Before signing bipartisan-Tibet-Bill, PrezBiden ought to know it is merely a token exercise or trial balloon and will create more problems. By Hem Raj Jain


 Tibet Bill is classic example of “Muddai Sust Gavah Chust” (Petitioner is lazy / disinterested but witnesses are serious / alert / interested) (2)- Prez Biden before signing Tibet Bill should demand (i)-  proofs of Tibetan’s  STRUGGLE for freedom and self-determination  (ii)- categorical statements of TGE / Dalai Lama declaring independence of Tibet (iii)- Expected role of the USA & Tibet-bordering-India in militarily helping this ‘struggle’ (3)- If the USA is really interested in independence of Tibet then it should commission US-Tibetan-Buddhism for this mission (4)- The USA will have to clarify Pakistan policy also because part of Tibet (in Ladakh) is with Pakistan.  

— The US Congress (in the present global scenario of Cold War-Ii where the USA Is trying to contain & discipline China) may be thinking that the USA has unsettled  China and has put it on defensive by passing bipartisan Tibet Bill which is waiting for the signatures of Prez Biden to become law (as reported at but  the USA is living in its make believe world if it thinks so (about unsettling  China and  putting it on defensive by this Tibet Bill) for the reasons explained below:-

 (1)- THe commentary by Jim McGovern on Tibet Bill says that “The people of Tibet deserve to be in charge of their own future, and, today, Congress has voted to stand with Tibetans in their struggle for freedom and self-determination” but this is not supported by facts on ground. Rather ,”Tibet Bill is classic example of “Muddai Sust Gavah Chust” (Petitioner is lazy / disinterested but witnesses are serious / alert / interested) because there is no armed struggle (which only matter in any independence struggle) by Tibetans for their independence. 

2)- Hence Prez Biden before signing Tibet Bill should demand from the US-Congress (i)-  The proofs of Tibetan’s  STRUGGLE for freedom and self-determination  (ii)- The categorical statements of Tibet Government in Exile (the TGE at Dharamshala)  / Dalai Lama declaring independence of Tibet especially given the fact that Dalai Lama in the past has been equivocal about independence of Tibet and has been saying that he is not for separation of Tibet from China (as mentioned in about ) and (iii)- THe expected role of the USA & Tibet-bordering-INdia in militarily helping this ‘struggle’ 

(3)- If the USA is really interested in independence of Tibet then it should commission US-Tibetan-Buddhism for this mission as mentioned at otherwise this Tibet Bill  is merely a token exercise or maximum a trial balloon to see how China reacts to it and will create more problems / confusion for Tibetans and for the larger world community. 

(4)- The USA will have to clarify Pakistan policy also because part of Tibet ( Ladakh) is with Pakistan and India is already talking about recovering PoK militarily back from Pakistan (as mentioned in  about and and ) 

THerefore Prez Biden should be objective before signing the said bipartisan-TIbet-Bill and should sign it only when Tibetans show any interest (worth the name on ground) in their independence.

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