Marium Hospital Trust under Light org. Kasur appeals for Donations,


Kasur is one of the oldest cities of Pakistan, located 55 kilometers South of Lahore on Lahore Ferozpur Road. Just 9 Kilo Metes from the International Borders with India. According to the consensus of 1998, the total population of Kasur city was 19,33,484 around 1.8 Million out of which 9,59,688 are male and 8,73,796 are female. The Christians are 4.4 % of the total population. The estimated population today stand around 25,00,000 (2.5 Milion)) Kasur is the city of the largest “Leather Industry” of Pakistan. It is here that the raw animal skin or “Hide” is processed and sent to various “Leather Goods Manufacturers” in Pakistan and around the world. This industry has polluted the environment of the city which affects directly and damages human lungs and is a major cause of “Asthmatic related diseases” among the population of the local population as well as the visitors from other areas. The chemical waste has polluted the “underground” water that has become the major cause of ever increasing “Liver, Kidney and Intestine” related diseases. Kasur city does not have proper medical facilities and the sick men, women and children have to be taken to Lahore the Provincial Capital of Punjab is hour and a half drive from Kasur. Expectant mothers face the real problem as it is not convenient or possible to shift them to better hospitals in Lahore in case of emergency. This situation had caused a number of deaths of mothers and infants due to maternity related hardship. The “Trust” has accuired 1,26,000 SQFT of “Land” for this project. Mr. Salah ud Din Ahmad Khan of District Kasur has donated 36,000 SQFT of land whileMr. Abdul Jabbar Lanhga Advocate and his mother Mrs. Shakina Bibi have donated 18,000 Sqft of land. The remaining land, amounting to Rupees 40,00,000.00 (US$ 69,000.00) has been purchased b the “Trust” with personal gifts and local resource. The Site of the hospital is located 1 Kilo Meter from Kasur Distric Courts on Debalpur Road, near Treatment Plant and opposite Muhammad Ahmad Khan Town. According to a very carefully estimated cost of the project is Pakistan Rupees 5,00,00,000.00 (Rupees 50 Million) or US$ 8,00,000.00 Aprox. This includes the hospital building, nurses and doctors quarters and residential facilities of other workers of the hospital. The medical equipments and machinery, the furnishing of 250 beds of Medical, Surgical, Intensive Care Unit, Maternity Ward and Out Door patents section. Ambulances and other necessary vehicles for the hospital. APPEAL. Happiness comes by sharing. In your “prayers and pleasures” please remember all those poor, helpless and sick men women and children with “Pale and illness tortured faces” who look toward YOU for help and a healthy future. We need your very personal help and interest in this noble cause for suffering humanity. We need your financial help, no matter how small it may be. Yet we are sure that those whom God has blessed abundantly will give generously. We need your hands in this historical project. We earnestly request for your prayers, guidance, support and financial assistance. Put your hands together with us to make this a project a success and complete it is minimum period of time for the time is running out for sick humanity in the area. Please pay a courtesy visit at the Site Office to get first hand knowledge and see for your self what misery is being faced by poor community of Kasur. Or visitour Web Site. PLEASE DONATE: Please sent your donations through Crossed Cheques/Bank Drafts/Money Orders to:- Alfalah Bank McLeod Road Branch, Lahore. Pakistan. Foreigne CurrencyAccount No- 506-037-004731-01

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