Before criticizing caste census PM Modi should keep Hindutva ideology & larger interest of Hinduism (Sanatan Dharma) in mind. By Hem Raj Jain


Rather HIndutva forces should be happy if opposition  during coming elections without reservation in the Private sector invoke “caste based census / reservation in govt sector (ii)- Hindutva forces should be happy because Caste of Hindu order based elections / politics will strengthen  Hinduism (Sanatan Dharma) (iii)_ Caste census has already demolished the fundamentals of Islam through fragmentation of its Ummah by many Muslims ready to accept reservation on the basis of caste (OBC) (iv)- Only reservation in private sector will harm Indian economy (v)- Reservation in government sector can be increased by 20% on the model of Tamil Nadu (vi)- Policy of privatization should b reversed and more government enterprises should be encouraged to accommodate reservation castes in govt services (vii)- This caste based reservation policy will succeed only if Hindutva can find a Prime Minister and Industry Minister who believe in and can run govt enterprises in profit (viii)_ IF people can’t run  factories properly how will they run the State  or country (ix)- Hindutva forces should also work for giving control and management of Hindu temples to Hindus which will create immense new jobs to various castes of Hindu order. 

The caste census released on Gandhi Jayanti October 2, 2023 by Bihar government ( ) has created  political storm in India especially in view of the fact that its second part about economic distribution is bound to trigger the demand for increased reservation not only in government services but also in private sector hence overwhelming majority of India (the 85% from SC, ST, and backward castes) is very much enthused and vociferous and wants this issue of ‘caste census all across India and increased reservation’ to be made the main issue in all the coming elections. This has rattled the BJP / Hindutava forces Led by PM Modo and RSS as is evident from the way Modi responded to this caste census data released by Bihar government as reported at  . PM Modi in particular and Hindutva forces in general are disturbed because now not the communal factor (Hindu-Muslim divide) (which borough handsome  electoral dividends to the BJP in the last one decade) will  obviously not be the main factor which will decide the outcome of  coming elections for Vidhan Sabha  and Lok Sabha,  instead  now the caste factor will decide it. 

But Hindutva forces  by opposing “caste census and caste based reservation” are harming their objective of strengthening Hinduism (Sanatan Dharma of which caste system is fundamental) rather Hindutva forces should support it, as mentioned below if they want Hindutva to be the predominant political force and  ideology (as propounded by BJP/ RSS's source of  inspiration Savarkar in 1923 through  his book “ Hindutva”) in Hindu majority India:-

(1)-    Hindutva forces should be happy because Caste of Hindu order based elections / politics will strengthen  Hinduism (Sanatan Dharma of which caste system is fundamental which is based on ‘laws of Karma’ , the foundation of Hinduism and practiced & accepted culture / beliefs of Hindu majority India). Hinduism should be further happy that now Muslims also have been brought under a caste system where Muslims are prepared to accept fragmentation of their Ummah so that Muslims also can get the benefit of reservation to other backward castes. 

(2)- THere is only one threat to India and to its economy if reservation in private sector is demanded by these reservation seeking castes as mentioned at and )

(3)- Going by part of national & international media and human rights pro-secularism organizations there may be SOME truth in the claims of opposition that PM Modi could get victory in 2014 & 2019 Loksabha elections by condoning if not promoting anti-Muslim nationalism but fact of the matter is that being a Gujarati (as claimed by Modi himself ) and widely supported by corporate India the youth of India ( majority of voters in India and in need of good jobs) believed that Modi would bring large number of industries to India which will remove unemployment / under employment from India hence they voted for / supported Modi ia all the elections (for Loksabha and for many Vidhansabhas) since 2014.. Therefore, whether BJP Led by PM MOdi and wider Hindutva forces like it or not, their governments would  survive and would come to power only when jobs in large numbers are created. When private sector has not been able to create adequately desired number of jobs [despite hope created (which has proved to be illusory) that manufacturing sector would shift from China to India as the relation of west led by the USA with China has been deteriorated in recent years ] the only alternative available is that the public / government sector should create these jobs. 

(3)- These reservation seekers wouldn’t demand reservation in private sector if more jobs are created in government sector which can easily be done as mentioned below 

(4)_ Reservation in government sector can be increased by 20% if reservation is increased fro 49 to 69 % on the model of Tamil Nadu as mentioned at . 

(5)- At the same time the Policy of privatization (disinvestment) should be reversed and more government enterprises should be encouraged in the interest of  accommodating  more and more reservation castes in govt services 

(6)- Hindutva forces should also work to recover Rs 1,000 Trillion income tax from about one million fake farmers as discussed in Parliament in April 2016 as reported at (  and . This huge State capital of Rs 1,000 trillion can be used for economic progress of India especially by promoting more profitable government enterprises.

(7)- But this caste based reservation policy will succeed only if Hindutva forces can find  Prime Minister / Chief Ministers and Union & State Industry Ministers who believe in and are capable and competent to  run govt enterprises in profit . Because IF people (Brahmins and Kshatriyas the main functionaries of Indian-State and two castes highest in the hierarchical  Hindu order) can’t run  factories properly [which even so-called Banias (the leaders of corporate India) the third in caste hierarchy can run profitably) then how will they run the State  or Country efficiently. 

(8)- Hindutva forces should explore one more field to provide jobs and social security networks. Hindutva forces  should  work for giving control and management of Hindu temples to Hindus ( even demanded by former BJP MP Subramanian Swamy Dr.Subramanian Swamy's Conversation in News 18 Channel's Debate about the Hindu Temple Control. ) this  will create immense new jobs to various castes of Hindu order and also social facilities like health care and education for the economically humble section of Hindus.

(9)- Incidentally the HIndutva forces should be proud that Hindu majority India believes in earning by work (may be service in public sector got through reservation) and not through freebies as done by  governments in many countries.    

It is hoped the Hindutva forces (RSS, VHP, BJP etc) will try to convert the issue of caste census into blessing in disguise in the interest of bringing progress to the economy of India coupled with justice (by affirmative action) to the overwhelming majority of India.

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