Real faces and desires of Bishops of Church of Pakistan. By PCP Sindh Bureau Chief Rev.Khalid Mansoor Soomro


With a very heavy heart I want to inform all the members of the Church of Pakistan that all the Bishops of Church of Pakistan including self made bishop Sadiq Daniel and Rafiq Masih and divorcee bishop Munawar Rumal Shah by name Bishop of Peshawar because he is away from Pakistan for long times during the past years many times he resigned and rejoin the Peshawar Diocese on his own. All these cheater bishops met on 30th October 2004 at their Chief’s Rt. Rev. Samuel Pervaiz resident. This Bishop is known in Pakistan as Chief Sahib. The main agenda of this meeting was to give permission to each other to sale the Church properties. In this meeting they pressurize Rt. Rev. John Samuel to with draw the case which was against Rt. Rev. Alexander John Malik which was about restraining Rt. Rev. Alexander John Malik to sell the properties of Faisalabad Diocese and he agreed to withdraw because he is also interested to sale Church property in his Diocese which belongs to Lahore Diocesan Trust and in past he want permission to sell this property from Bishop of Lahore who is also a great Church property seller. Rt. Rev. Samuel Pervaiz has sold 90% Church property of Sialkot and in these days he has taken the token money with Rev. Sadiq Daniel of St. Andrew's Church Saddar Karachi. In this meeting they also decide to give attorney powers to each other to enable them to sale Church properties freely which is very destructive for the Christians of Church of Pakistan. All these land mafia Bishops are against the Bishop Ejaz Inayat to whom they elected the right and constitutional Bishop of Karachi Diocese all these bishops has singed on the paper that Ejaz Inayat is legal Bishop and his elections is legally held the copy of that declaration can be taken from High Court of Sindh I don't known why these bishop are saying that Rt. Rev. Ejaz Inayat is not a bishop of Church of Pakistan many pastors and parishes and even the members of parishes which has been grabbed by the so called illegal bishop Rev. Sadiq Daniel recognize Rt. Rev. Ejaz Inayat as Bishop of Karachi Diocese ( ) These bishops are circulating the photo copies of their agreement among the Christians of Pakistan their illegal agreement has unveiled their real faces and desires. It is a time for the Christians of the Church of Pakistan to come forward and stop these land mafia Bishops to sell the Church properties which is the inheritance of the coming generations of Pakistani Christians. I strongly appeal the Christians of Pakistan and Church partners abroad to support Rt. Rev. Ejaz Inayat morally and financially because he alone is fighting against the war of properties selling in Pakistan. Please also pray for the present situation of Church of Pakistan and for its restoration. May God bless all the fearful Christians of Pakistan.

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