J.Salik presents memorandum to Pakistan foreign office


Islamabad 14 February, 02( PR) The convenor of World Minorities Alliance and former federal minister J.Salik in his cage mounted on the 'Peace Horn' visited Pakistan Foreign Office here this morning.

J.Salik's carriage drove into the office and was received by Mr. Saeed A Rafi, Director General Policy Planning. J.Salik presented to the DG a copy of memorandum outlining his world peace campaign. Receiving the memorandum Mr. Saeed A Rafi said both Foreign Minister and Foreign Secretary were out of the country and on their return he would put contents of the memorandum before them. The memorandum says "The convenor of World Minorities Alliance and former federal minister J.Salik has declared the year 2002 as International Peace Year and inaugurated the same by lighting peace torch. "J.Salik had voluntarily confined himself in a steel cage on 16th November 2001 to demonstrate solidarity with all those who were oppressed anywhere in the world and to promote peace by encouraging judicious solution of international problems. "His cage is mounted on a truck named as "Peace Horn" to be mobile to disseminate his message of peace and justice. The Peace Horn has been painted white, it carries peace awareness cries in almost all languages of the world and symbols of various religions including Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism and Parsi faith with their teachings pertaining to peace, amity and tranquility. "Seven continents - Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, North America, South America and Antarctic have also been represented on the vehicle with raised fingers pointing to the United Nations for its responsibility toward world peace. The 8th position has been given to the World Minorities Alliance representing the silently suffering downtrodden communities. National flags of all countries have been also painted on the body of huge truck. It is also adorned with the rare copies of the pictures of Nobel Peace laureates since the prize was instituted in 1901. J.Salik had spent a considerable fund and energy spread over several years to get the pictures drawn and coloured by renowned artists. It carries a globe against the background of burning flames. Pakistan enjoys the central place on the globe which raises a peace flag with quotations from the Bible and holy Quran on peace and against mischief mongers. "J.Salik says he is prepared to end his confinement in case any country of the world decides to rename its defence ministry as defence of peace ministry. "A novel idea has been propounded to demonstrate the absence of justice in the world. The two tilting scales with an eye in each one have been painted on both sides of the truck to bring home that absence of even handed justice caused turmoil. Seven pigeonholes carry doves symbols of peace. "Indian congress leader Sarojini Naidu had described Mohammad Ali Jinnah, founder of Pakistan as "Ambassador of Peace". Her statement has been displayed on truck's terrace. "The Peace Horn carries a statement of founding father of India Pundit Jawahar Lal Nehru on Kashmir. Pundit Jawahar Lal Nehru had said: "We have left the question for final solution to the people of Kashmir and we are determined to abide by it. As a great nation we cannot go back on it. "During his entire career as a social worker since 1977 J.Salik remained committed to the cause of peace and amity. He was elected five times as an independent candidate to represent Christian minority of Pakistan in parliament and local bodies. He was also federal minister and despite being Christian he was nominated for the coveted Nobel Peace award on behalf of Islamic republic of Pakistan. Throughout his life he remained honest, above-board and incorruptible. He lives in a rented house in Islamabad and owns no inch of land anywhere in the world and nor possesses any bank balance. "To express solidarity with Muslim brethren J.Salik took to jute dress in 1981 for 12 years to register protest over the massacre of 300 Muslim minority members on the occasion of Eid in India. "To protest against desecration of a mosque and the Holy Quran in Britain on behalf of World Minorities Alliance, J.Salik blackened his face. The objective was two fold. Firstly to demonstrate that the tragic incident had blackened the face of the entire humanity and secondly to express solidarity with the Muslim brethren of London. "To express solidarity with the Muslim world J.Salik under took a 2000 KM peace march in extremely cold weather to lodge protest and express grief over loss of several hundred thousand innocent lives and colossal material damage during the Iran-Iraq war. As a mark of protest J.Salik along with 25 others donned the coarse jute clothes. "J.Salik expressed jubilation over the construction of first mosque in Rome. At a ceremony at Taj Hotel, President of Italy and Ruler of Oman, Sultan Qabus were presented golden crowns. The Sultan had been honoured on the completion of 100 years of church in Oman. "J.Salik organized 70 big conventions on Muslim-Christian unity. "J.Salik protested over massacre of Muslims in the Philippine and as a mark of protest he wore black robes for 40 days. "J.Salik lent support to 8 point peace program in 1982 of Prince Fahd of Saudi Arabia for the Middle East. "J.Salik organized a joint Christian-Muslim Ulema conference to press the release of 72 American hostages held by Iran. "J.Salik along with his family members reached Bosnia to express solidarity with the oppressed Muslims while the war was at its peak in that land. J.Salik's only son perceived the visit as a life risk. J.Salik replied, "if the bodies of mother, father and son arrived back in Pakistan on the occasion of Christmas, this may help awake the world conscience."

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