Ms Robinson plea to deteriorate human right situation in Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Bultistan. CAI.


Toronto. March 20. (PR) Mr. Hamid Bashani, Secretary General, council of Advocates International said in a statement that the people of Kashmir are extremely disappointed over Ms Robinson statement on the situation of human rights during her visit to

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights seems to echo Pakistan's official position on Kashmir question and human right issues. The Council of Advocates International expressed its extreme disappointment over the statement and warned that it would further deteriorate the situation of human rights in Kashmir and all over the region. In a press communiqué in Toronto, the Council's secretary general Hamid bashani said that Ms Robinson undermined the UN role by appreciating the government of Pakistan on human rights issues in the region. He said that the Council has been communicating in writing with High Commissioner about the gross violation of human rights in Azad Kashmir and Gilgit- Bultistan for a long time, and expected her to raise the issue with the authorities during her visit to Pakistan. Instead of talking about the protection of the fundamental and Democratic rights of the people of Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-baltistan, she choose to speak on sectarian violence and religious conflicts in India and human rights situation in Jammu and Kashmir. These issues are extremely important but they must be raised with the government of India, which is directly responsible for it. It is totally at odds with the principle of UN charter and High Commission for Human Rights to ignore the massive violation of human rights, denial of fundamental rights and brutal suppression of the People of Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Bultiatn and appreciate the military regime for its human rights record. The government of Pakistan may have taken Some positive steps in Pakistan, but in Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Bultistan the situation is getting even worse. The UN High Commission for Human Rights must hold the universally acknowledged principle of fundamental rights, freedom and democracy, and should not compromise with repressive regimes for political needs. The people of Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Bultistan are shocked to observe the role of High Commissioner and her demonstration of indifference from there Plight.

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