
Bloodshed in N-E never stopped after 1905 Partition of Bengal. Presently Manipur bleeding profusely. Time for ‘Greater Bengal’ in FSD- Extended SAARC. By Hem Raj Jain

Myanmar / China bordering 1 or 2 M.P States in North East of India are not politically viable (ii)- Bengalis will succeed only when work for new global order because existing inevitable & desirable global order of UN is demolished by Ukraine war (iii)- Bengalis will also have to be open to gl


USA should know in strategically important Manipur India is falling in the trap of China. By Hem Raj Jain

USA is Cut-off from ground reality (ii)- It is becoming increasingly possible for China to dismember India by supporting independent country for  Nagas and Kukis (iii)- India has only one solution that is to work for FSD - ‘EXtended SAARC including Myanmar’ (iv)- India under


India provides a golden opportunity to China to enter India physically through Manipur and Tezpur / Tawang to plant & flourish Chinese Buddhism in India. By Hem Raj Jain

 Xi Jinping will have to stop relying mainly on economic & military approach to counter India’s support to the USA in containing & harming China (ii)- India is evidently grossly underestimating China as it did  during run-up to 1962 Indo-China war which was most humil


Tellis & US- establishment Should know China can easily take-over India politically if tries to convert majority of Hindus to Chinese Buddhism. By Hem Raj Jain

Not only India’s arch enemy nuclear Pakistan but other countries of SAARC are also very friendly to China (ii)- Entire US Foreign policy against China will fall flat on ground if  China seriously tries to takeover India politically through Chinese Buddhism (iii)- China can convert


EFSAS Study Papers: Greening or Greenwashing? Decarbonization Promises and Realities along the BRI & CPEC

Capitalism and its corollaries – market liberalization, privatization, mass production and consumerism – have shown their merits as a system of organizing economic activity, creating unprecedented levels of wealth for nations adopting it and paving the way for innovation in medicine,


To win cold war-II Prez Biden should appreciate problems of India - “not suicidal reservation in private sector rather massive conversion is the solution” By Hem Raj Jain

Reservation in the private sector will further and completely destroy the economy of India (ii)- Global order requires a global religion which supports and protects the global order (iii)- Asian Indian Americans can assist the US Christianity in its mission (iv)-  The  reserva


52nd Session UNHRC: EFSAS Side-event, 'Climate Change and Human Rights in South Asia’

On the side-lines of the 52nd Session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, the European Foundation for South Asian Studies (EFSAS) organized a very interesting and engaging Side-event on the subject of 'Human Rights situation in South Asia'. A group of international experts presented


Vedant Patel should know US’s record about watching rule-of-law in India is unconvincing, hopeless, irresponsible, myopically selfish and non-serious. By Hem Raj Jain

Without ensuring the five namely [(i)- plebiscite in united J&K and Balochistan, (ii)- Dual citizenship of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh to 160 million Hindus / Sikhs and Muslims and their descendants who were illegally displaced during partition, (iii)- Restoration of status-quo-ante of Bab


Blinken, before unethically expecting arrest of Putin by weaker ICC member countries, should first work for new global order with teeth to ICC. By Hem Raj Jain

Ref:-(i)- After Ukraine war the un-implemented arrest warrant of Putin by ICC is second huge humiliation of the USA  (ii)_ When powerful NATO countries are afraid of arresting Putin pursuant to  ICC order how can Blinken expect other economically and militarily weaker countrie


JAINA can help USA in launching ENFORCEABLE “rule-based liberal new participatory global order” only when becomes representative body of Jains in USA. By Hem Raj Jain

US-administration will have to ensure JAINA starts working as per laws of the USA (ii)- Jains in the USA can easily rope-in millions of Jains in India in the service of ENFORCEABLE  “rule-based liberal new participatory global order of secular democracies”

The exis


Christian West led by USA seems to be empowering China to actualize Biblical prophesy of second coming of Christ during Armageddon of West v/s China. By Hem Raj Jain

Ref:- (i)- if not stopped, in the highly emotional desire to see the second coming of Jesus Christ the West led by the USA may plunge the entire mankind into catastrophe (ii)- Attack on Israel by Muslim world has now become a possibility with Saudi-Iran friendship (iii)- AS permanent member of th


Imran facing problems because, after getting considerable public support by invoking Islam, didn’t try for new global just Islamic order. By Hem Raj Jain

Whether Imran likes it or not his political future lies only through Islam (ii)- Imran can easily succeed in getting  “new global just Islamic order”  launched, if becomes leader of extended-SAARC by re-dedicating himself to the service of Islam (iii)- Imran should


Nikki has chance for 2024 White House only if has practical road-map to discipline China after dismantling UN through new global order AND MOR. By Hem Raj Jain

Ref:-(i)- without having a legitimate global strategy to comprehensively rope-in politically over-smart non-martial India, Nikki can’t discipline China (ii)-  India will assist the USA in this project only when USA Addresses martial concerns of India (iii)- US-Buddhism will be hel


WITHout relying on military power of the USA (Through UNPKF and ICJ) of humane global order of US sponsored UN,, Muslims can’t get justice from Indian State. By Hem Raj Jain <heWITHout relying on military power of the USA (Through UNPKF and ICJ) of h

Reference:- (i)- The communal nationalism namely the anti-Muslim and pro-Hindu nationalism has long political history in Hindu majority India (ii)-can Indian Muslims be fooled merely by pleasing their Indian leaders and of some Muslim countries (iii)-The SCI ought to protect the rule-of law in In


EFSAS: Study Papers How the War on Terror contributed to more violence and inadvertently facilitated global terrorist groups

After the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York, the United States launched a worldwide ‘War on Terror’, the objectives of which evolved over time as the nature and scale of the anticipated threats changed. George W. Bush’s infamous words “Our war on

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"Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" By Nazir S Bhatti

On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress www.pakistanchristiancongress.org . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.

nazirbhattipcc@aol.com , pakistanchristianpost@yahoo.com