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Subject: Dr nazir s bhatti demands christian province
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Insaf Activist
26/07/2008 2:42 PM
Philadelphia: July 24, 2008. Nazir S Bhatti, Founder President of Pakistan Christian Congress urged Pakistan Armed Forces to end operation in Balochistan and act against religious extremists in tribal areas who are challenged to writ of government.
“Is tribal belt an other state that government of Pakistan enters in truce with Taliban then why hesitations to right of self-determination for Baloch nation and separate province for Christians? Said Bhatti
Mr. Bhatti added, “It is need of time to divide Pakistan in federal units of Balochistan, Sindh, Seraki, Pushtoon, Hazara and Christian provinces”
“Christian Separate Province in south western parts of Punjab is only solution to save Pakistan” Bhatti said
“The demand of Separate Christian Province is peaceful demand of 15 million Christians of Pakistan because hate among religious minorities is at peak now” Nazir Bhatti added
The formation of Pakistan based on hate among religious communities of Muslims and Hindus which created two nation theory to divide sub-continent of India while situation of religious hate is worst than united India in Pakistan.
“Christians in Pakistan are deprived of their basic democratic rights and Islamic laws are imposed on them without their will” said Nazir Bhatti
Nazir Bhatti added, “The Christian leaders who are with government and not opposing operation against Baloch nation are enemy of Christian nation and blocking demand of Separate Christian Province”
‘Christians support Baloch nation of their right of self-determination and demands of Seraki, Pushtoon and Hazara nations rights and expect their moral support for Separate Christian Province” said Nazir Bhatti
“The separate electorate was way ahead to demand of Separate Christian Province but government agents like Shahbaz Bhatti, killed Separate Electorate and blocked dream of Christians” Nazir Bhatti said
“We have complete reports that how Shahbaz Bhatti, an agent of government and PPP looted Bishop John Joseph and drained huge amounts in hotels of Islamabad and to settle his family in Canada but we urge him to stop working against Christian nation in Pakistan and issuance of false statements unless to force us to publish all reports and count of millions of dollars from West countries in propagation against blasphemy laws ” warned Nazir Bhatti
Nazir S Bhatti urged Seraki, Pushtoon, Hazara and Baloch nations to support demand of Christians of their Separate Province on division of Punjab.
Insaf Activist
26/07/2008 2:42 PM
Philadelphia: July 25, 2008. Nazir S Bhatti, Founder President of Pakistan Christian Congress clarified that demand of Separate Christian Province on division of Punjab is not any new issue but it was decision of PCC Central Executive Council
in a meeting in 1992, at Karachi, which was made public in a press conference at Hotel Jabees, sadder, Karachi and widely covered by national media.
PCC viewed that 18% Christians of Punjab province have legitimate right to demand Separate Christian Province like Seraiki and Hazara nations which is in best interests of solidarity and integrity of Pakistan.
PCC leader’s decision based on turning Christian to be second class citizen in Pakistan and hate among religious communities.
PCC faced immense government pressure but denied to withdraw from demand of Separate Christian Province on which establishment harassed and detained our leaders. The false cases of treason and blasphemy were registered against our workers and leaders to crush PCC.
Today, more than forty PCC leaders and workers are in exile which provided an opportunity to Christian tools of government to claim leadership of poor Pakistani Christian Nation.
Nazir Bhatti said, “ Christians of Pakistan are under oppression of establishment and in socio-economic crisis with support of so-called Christian leaders”
The true picture of situation of Christians in Pakistan is very serious. They are suffering from hunger due to unemployment and denial of equal share in resources of state, which are under total control of Muslims.
The Christian teenage girls are being gang raped and women are forcibly abducted and converted to Islam. The Christian youth is deprived of their right of higher and professional studies. The Christian families are facing hardships and under constant fear of government and Muslim neighbors.
“We have pressure from our youth to launch movement for rights and we are in constant in touch with them and urging them to stay calm” Nazir Bhatt said
Nazir Bhatti retreated that formation of Separate Christian Province is only solution to achieve social justice in Muslim dominated society of Pakistan and way to due share in national resources of state.
Jan Muhammad
Insaf Activist
26/07/2008 6:12 PM
I do have a great sympathy for the christian community and other minorities living in Pakistan but a demand like this would not be in favour of their community.
