The Palestinians instead of getting wasted in martyrdom syndrome should take mercy at least on their long suffering old people, women an
To discuss about the qualities of good citizen and leader that belongs to loyalty, sincerity and purity of feeling about mother land, it is called “patriotism”. Everyone loves his mother land country. Most of leaders raised slogan for their mother land “country” to wake up slept and dead feeling of ignorant citizen. But dead conscious and unconscious cannot be awaken up due to someone’s personal interests, benefits and businesses. Now Pakistan where is standing on the uncertainty and jeopardy? It is because of insincerity and traitor’s attitude with the excuses of personal religion matters, personal interests and motives.
If governance system, ruling department of main stream of any organization, nation and government have lost in their personal benefits and selfishness rather than working with the national spirit of patriotism that diversify unity. It creates darkness on truth, facts, rights where they cannot find light according to system of Pakistan, electricity on and electricity off.
It is negligence of departments and ruling system, where whole industries, citizens of Pakistan are suffering extremely because of someone personal interest or lack of governing system. Similarly it has been happening in all other and special matters; sometime any matter has been taken serious and unserious. There is no regular great commission for justifying sector wise with expertise dutifully.
I sadly want to share about facts what had been happening. We are experiencing for last many years in our country Pakistan. If we hear news from media about bombs, burning of churches and mosques, social injustice, alive burning, and then we hear and see this extreme all over country that tried to prevail conscious all citizen.
It is as like that there is no Government that is ruling over country but it seems that there some extremists who are terrorizing all the citizens. They create atmosphere of extreme terror everywhere, where humanity feel shame. There is no issue of minority or majority but all comes under same feeling of insecurity, injustice and corruption. If some commission had been made, but it had been dissolved.
Why it is so? Because people did not come on the merit but on boat of money, who comes on the post with money, then they raised their money what they had given for those posts. This money starts from lower level to higher level of ministers. This system shows all of us that money rules for money. But there is no human values, national spirits, most of steam line of Governmental body and every department on the same requirement. This corruption has changed social attitudes and social injustice.
Who has no money; they cannot get posts according to his degrees (if they have masters level or PhDs) because they cannot fulfill requirements of demanding person. In same way, money had been in corrupt hands, rich become richer and poor become poorer. If you will find the history of those people who are rich from medal class to higher class. You can find, there is corruption and blood of innocent people that they had shed with their immoral politics, schemes and selfish plan against humanity.
There is a tragedy that most of them are not doing job and duty according to their specialty and professional degrees. They had forcibly fitted against their wills and specialty. They had kept all staff according to their own desires and purposes. In this way, they are ruling socially and economically with corrupt hands from lower level families to make corrupt, steal their treasures and pollute new generations according to their desires for materialism. In this way, they are creating moral corruption and social corruption.
There is no tolerance to hear and see truth but extremism is on all level of human values. National spirit of Patriotism is above all personal religious matters and benefits.
National spirit of patriotism unites and take care all citizen of the country among multi – cultural and multi - religions. The spirit of diversion in the country creates division and discrimination among faiths. Division and discrimination create a spirit of dictatorship and terror rather than harmony and peace. Misuse of authority above Law creates the spirit of unrest, disharmony unlawfulness in long run worldwide.
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"Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" By Nazir S Bhatti
On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.