Germany: Survey Reveals Christian Refugees Being Persecuted by Muslims


Christian refugees from the Middle East who have migrated to Germany have appealed to German authorities to protect them from the persecution they are experiencing from Muslim refugees. According to, up to 40,000 of non-Muslim refugees have experienced harassment from their fellow refugees who are Muslim. Human rights organization Open Doors recently released a survey detailing the persecution faced by these non-Muslim refugees. According to the survey results, of the 231 refugees surveyed, 32 percent reported receiving death threats, 37 percent reported suffering from physical injury, and 42 percent reported receiving insults for their faith. Many Christian and other non-Muslims also reported being forced to take part in Islamic prayer, and being threatened if they did not comply. "Our political leaders have not taken appropriate measures to protect the Christian minority," Open Doors said in a statement. "The impression that this dramatic development is being suppressed and ignored has solidified." Open Doors said the survey will hopefully alert authorities to the persecution Christians and other minority refugees are facing. "We're doing this on behalf of many volunteers who feel intimidated, as well as at the request of the police, who aren't allowed to say that this is happening," said Markus Rode, head of Open Doors in Germany. In 2015, more than one million refugees entered Germany. In January of 2016 alone, the country took in another 91,671 refugees. Most of the refugees are Muslim.

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