Both, the USA & India are wrong on CAA. Instead they should try militarily to rehabilitate about 160 million descendants of forcibly displaced Hindus & Muslims in their native land of undivided India. BY Hem Raj Jain


 Instead of spatting over non-issues like CAA, both the USA & India should address the basic issues of human rights (ii)- It is understandable if HIndus left their native land in Pakistan but surprisingly even Sikhs, in the face of violence, left Pakistan, most of which they ruled and were removed from power in  Pakistan only by Britishers and not by Pakistani Muslims (iii)- At least now the Army of Hindu majority India should rectify their blunder of 1947-48 (iv)-Communal virus triggered / released during partition of India is still ailing the SAARC region hence needs to be removed in the interest of  human rights friendly new global order.  

How can the most powerful secular democracy the USA under Prez BIden administration be so naive that it couldn’t understand a simple fact of contemporary and constitutionally the largest secular democratic  India that if given an option to choose between the USA and Hindutva plank (that too in Loksabha election year of 2024) Modi government of Hindutva forces (which depends crucially for electoral success on Hindutva plank) will not think twice before dumping the USA for protecting the Hindutva policies.. That is why the spat (as reported at ) between India’s foreign Minister S. Jaishankar and US Ambassador to India Eric Garcetti over the CAA Controversy should be understood in this context.

But both the USA & India are wrong on CAA. Instead first they should try to understand that the countries like India, Pakistan and Bangladesh which came into existence due to partition of India which was illegal mainly due to forcibly displaced Hindus (including Sikhs, Baudhs, Jains as per Article 25 of INdian Constitution), and Muslims ( as explined at ).  Hence the USA And India now should try militarily to rehabilitate (may be through dual citizenship) about 160 million descendants of displaced Hindus  & Muslims in their native land of undivided India  as explained below :- 

(1)- Whenever a section of population (mostly religious minorities) is subjected to massacre / Genocide and is forced to leave their native land it is legally expected that they are always rehabilitated in their native place otherwise the perpetrators get emboldened and repeat the same genocide / massacre in future too. (which in fact the perpetrators did because the earlier victims foolishly were not rehabilitated in their native places) 

(2)- Therefore it was wrong on the part of India to grant citizenship to the forcibly displaced Hindus who came to India during and after partition rather they should have been rehabilitated in their native land of West Pakistan and East Pakistan (now Bangladesh).

(3)-  But what is legally objectionable is that India is trying to commit the same blunder through the CAA.

(4)- Therefore the USA should now persuade India to join hands with the USA militarily to rehabilitate about 160 million descendants of displaced Hindus & Muslims in their native land of undivided India, especially given the fact that “Indian INdependence Act 1947” didn’t have provision for population transfer on the basis of religion and India was member of US sponsored UN since 1945. 

(5)- There is one more aspect to this affair. It is understandable if other HIndus left their motherland in Pakistan in the face of horrible violence but it is surprising that even Sikhs left Pakistan which was ruled by Sikhs during rule of Maharaja Ranjeet Singh who ruled present day Pakistan except Sindh & Balochistan plus Himachal Pradesh of India and united J&K 9in other words from river Satluj to the gate of Afghanistan). The Hindus in the army of pre-partition India failed in their duty to protect the Hindus in West & East Pakistan (who were subjected to genocide by highly motivated and determined rabidly communal minded Muslims who were part of population of both sides of Pakistan) though they were under legal obligation to protect these beleaguered Hindus too under section 130 & 131 of  Cr.P.C. (the Criminal Procedure code of even pre-partition India). Hence at least now the Army of Hindu majority India should rectify their blunder of 1947-48. Moreover communal virus triggered / released during partition of India is still ailing the SAARC region hence needs to be removed in the interest of  ‘human rights friendly new global order’. . 

(6)- No doubt it will be an explosive situation if HIndu majority nuclear India join hands with the USA to militarily rehabilitate these 160 million people in Muslim nuclear Pakistan and Muslim Bangladesh but it will not be so explosive if it is done to realize extended-SAARC which can be under US-Christianity and not under Hinduism if Prez Biden mobilizes US-Christianity to become global religion to assist US-establishment in launching new global oder of which FSD-extended SAARC will be the most important component  as mentioned at .

Therefore, in the interest of human-rights-friendly new global order, it is hoped that both the USA and India will stop spatting over non-issu like the CAA and instead will try to militarily (with the assistance of adequate police & administrative forces) rehabilitate (with dual citizenship) about 160 million descendants of displaced Hindus & Muslims in their native land of undivided India.

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