If christians get a separate province, its not guaranteed that they will get the rights and equal opportunities-the example is our existing situation of immbalanc between the provinces like Balochistan and Punjab and so on.
I dont believe that all the allegations mentioned here are true but it doesn't mean that they are baseless. We must take a serious look at our behavior as muslims and bring changes to our traditional attitudes towards minorities.
Islam teaches keeping of the best relations and lessons of equalities and we must prove that by practical contribution in respect of these teachings.
Christians will no more be alians if we respect our religion and our country's law that minorities will have freedom of their religion and faith and will be treated equally.
PTI should stand up for minorities as well and should bring them in the main stream of the countries politics.
Dr. Jan Muhammad
Saleem Bajwa
Insaf Activist
26/07/2008 8:06 PM
First, let us see the generosity of Christian Countries, such as America and European Countries, if they can grant separate states to their largest minorities, i.e. the Muslims.
Mr Bhatti, your best option is to start your leadership skills from America, if it really intrigues you to shine as a leader - else you are bound to end up hopelessly in an impending fiasco.
The insider
Insaf Shaheen
26/07/2008 8:52 PM
Dr Jan Mohammad
You are invited to join Tehreek e insaf Action Comitee IAC
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If you are interested do email me at >
The insider
Insaf Shaheen
26/07/2008 9:07 PM
Dr Jan Mohammad
You are invited to join Tehreek e insaf Action Comitee IAC
You can have the info regarding the working of IAC from this website.
If you are interested do email me at >
hussain mehdi
Insaf Shaheen
26/07/2008 10:37 PM
europian countries and united states do not come into existance on the basis of religion. just few centuries ago, europian countries were not even christian countries. they were there before accepting christianity.
while, pakistan came into existance on the basis of religion. so, if pakistani christians demand a province based on religion, then this can be accepted for debate. there is a solid logic behind it.
Insaf Member
27/07/2008 2:50 AM
Division is no more a solution of any problem for pakistan, still our heart cries when we see bangladesh that was seperated,we should talk of integrity in a way of unity not by dividing into more and more and more groups.
Real problem in pakistan is absence of TRUE ISLAMIC SPIRIT.
Our law,ECONOMY,POLICIES or any other system is not ISLAMIC,it has just a stamp of ISLAM on it.
When we say ISLAM is complete code of life then it is indeed ,it is complete code of life not only MUSLIMS but for christians,hindus,buddist etc also
It has complete and best eco-socio system which gives balanced rights to minorities and majorities also.
hussain mehdi
Insaf Shaheen
27/07/2008 3:00 AM
Islam has never been a dispute, and it will never be future.
this is pakistani rulers and elites, whose actions create disputes. and as it is confirmed now that the tendency of rulers and elites can never change, thats why people are fearful of their future.
pakistani corrupt elites cannot allow to run pakistan according to people's wish. that is confirmed and final.
then, what is left for pakistanis, especially for minorities???
Insaf Activist
27/07/2008 4:16 AM
Posted By Saleem Bajwa on 26/07/2008 8:06 PM
First, let us see the generosity of Christian Countries, such as America and European Countries, if they can grant separate states to their largest minorities, i.e. the Muslims.
All christian countries are democratic and have given equal rights to all their citizens.
This is not the case with most muslim countries.
Saleem Bajwa
Insaf Activist
27/07/2008 12:47 PM
I do not dispute that the Christian countries have far superior ethical values, especially for their fellow christens. Since Britain drafted Magna Charta, which might not be a verbatim copy of Islamic Law, but certainly an inspiration from it, Britain has always followed it, but the Muslims have abandoned their own charter. Therefore let alone the minorities, the corrupt Muslim rulers are not even faithful to Islam itself. If our rulers were practising Muslim, our Christians, Hindus, Sikhs and other would have enjoyed all the fruits of Islamic ethics. IBehold! Islam does not allow interfering with other’s faith.
As far as the assertion of ‘asif’ that everyone has equal rights in Christian countries, my personal experience is different from that of ‘asif’. Let me tell you that I am a British subject by birth and living in Brittan since 1966, yet it took me more than 14 years to get promotion in my job, when I was at Heathrow, despite that I have been acting as a superintendent and even training people for this job. The reason is obvious- I am a Muslim. On the contrary, in my village in Pakistan, we have a sizeable community of Christians, who enjoy life as anybody else. They own lands and do their farming, and those who are educated they are in good jobs; one of them was famous Allah Rakha Ghulab, vice chancellor of the University of Punjab.
