Washington, D.C: “It is our duty to support the people of Kashmir who are struggling for their right to self-determination. Our objective has
Lahore: February 28, 2006. Some fundamentals abducted Rev. Joseph Praim and left him after severe torture and persecuting. Pastor belongs to Full Gospel Assemblies Church and serving in a town Maka Colony Gulberg III Lahore.
Rev. Joseph Praim s/o Sohan Masih aged about 34 years, is resident of H/No. 778 St. No. 7 Maka Colony Gulberg Lahore. He is married, has wife named Nazia and a son named Alisha (Elijah). Pastor did his seminary from Full Gospel Assemblies and presently he is serving at Maka Colony Lahore.
According to Rev. Joseph Praim
"On 16th February 2006 abut at 10:30a.m. I was going to pay gas bill to the bank. When I was passing through the railway lines. A car stopped nearby me and Molvies came out from it. One of them put a handkerchief on my mouth and at the moment I lost my senses and became unconscious. I don't know what happened afterwards. When I came into my senses I found myself in a dark room. I could not see the things in my surrounding. I found that abductors took my gold ring off and they also took my money from my pocket. That was very dark room. Even I could not see the nearby things. When I came back to senses somebody gave me a slap on my face and abused me. I asked him why did they kidnap. He said, "You belong to Christianity and your Christian brothers made derogatory cartoons of Prophet Mohammad in Denmark that's why we are going to kill you". They tied my eyes with cloth and my hands with rope. They severely tortured me and abused me for being Christian. They kept me for five days in their custody. During these days they did not give food and not even water to drink. They were armed with deadly weapons and they threatened me for life. I answered them bravely that if they kill me in the name of Jesus it would be honor for me and I have no fear for death.
After five days they picked me in car about at 1:30 am and threw me on the road. My hands were tied on my back my legs were also tied with rope. I opened my hands and legs very hardly and took rickshaw and came to my home.
When my family and some Church members brought me to the Doctor he said, your kidneys has been shrunk, drink 25 to 30 glass of water daily and take soft diet.
Pastor Joseph Praim is leaving hidden now, SLMP team felt that he is much frightened after is occurrence, his is still in awful condition, Pastor Joseph Praim belongs to poor family; they need your prayer support as well as financial support. Please keep him and his family in you prayers.
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"Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" By Nazir S Bhatti
On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress www.pakistanchristiancongress.org . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.