if Prez Biden & PM Modi think that without launching “ New US sponsored Rule Based Global Order” the global problems can be s
Civilizational-global-war would set-in irretrievably when Pakistan joined Islamic block. By Hem Raj Jain
There is one very important and fundamental difference between these two blocks (judaism-Christianity capitalist block v/s Islamic-Communist block) namely of exclusive private capital v/s State / Sovereign capital too (ii)- The way Israel is not listening to the USA and its allies and even the UN about cease-fire in Gaza and especially the de-occupation of Gaza the Christian world of NATO Is already under influence (if not control) of Jewish / Judaism Israel (iii)- Pakistan joining Islamic-world-camp in this civilizational war will be a game changer because it is bound to constrain India to join the said Jewish- Nato camp which would take this war to a different level due to powerful China on India’s border (iv)- About 200 million Indian Muslims (already have been smarting under Hindutva regime of BJP Led by PM Modi who publicly considers all the Indian Muslims as "Ghuspetiye" the infiltrators) would play important role for the benefit of Islamic-Communist block in this civilizational-global-war.(v)- Pakistan in Islamic block would also motivate neighbors Bangladesh and Afghanistan to join the said Islamic block
---- The more than 75 years old Israeli- Palestinian conflict has already caused immense amount of loss of lives, blood, properties and modesty of women because the world community (even through world body of the UN) never took it seriously because it thought that the Muslim world (the supporter of Palestinians) is powerless and it can't do anything against Jewish /Judaism Israel which is supported by the powerful Christian NATO Countries led by the USA.
But the Ukraine war has changed everything. It has not only destroyed the existing global order of the UN [hence the USA Couldn't get support of the military power of world body (of the UNSC) For removing Russia militarily from the Ukrainian territories of Donbass and Crimea] but it has also created a counter block of "Russia, China, Iran and North Korea" which is supporting Russia against NATO Countries in UKraine war.
Previously it was mainly Iran (through its alleged proxies of Hezbollah, Hamas, Houtis etc) which was fighting for Palestinian cause but now Turkey has declared that it will also join the fray in favour of Muslim Palestinians in Gaza against Israel which compared Prez Erdogan with Saddam Hussain with similar fate as reported at https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-67861266 and https://www.haaretz.com/middle-east-news/2024-07-29/ty-article/.premium/israeli-fm-likens-erdogan-to-saddam-hussein-following-threat-to-enter-israel/00000190-ffa9-da63-a9d0-ffed3bd10000 ) . Now this Russo-China block has started raising voices in favor of Islamic blok presently led by Turkey and Iran for solving the problems of beleaguered Palestinians (as revealed also at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pATM1CO7VBg ) .
Hence the array of ground forces is now clear. On one side is Abrahamic religion Jews / Judaism supported militarily by exclusive-private-capitalist Christian countries of NATO led by the USA and on the other hand Palestinians / Islamic world (as reported at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3x97QRXbm-4 ) on ground mainly Turkey & Iran militarily highly likely to be supported by Communist Russia (the originator of Communism through the USSR) , China and North Korea.
In this array of ground forces, from the point of Islamic block, the outlier is Islamic country Pakistan and the day Pakistan joins this Islamic-world-bloack in this civilizational war (which will be sooner than later due to Imran factor who had been mobilizing Pakistanis on ground with the slogan - [Pakistan ka matlab kya “ Lailaha Illalah, Mhammed Rasool Allah” which means what is the meaning of Pakistan there is only one God Allah and Muhammed is the prophet to get access to Allah as mentioned at https://www.pakistanchristianpost.com/opinion-details/4271 ] it will be a game changer due to four reasons (i)- Pakistan not only has large population of 210 million (the combined population of Iran, Turkey and Lebanon) but also has large military which is quite professional as it was also part of the military of British India before 1947 (ii)- Pakistan has nuclear weapons hence its support to Islamic world will be important (iii)- It is bound to constrain India to join the said Jewish- Nato camp which would take this war to a different level due to powerful China on India’s border where China in alliance with Pakistan will have upper hand if Pakistan is instigated by China to take rest of the J&K militarily from India as mentioned at https://www.pakistanchristianpost.com/exclusive-reports-details/325 (iv)- About 200 million Indian Muslims ( already have been smarting under Hindutva regime of BJP Led by PM Modi who publicly considers all the Indian Muslims as "Ghuspetiye" the infiltrators as reported at https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/23/world/asia/india-modi-muslims.html ) would play important role (with the active support rather instigation of Muslim global Ummah if not of Pakistan) for the benefit of Islamic-Communist block in this civilizational-global-war.
There is one very important and fundamental difference between these two blocks. The Judaism-Christianity blok believes in using only private capital in its economic activities whereas communist blok doesn’t mind rather (in addition to private capital) depends substantially on State / Sovereign capital for improving the economic condition of the economically humble people therefore economic and financial forces of the world would take keen interest in this civilizational-global-war..
Moreover the way Israel (which is dependent on US-support even for its survival) is not listening to the USA (Prez Biden) who is demanding the end of Gaza war and especially the de-occupation of Gaza (as reported at https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/biden-says-israel-gaza-war-should-end-now-2024-07-11/ ) it is evident that the Christian world of NATO Is already under influence (if not control due to global jewish capital hence powerful Jewish lobby in Wahington D.C.) of Jewish / Judaism Israel that is the reason it also talked so long for meaningless two State solution and not for just & meaningful one State solution as mentioned at https://chauthiduniya.com/us-muslims-can-easily-solve-palestinians-problem-by-secular-non-violent-march-for-their-rehabilitation-through-one-state-solution/
At the same time the rest of the non-Abrahamic world is so impotent and powerless that it can only watch helplessly while the followers of the Abrahamic regions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) are relentlessly and cynically taking the entire world on the brink of catastrophic annihilation.
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On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress www.pakistanchristiancongress.org . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.