Philadelphia: Dr. Nazir S Bhatti, Editor of Pakistan Christian Post and President of Pakistan Christian Congress in a letter to President New York
Who so ever prepared the results of election 2002, he must be counted the most genius person in Pakistan because it was the hung parliament the best for those who plan to rule the country for long period of time. May be stable government was not in t
The most lacking factor in this leadership of Christians was the vision of future for the Christian nation in Pakistan. They demanded the joint elections for the Christians but they never raised voice to increase in the number of reserved seats for Christians on proportional to their population when the government has increased the reserved seats for women and the general seats in the parliament. The Christian leadership was busy meeting the political leadership and government agencies and issuing long press notes and happy on their bed for this unfamiliar success in political circles. What a pity that useless tool of Christian leadership with high sounds on Christian support to PPP is now in begging position?
All have read that news appeared in section of press that APMA leader have now the voice of beggars for the role of Christians in the new government set up in Pakistan to the leadership of PPP. Now its time for such leaders to access their capability and ability of leadership and step back from the stage of Christian rights struggle in Pakistan.
We wish to inform such leaders that in previous elections under separate elections the PPP and PML leadership have been forced to walk to the doors of Christian leaders for the formation of the government. Those Christian representatives have the power of the Christian votes with them and they existed in the parliament as Christian members of the house. These joint elections have snatched the Christian identity in parliament and that's is the reason that there is not Christian role in their government nor it shall be in future.
The demand to share in power of the state is matter of able leadership with proper vision but now there is no chance for the Christians to share in power of the government. This leadership, who so ever it is, shall be counted as anti Christian and tool of government agencies in future who failed to demand in increase of Christian seats and procedure of this joint elections.
Think for a while in this hung parliament when Muslim political parties with dozen of seats in bag is sitting on strong political bargaining position if the Christians have increased seats with separate elections, How powerful they might be for their share in power of the state and resources of the country.
We again appeal to such elements and forces behind this joint election campaigns that to step back in the name of poor Christian community, as they are not able to lead the community any more.
Nazir S Bhatti.
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