A conspiracy in Church of Pakistan. CoP News


It is over eight years now when the conspiracy was hatched and very well executed in the Church of Pakistan to plant Bishops of his own choice by Bishop Alexander John Malik of Lahore. Even the former Archbishop of Canterbury innocently fell in his trap and followed his plan unknowing that his trust is being betrayed. This started with the election of the Bishop of Karachi where the duly elected Bishop was defeated in the courts of Pakistan on the basis of false affidavits resulting in the miscarriage of justice. Time has proven that all this was done only for money coming from all the resources of the Church but mainly from the illegal sale of church properties all over Pakistan. The person-felling victim to this conspiracy, Bishop Ijaz Inayat Masih took upon him and his team to dig into the causes of a turning point in the words and deeds of the leadership of the Church of Pakistan. Although the personal interest of Bishop Samuel Azraiah to become the Bishop of Karachi was the platform of this conspiracy, which was pampered and adopted by Bishop Alexander John Malik to fit it in his own planning of becoming the unquestioned boss of the Church of Pakistan. Where, on the one hand Bishop Ijaz Inayat was not a suitable person to share the secrets of illicit money, the adopted candidate Sadiq Daniel was willing to go an extra mile in becoming a partner of Bishop Alexander John Malik and facilitate him in his schemes. The dishonest leadership of the Church of Pakistan had forgotten that though it takes time to prove, yet Lord is the Lord of the Church and reigns in the kingdom of men. Now there is enough evidence on record which vindicates that Bishop Ijaz Inayat is right in saying that all this was/is done to cover up the illegal sale of church properties and drainage of money from the Church resources. He has rightly fought his case in the administration right up to the level of the Prime Minister of Pakistan as well as taking the issue to the apex courts of Pakistan. On the other hands he has been able to convince the Federal Commission for Minority Affairs not to sanction permission for sale or commercialize of Church properties. At the same time he is going in the courts for the cancellation of such sales, thanks to those who have supported his case with money and word of encouragement. Dear Readers, you all are requested to pray for this situation as unworthy stewards must be dealt with for the safeguard of the Church on merit. All those who wrongly/innocently supported Church Property Sellers` Mafia are advised to change according to the teachings of the Bible, as it is the only way. The members of Lahore Diocese in particular challenged to standup to the required Christian character, which is needed for the fair progress and growth of any living Church. May this New Year bring Newness in the practices and attitude of every one?

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