Aslam Martin, a great Comrade and leader, Martyred by Terrorist to end Christian peaceful struggle in Pakistan.


I knew Mr. Aslam Martin from years before he started his job at Christian establishment Justice and Peace in Karachi. He was interested in Christian welfare from his student life. I still remember this passionate young man from the formation of Chris

During his services, I found him living in Christian colonies for months to establish contacts with the local Christian youth and lecture them on Christian issues on his awareness campaigns. It was his great service for Christians to live away from home in the same city away from his family for Christian cause. He was most dedicated man to his commitment to the community. With in years, Mr. Martin was well known among Christian community as well as in the Muslim democratic circles and duly respected by the different school of thoughts. His services to bring Christians in the mainstream of life in Pakistani society shall be always remembered with respect and honor by the coming generation for decades. He was the major leader to motivate the issue of Joint Electorate for minorities in Pakistan. He established positive contacts with Christian, Hindus, Ahmedi and Muslim groups to support the issue of Joint Electorate in Pakistan. His services for Christian community are stretched on such a long time that I can write complete book on his services and struggle.

The news of his murder by the terrorist in Karachi was very shocking news for me. I was only able to say this in my heart that one more friend, comrade and leader have left me and Christian nation in Pakistan. Sure, he was symbol of struggle for me. He was best friend of me. He was best leader for me.

I will appeal to the Christian nation in Pakistan to follow his ways of struggle to remember him in life. We can make him milestone of our struggle to adopt his ways of commitment to our cause. Aslam Martin shall remain alive among us if we learn to stay loyal to Christian nation and unite our self on all the national issue of our community in Pakistan. We have to carry on his struggle for the equal democratic rights of Christian in Pakistan.

At same time it's the foremost duty of all the Christian community members in Pakistan to press upon the government to arrest the killers of Aslam Martin and all other who laid life with him by the hands of Muslim militant groups terrorists in Pakistan. Mr. Martin was against terrorist and violence in society. He believed in peaceful struggle. His hunger strikes, rallies, seminars and press conference were the peaceful struggle of rights, which was never appreciated by the terror groups in Pakistan. Our best homage and gratitude to Aslam Martin is to end violence from Pakistani society and to bring his killers to justice.

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