
Biden-administration wasting time, energy & resources for "disciplining" China by naively relying on small Pacific countries. By Hem Raj Jain

 IF India gives-up “One China policy” then it will also impact the issues of Xinjiang, Hong Kong and Taiwan which all are claimed by China as its integral territory but which all have been agitating against China for independence. (ii)- Let US-Buddhism become a global religion wh


10th Indian student dies in the USA in 2024. Some Indian American should urgently go to India to get petition filed in SCI. By Hem Raj Jain

IF hate / racial crimes are responsible for some of these deaths of Indian students and if this trend is not checked then the larger Asian Indian American community in the USA is also bound to face the  heat (of such hate /racial crimes) sooner than later. (ii)- Therefore there is a wak


Blinken’s assurance of “Ironclad Commitment” has no meaning when Chinese security forces are attacking Philipino's Boats in Philippines' waters . Instead the USA Should launch a “new rule based global order. By Hem Raj Jain

Like other previous US- administrations the Biden administration is also CLUELESS about launching & running a global order where even smaller countries and people of all member countries will be able to protect their interests & rights ONLY through international laws and NOT with the grac


By issuing perfunctory & toothless statements like on Kejariwal’s arrest the Biden administration unnecessarily invited the snub and insult on the USA from India. By Hem Raj Jain

The USA got the snub from India because despite being leader of the free world which sponsored the UN in 1945 the USA (i)- never understood that human rights are not an internal matter of any UN-member-country and (ii)- Never tried to develop a mechanism of the UN which will provide effective rel


Peace crusader Medea Benjamin, others blast State Dept. Lu’s as a liar at Congress hearing

Washington DC: (By AHMAR MUSTIKHAN0 Just like the U.S. never supported Pakistan dictators — Generals Ayub, Zia and Musharraf — and had no role in ouster of the most popular premier Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and subsequent hanging nearly half century ago, Assistant Secretary Donald Lu had no


Black History Month founders join call upon Hilton Hotels to do justice in Deep South

Washington DC: (By Ahmar Mustikhan) Not many know but Hitler was all praise for White Supremacy in the U.S. and borrowed some of the precepts of his hateful Nazi ideology from Jim Crow. Front page news on the Montgomery Advertiser 5/15/1916 praises the Mississippi Senators for ridding the south o


Both, the USA & India are wrong on CAA. Instead they should try militarily to rehabilitate about 160 million descendants of forcibly displaced Hindus & Muslims in their native land of undivided India. BY Hem Raj Jain

 Instead of spatting over non-issues like CAA, both the USA & India should address the basic issues of human rights (ii)- It is understandable if HIndus left their native land in Pakistan but surprisingly even Sikhs, in the face of violence, left Pakistan, most of which they ruled and we


Prez Biden’s hollow boast in 2024 SOTU about ‘US leadership in the world’ wouldn’t convince people in the USA unless launches a ‘ new global order. By Hem Raj Jain

Whether Prez Biden likes it or not without making US-Christinaity a global religion to help the US-establishment  new global order can’t be established (ii)- In this age of Cold war - II the People all over the world of course want the USA to be the leader of the free world but Pr


University of Westminster is imparting useless education as is evident from the case of NItasha Kaul at Bengaluru airport. By Hem Raj Jain

If not for the sake of herself at least for the reputation of the University of Westminster, NItasha should move the concerned authorities and forums (ii)_ NItasha can rely on the important and effective support of the leader of free world the USA especially in this election year 2024. 


Selfish & irresponsible global leaders of Muslim Ummah may be duped by Prez Biden’s assurance of ‘temporary’ halt in military activities of Israel in Gaza during Ramadan. By Hem Raj Jain

No doubt the responsibility for starting the killing and injuring of innocent people in Gaza lies with Palestinians where Hamas, their organization of militant Jihadis attacked the Israelis on October 7 which has been condemned by every right thinking person all across the world including by many


Lip service by US-Lawmakers for peace in Gaza will fool no one. US-citizens and their religions should use opportunity to become human rights friendly at least in election year 2024. By Hem Raj Jain

 Even in secular countries religion is the custodian of the values of their contemporary society (ii)- Hence the religions in the USA are mainly to be blamed for genocide of Palestinians (including of Children) in Gaza. 

The US-Lawmakers have expressed the policy of the USA wh


If Prez Biden Doesn’t intervene urgently in on-going Iran-Pak militarya conflict, Pakistan may try to establish Sunni-Islamic-Global-Order by even engineering Shia-Sunni global war. By Hem Raj Jain

 Iran should have gone to International Court of JUstice instead of carrying out attack on Pakistani territory (ii)- Pakistan has 9 motivations and favorable factors for trying to establish Sunni-Islamic-Global-Order even by engineering Shia-Sunni global war (iii)-  Pakistan can ra


If Army Chief believes Pakistan carrying out terrorism in J&K then why Indian military is not in Pakistan to eliminate “India specific Pak terrorist infra-structure”. By Hem Raj Jain

Pakistan promotes terrorism by alleged act of commission whereas India is doing so by act of omission (ii)-  India doesn’t seem to care about life & blood lost by soldiers and civilians in J&K in terrorism by allegedly Pak sponsored terrorists (iii)- The leader of free wor


For world peace Prez BIden should know S.Jaishankar is factually wrong. Rather peace in SAARC largely threatened by India by not carrying-out mandatory plebiscite. By Hem Raj Jain

For world peace Prez BIden should start  taking keen interest in resolving the Kashmir problem (ii)- Kashmir problem is not essentially & exclusively the result of ‘cross border terrorism’ policies of Pakistan.but  mainly because India has not carried out manda


USA should constrain Israel to move ICJ for directing Turkey etc to hand over Hamas terrorists to Israel before allowing Israel to kill Hamas terrorists inTurkey etc. By Hem Raj Jain

Prez Biden is making it difficult for about 5.0 million Asian Indians (electoral constituency mainly of his party) in the USA and especially in their native country India (ii)- For change's sake Prez Biden should start taking the International laws seriously.  

For change&

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"Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" By Nazir S Bhatti

On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress www.pakistanchristiancongress.org . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.

nazirbhattipcc@aol.com , pakistanchristianpost@yahoo.com