The Palestinians instead of getting wasted in martyrdom syndrome should take mercy at least on their long suffering old people, women an
Organizations of Asian Indians in the USA paying lip-service about remedy of the plight of & atrocities on Hindus & others in Bangladesh> By Hem Raj Jain
Asian Indians are the second most powerful community in the USA (ii)- If the organizations of Asian Indians try to mobilize the US-establishment (especially in this 2024 year of general election) for solving the problems of Hindus and others then they are bound to succeed (iii) Asian Indians are paying only lip service for the harassed Hindus in Bangladesh (iv)- If Asian Indian American really want relief to Hindus and others in Bangladesh then they should work as mentioned in my article PCP 4447 and more given below.
—- After Jews (India’s dependable friends) the Asian Indians are the second most powerful community in the USA as reported also at and . Hence if the organizations of Asian Indians try to mobilize the US-establishment (especially in this 2024 year of general election) for solving the problems of Hindus and others in Bangladesh then they are bound to succeed But Asian Indians are paying only lip service (doing photo-Ops for publicity) for the harassed Hindus in Bangladesh (as given at ). If Asian Indian American really want relief to Hindus and others in Bangladesh then they should work as mentioned in my article PCP 4447 and more as given below:-
(1)- It is hoped India will rectify its mistake which it committed by helping Bangladesh Army in removing Sheikh Hasina physically from Bangladesh and it is further hoped that now Sheikh Hasina (who is legally still the prime minister of Bangladesh) would realize her moral & legal responsibility to protect the innocent people of Bangladesh and would with Indian consent immediately announce her government in exile in India and then would request the government of India (GoI) to provide the help of its security forces in maintaining the law & order in Bangladesh to protect these innocent beleaguered victims in Bangladesh, as mentioned at:-
(2)- Though the USA foolishly directly helped Jama-e-Islami ( with which US- Diplomats were meeting in person) in removing Sheikh Hasina from power as accused by Sheikh hasina too as reported at ) which has helped China but India should now talk to the US establishment by telling it that it’s present Bangladesh policy is in reality helping China through Chinese ally Pakistan and its proxy Jamaat-e-Islami despite avowed policy of the US to contain China and militant Jihadis .
(3)- If India succeeds in persuading the USA to change its present policy about Bangladesh then the USA may be further persuaded by India to mobilize even the UNSC to sanction UN Peace Keeping Force (UNPKF) to maintain law & order in Bangladesh then in this UNPKF most (practically all) of the boots on ground can be provided by India. This coordinated military effort by the USA and India in Bangladesh will go a long way in launching the "new human rights friendly rule based participatory global order" (which is the burning need of the entire world as global order is necessary for inevitable globalization) in place of the existing “dysfunctional veto based global order of the UN”, which has been destroyed due to the Ukraine war by Russia with the help of another veto wielding country China.
(4) Sheikh Hasina after assuming the office of the Prime Minister in Bangladesh should also restore the Parliament of Bangladesh which was dissolved (as reported at ) illegally because it was not dissolved on the demand of the elected Prime Minister. After restoring the Parliament Sheikh Hasina should get a free & fair election in Bangladesh within 3 months of assuming the Prime Minister’s office.
Therefore in view of the above mentioned it is expected and hoped that the organizations of the Asian Indians in the USA shall motivate the government of India (GoI) through its embassy and Consulates in the USA [by taking the son of Sheikh Hasina, Sajeeb Wazed too (who lives in the USA) with them] to persuade / convince Sheikh Hasina (as illegally removed Prime Minister of Bangladesh) to establish the office of her government in exile on Indian soil and then the GoI on the request of Sheikh Hasina can contact the US-establishment for constituting the said Peace Keeping force (preferably approved by the Security Council of some world Body) for bringing peace and law & order in Bangladesh in the first stage and then in second stage for launching the said new rule based global organization.
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