joint elections. Its very clear that this move of joint electorate is move of anti Christian and anti Pakistan elements move when Christians never demanded this system and were happy with separate elections in Pakistan. More over these so called leaders Christian leaders have already lost the confidence of Christian by their failure to press upon their Muslim masters to increase in the number of reserved seats for minorities when the Muslim seats have been duly increased in the parliament.

Nazir S Bhatti.

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