Ajmer Dargah Sharif, the Shrine of famous Sufi Saint Muin-al-din-Chisti popularly known as ‘Gharib Nawaz’(benefactor of poor
Prez Biden is right in saying "if Americans become bold enough can establish new & better world order" but he should know "without commissioning US-Christianity it is impossible". By Hem Raj Jain
If Prez Biden expects something from Americans then he should first listen to Americans (ii)- In this age of democracy the new world order will be politically viable only when it will be people oriented and not government oriented as was the UN (iii)- Secularism doesn’t mean religion has become irrelevant rather religion is still the custodian of the values of the society (iv)- Only rule rule based new global order with enforceable human rights will be politically viable (v)- After Christianizing most of the extended-SAARC region it will be easier to Christianize rest of the world.
Prez Biden has reportedly said that - [the post-World War II system had “run out of steam” and The world is at a crossroads and the next few years will determine its fate for several generations to come, and if Americans are bold enough and have enough confidence in ourselves, they will have an opportunity to unite the world in ways that it never has been,], as reported at https://www.theinteldrop.org/2023/11/03/next-few-years-will-determine-future-world-order-biden/
These wise words from Prez Biden has not come a day too soon rather it is the burning meed of the entire mankind but this wish of Prez Biden will bear fruit only when he appreciate the importance of US Christianity (the religion followed by majority of Americans) in establishing this new and human rights friendly global order, as explained below:-
(1)- Any global order in the contemporary world will have to be such which will be pro- democracy & secularism and with a mechanism for enforceable human rights. Because - the unprecedented advance of last 500 years of modern technology and sciences including social science has made the mankind very powerful which is possible only with free mind which is possible only in secular democracy because these makes the human mind free from the coercion of two authorities namely religion (about temporal, this worldly matters) and the State having military as its the most important element. Moreover due to the unprecedented advance of modern technology and sciences, globalization has become inevitable which is impossible without global order. And the existing global order of the United Nations has been destroyed as has been said by Prez BIden himself hence there is a need for a new global order which is impossible without global religion as even in secular countries religion is the custodian of the values of contemporary society. . Whether the rest of the world likes it or not a new global order can’t be established without the help of the USA in establishing such new global order. And after Christianizing most of the extended-SAARC region of over 2 billion people it will be easier to Christianize rest of the world.
(2)_ In other words - (i)- In this age of democracy the new world order will be politically viable only when it will be people oriented and not government oriented as was the UN which did nothing when in 1984 thousand of Sikhs were massacred & injured in Delhi, Kashmiri Pandits in hundreds of thousands were expelled by Jihadi terrorists from Kashmir in nineties, thousands of innocent Muslims were butchered in 20002 in Gujarat and so on and on (ii)- Secularism doesn’t mean religion has become irrelevant rather religion is still the custodian of the values of the society (iii)- Only rule rule based global order with enforceable human rights will be politically viable. (iv)- Without global religion there can’t be any global order and this global religion can be only US-Christianity as mentioned at https://www.pakistanchristianpost.com/opinion-details/4211 .
(3)- Moreover If Prez Biden expects something from Americans then he should first listen to Americans and should discuss the relevant points of policy matters mentioned in the letters of Americans to him to US-President (in the webform at white House website) and should not leave it merely to White house staff to only acknowledge the receipt of such letters to him.
Therefore, if Prez Biden is really serious about seeing the Americans bold enough to the extent they can establish new global order then first of all he should try to make US-Christianity the global religion [which will spread (what Jesus Christ Himself wanted) the message of Jesus Christ of love & Peace all across the world] which will (as per desire of Prez Biden) help in establishing rule based human rights friendly new global order.
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On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress www.pakistanchristiancongress.org . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.