MBS ought to know - ‘Peace-march for rehabilitation of Palestinians’ with one State solution is only way forward hence should lead peace-march by launching PRRO. By Hem Raj Jain


Despite  Riyad  meet the Muslim Ummah  remains as confused, ineffective and insensitive as ever. (ii)- Muslim world has left Palestinians to die and bleed without any effective solution given by Riyad meet (iii)- Instead of indulging in optics, MBS (Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud ) can easily work for an effective, just, non-violent and permanent solution of Palestinian problem by launching PRRO and then leading a  peace-march by it  

Though Muslim countries got panicked and met at Riyad to avert the serious threat to Islam which was looming large due to Gaza war as mentioned at https://www.pakistanchristianpost.com/opinion-details/4297 ) hence in the extraordinary joint Islamic-Arab summit in Riyadh Saudi Arabia and other Muslim countries called on Saturday for an immediate end to military operations in Gaza, rejecting Israel's justification of its actions against Palestinians as self-defense as reported at 

https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/saudi-arabia-host-extraordinary-joint-islamic-arab-summit-riyadh-saturday-2023-11-10/ but despite this Riyad meet the Muslim Ummah  remains as confused, ineffective and insensitive as ever because it does not enforce militarily its intent (as expressed by the said Riyad resolution ) and instead Palestinians continue to sacrifice their lifes and blood in the ongoing war.  

No doubt Muslim world at Riyad didn’t decide to take military action against Israel to stop ‘Israeli aggression’ against Palestinians because the USA is military supporting Israel and Muslim world is  afraid of this formidable US-Israel military alliance  (despite claims of Muslims that they are afraid of ONLY Allah if they deviate from right / Quranic path) moreover Muslim world is guilty of leaving this problem unsolved which it could have easily done by opting for Peace-march for rehabilitation of Palestinians with one State  solution as explained below:-

(1)- Whether people like it or not the solution to Palestine problem is ‘One State Solution’ (and not the mischievous ‘Two State solution') which can be easily achieved by peace march for the rehaabilitation of Palestinians in one State of Israel-Palestine as mentioned in my article at https://www.pakistanchristianpost.com/opinion-details/3409

(2)_ How much the Muslim world is delusional is evident from the fact that at Riyad they though  that merely by appealing to stop Gaza war Israel will stop the said ‘aggression’ 

(3)- Instead MBS ought to do what Ilhan & Rashida didn’t do to solve this problem and ought to launch the said PRRO and then  lead this peace march for the rehabilitation of Palestinians in one State of Israel-Palestine.

(4)- The history has put MBS in a position where he can serve the cause of peace and justice for Palestinians, Muslim Ummah and the entire world community. 

It is hoped  MBS (as de-facto leader of most influential country of OIC / Muslim world, namely Saudi Arabia) will discharge his historic responsibility for an effective, just, non-violent and permanent solution of Palestinian problem by launching PRRO and then leading the said  peace-march by it for achieving one State solution which will serve the interest of  Palestinians, Muslim Ummah and the entire world community which (for world peace) wants to see the end of chronic & ghori Israel- Palestine problem.

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