Why Christians campaigners of joint elections in higher courts against the elections amendments now?


The majority of Christian voters favoring the separate elections stayed away from the election 2002 and preferred to stay at homes on 10 October instead of casting their votes in favor of the Muslim political parties Muslim candidates in their respec

The demand of joint elections was usually made from time to time by the Bishop conference of Pakistan and the church based NGOs on intimation and directives of the Pakistan Peoples Party and government agencies because the government never appreciated the voice of christens own elected representatives which sometimes acted against government policies in favour of poor Christians and also have taken place as Christian spokesmen on international and national forums instead of Bishops who have been in lead since independence of Pakistan in 1947. Suddenly on the demands of these few individuals the joint elections were enforced in election 2002 by the military government through the amendment package in the constitution of 1973 of Islamic republic of Pakistan.

The Christian elements in demand of joint elections have claimed that Christian minority shall be in mainstream of society after the joint elections and same was propagated in national and international media and reason of arrests of Christians under blasphemy laws in Pakistan was termed to be separate elections only. The majority of Christians expressed their satisfaction on Separate election system for minorities but demanded the Dual voting rights that they may elect their representatives on the Christian reserved seats and may cast their votes to the majority community candidates but being limited resources and approach to the church based foreign Christian news agencies, which adopted the means to neglect the majority point of views of general Christians, who also have not any approach to the general foreign media as well as the national media and faced the negligence to justify the situation on election system. The Christians with fear of the government agencies and pressure of the Muslim candidates to force them to cast votes in their favor , kept them in a decision to keep silent, but still there were demonstrations and press conferences against this joint elections by them.

There are information's in press that J Salik, who was elected from city councilor to member or parliament and raised up to federal minister through the separate elections, from time to time on intimation of PPP and his affiliation, voiced for the joint elections for minorities, like foolish man cutting the same branch of tree on which he have been sitting. Very surprisingly he was the first to move against these election amendments in the supreme courts of Pakistan and filed constitutional petition against these amendments. It was more surprising for the poor Christians that National Council of Churches in Pakistan also moved an application to become a party in the petition of J Salik. The NCCP now showed dissatisfaction on the election amendments, when the Bishops of this NCCP have been propagating in international media and forums against separate elections and in favor of joint elections. Its crystal clear that J Salik And half of the Bishops Conference of Pakistan have very openly admitted their fault to demand the joint elections instead of procedural amendments in joint elections and implementation of dual voting rights for Christians. Its learned that J salik have withdrawn his petition from Supreme Court of Pakistan to left NCCP alone to face their ill deeds and he has decided to move to the Federal sharia Courts for the relief.

This is the major issue after this ill deed of churches and church based NGOs, that is it right of the politicians to decide the fate of Christians in Pakistan or the religious leaders? We suggest to the clergy and NGO s that they have been enjoying the foreign funds and having privileges like feudal lords due to this foreign support in Pakistan but it is in their best interests not to poke their nose in the political issues of Christians in future and let the Christian political leaders to decide the Christian issues in Pakistan because its best for them and best for Christian community too..

Nazir S Bhatti.

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nazirbhattipcc@aol.com , pakistanchristianpost@yahoo.com