By the way are you aware of British blasphemy law, it certainly does not protect my faith, though I am British before even Rushie was born. Is this equall opertunity?
I suggest all the minorities should feel proud to be Pakistanis and support Imran Khan, so he gets justice for everyone. There is no need to be despondent or to feel alienated. We are proud of our minorities; they provide various colours to our lovely garden.
Jan Muhammad
Insaf Activist
27/07/2008 1:26 PM
Dear The Insider,
Thanks for your offer. I am proud of being a member of PTI and 'll work to my level best for spreading the message of PTI insha Allah. I 'll keep in touch and 'll do whatever I can for our party.
Dr. Jan Muhammad
Insaf Tiger
27/07/2008 7:28 PM
in a democrcy all have a right to express themselves.
But this statement about a new province is an expression to initiate the process of destruction of Pakistan. Members , this rabid idea must be exposed for being what it is........ the open treachery of a traitor.
Insaf Shaheen
27/07/2008 7:39 PM
I am demanding a seperate muslim province in UK, America, and all the EU countries ..
The govt of these christian countries think all muslims are TERRORIST, muslims have no rights cant treval with out being watch by all thier secret police.
These countries are occupying muslim countries we the muslim have no army in thier countries why is that??
A concerned muslim..
Insaf Shaheen
27/07/2008 8:29 PM
Because we are no more role models, we have left adding value to the lives of other human beings.
We don't have to do anything 24/7 or which is not in our reach but just add some value to others lives whatever we can do in our capacity. Then we don't have to say that once we "were" a great nation.
Insaf Activist
28/07/2008 6:33 AM
Posted By Werdnighoffmann on 27/07/2008 7:28 PM
But this statement about a new province is an expression to initiate the process of destruction of Pakistan. Members , this rabid idea must be exposed for being what it is........ the open treachery of a traitor.
No it doesnt. seraikis,hazaras and christians want a province inside the federation of pakistan.
with a population of 170 million people pakistan needs to sub-divide its 4 provinces.
Insaf Activist
28/07/2008 6:36 AM
Posted By miguel9 on 27/07/2008 7:39 PM
I am demanding a seperate muslim province in UK, America, and all the EU countries ..
Pakistani christians did not immigrate from UK, america or EU nations rather they converted from hinduism just like most muslims did over the centuries.
So they too are sons of the soil.
Where as the muslims in UK,US and EU are all immigrants from muslim countries.
Insaf Shaheen
28/07/2008 10:20 AM
Pakistani christians were converted by thier colonialist masters missionaries coming to the poor third world countries to spread their CON-CEPT OF Christianity.IF you do not convert you will have no rice to eat as in the case of china before the revalution of chairman Mao.FACT..
Shahab ud deen ghauri Mehmood of Ghazni were not HINDU CONVERTS OK ASIFFFFFF. All the mughals were not HINDU CONVERT TO ISLAM..OK
My above post was in Tongue in cheek as in humor moron.
"Invite (all) to the way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious: For thy Lord knoweth best, who have strayed from His Path, and who receive guidance. (The Noble Quran, 16:125)"
Insaf Activist
28/07/2008 12:14 PM
Posted By miguel9 on 28/07/2008 10:20 AM
Shahab ud deen ghauri Mehmood of Ghazni were not HINDU CONVERTS OK ASIFFFFFF. All the mughals were not HINDU CONVERT TO ISLAM..OK
Where did i say ghauri or ghazni were converts from hindus.
are you saying that the punjabi,sindhi,baloch,seraiki and pathans were also not converts from hindus and had migrated from turkey,central asia or persia.
Insaf Activist
28/07/2008 12:14 PM
Posted By miguel9 on 28/07/2008 10:20 AM
Shahab ud deen ghauri Mehmood of Ghazni were not HINDU CONVERTS OK ASIFFFFFF. All the mughals were not HINDU CONVERT TO ISLAM..OK
Where did i say ghauri or ghazni were converts from hindus.
are you saying that the punjabi,sindhi,baloch,seraiki and pathans were also not converts from hindus and had migrated from turkey,central asia or persia.
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