
EFSAS Study Paper; Shaping Indo-Pacific Strategy | The Quad and India-Japan Relations Introduction

The funeral of former Prime Minister Abe Shinzo in late September 2022 sparked significant controversy in Japan. Abe had been assassinated during a campaign rally for the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) in Nara in July 2022 and was the first Japanese Statesman to receive a State funeral since Yosh


In view of Ukraine-war on pattern of NATO, South & Central Asia should launch SCATO for left-behind Hindus and majority of Muslims. By Hem Raj Jain

Ref:-  (i)- SCATO needed because Western Christians and Chinese have advanced economically and are creating huge problems for economically left-behind Hindus and Muslims (ii)- SCATO members wouldn’t enter in any other military alliance / treaty without approval of SCATO (iii)- Afg


2 Day EFSAS Conference on Terrorism and Radicalization in Jammu & Kashmir and the wider region at VU University in Amsterdam

In collaboration with VU University Amsterdam, the European Foundation for South Asian Studies (EFSAS) organized a Two-Day Conference on 'Terrorism and Radicalization in Jammu & Kashmir and the wider region' at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam on 1 & 2 November 2022. A group of in


For new world order Russia can enlarge Ukraine war by using Jihadi-Imran to create ‘anti-US Jihadi Greater Pakistan’ with support of Iran & China. By Hem Raj Jain

In the present scenario Russia can easily realize such new global order starting from Pakistan by using ‘assassination survived Jihadi Imran’ to create, with the support of Russian allies Iran & China, the ‘anti-US Jihadi Greater Pakistan’ [or with some other name like


If want relief from war, Ukrainians should constrain their government to make public the claimed proofs of Russian missile in Poland> By Hem Raj

Naive Ukrainians should know NATO doesn’t want Ukraine to win the war against Russia (ii)- The Ukrainians in the USA should hold press-conference anywhere in USA and demonstrations in front of Ukraine Embassy / Consulates in USA to ask Zelensky government to make public the claimed proofs o


UN dead after Ukraine war. Iran can prepare Indo-Persian region of over 2 billion people to become part of new participatory global order. By Hem Raj Jain

As World War II finished the ‘League of Nations’ the Ukraine war has finished the ‘United Nation’ hence all the countries should forget the bitter memories of the past and prepare for a new global order for which Iran can play a major role as explained below:-



EFSAS-Study Papers: Balochistan: Colonial and Post-Colonial Governance, Insecurity, and CPEC

Straddled along Pakistan’s border with Afghanistan and Iran, the Pakistani province of Balochistan is ripe in paradoxes. While making up 44% of the country’s landmass, Balochistan accounts for only 5% of the population, the majority of which are ethnic Baloch (Chaudhry, 2022). Balochi


In view of Ukraine war Imran / PTI can shape destiny of SAARC (lagged-behind Hindus & Muslims) if keep long march & dharna as per law. By Hem Raj Jain

Two major human groups Western Christians & Chinese have progressed economically but two others Hindus & Muslims (without petro-dollars) have lagged behind, hence need for SAARC (ii)- Partition thoroughly communalized Indian subcontinent and scuttled its progress hence undoing of partitio


USA should stop Ukraine from fighting to last Ukrainian rather rely on new global order for denuclearization & retrieving Ukrainian territory. By Hem Raj Jain

Religion of majority the Christianity in Russia, Ukraine and NATO countries should not be allowed to get away from the responsibility (by its acts of commission & omission) of mass killing, injuring and other sufferings of Ukrainians. 

– Some people may think the nukes pl


For global US-military-dominance, USA should realize importance of jihad & martyrdom (invoked by Sauds) in contemporary world. By Hem Raj Jain

State has duty / right to watch financial matters of religion too (ii)- Ukrainians are suffering because their religion (of majority, the Christianity) didn’t understand the importance of military power and neglected this-worldly interests of its followers. 

By this time (whe


BRS can easily dominate 2024 election in ‘post Ukraine war world’ if becomes party of Center and not in compromised alliance of State parties. By Hem Raj Jain

The ‘Telangana Rashtra Samithi’ (TRS) Chief and Telangana chief minister  K. Chandrasekhar Rao (KCR) on Wednesday has converted the TRS into national party ‘Bharat Rashtra Samithi’ (BRS)  as reported at 



The Securitization of Education in Afghanistan

When Afghanistan’s Taliban caretaker government announced that young women and girls would be allowed to continue their education, the world seemed prepared to hope that this time the Taliban would deviate from the strict education ban they enforced while ruling the country for the first ti


India blundered by abstaining on UNSC resolution. Should have demanded US-led alternate global order with enforceable international laws. By Hem Raj Jain

India on September 30 abstained on the US-sponsored UNSC resolution for condemning Russia on the annexation of Ukrainian territories (as reported at 



China should know after avoiding World War III in Christian Europe over Ukraine, West / USA wouldn’t do so in non-Christian Asia over Taiwan. By Hem Raj Jain

China shouldn’t indulge in adventurism over Taiwan (ii)- In Ukraine war it was not military power of the USA which was WEAK but will to fight due to Christian-European factor (iii)- The USA (and its NATO & other allies) wouldn’t mind militarily entering Taiwan war (including nucle


Biden at UNGA unconvincing, can’t revive UN without rule based liberal global order & concentrating on Russo-China neighborhood through India. By Hem Raj Jain

The speech of US President Joe Biden at ‘United Nations General Assembly’ (UNGA) on September 21 as given at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yd7RxPuyOu8  should be a wake-up call for the bi-partisan USA. The issues of health, climate, food security, economic progress, non-pr

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"Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" By Nazir S Bhatti

On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress www.pakistanchristiancongress.org . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.

nazirbhattipcc@aol.com , pakistanchristianpost@yahoo.com