Bishops Conference on India protest against film “ Da Vinci Code”


New Delhi: The Catholic Bishops` Conference of India (CBCI) strongly protests the release of the Films: `Da Vinci Code` by Sony Pictures and `Tickle My Funny Bone` by Yogendra Konkar. Both the movies are offensive in nature as they deeply hurt the sentiments of the Christian Community. The first is a false and an irreverent portrayal of Jesus Christ, the founder of Christianity, as a married man and having progeny, which insidiously attacks the very root of Christian Faith. Jesus died on the Cross and was resurrected and was taken to Heaven. Tickle my Funny Bone is a caricature of religious persons of the Church, who sacrifice their life in the service of God and people. These movies belittle what is at the heart of Christian Faith and cherished in Christian Life, they hurt the religious sentiments of the Christian Community in the country and are therefore blasphemous, and totally unacceptable to the Christian community. Besides the movies are bound to bring into disesteem the Christian Community in the country and create misgivings about the minority Christian community in the country. Christians follow the teachings of Christ whose life and mission are handed down by the written tradition of only the four authoritative Gospels of Mathew, Mark, Luke and John. These four Gospels have been authenticated from the earliest centuries of Christianity by the Church, which accepted that these authentically narrate the life and mission of the Lord Jesus Christ and transmit the Faith to the generations to come. Archbishop Stanislaus Fernandes, Secretary General of CBCI has demanded immediate withdrawal of the proposed release of these movies in India. Archbishop Fernandes said, "The Indian Christian Community takes strong exception to the release of these movies in a country, where every individual has a right to his religious beliefs and to enjoy the respect to them from the followers of other religions. This is all the more to be expected in a country that is secular. Both movies are based on falsehoods about Christian faith and life and will hurt the faith of individual Christians and bring Christian Communities into disrepute among people of other religions. Such movies which spread wrong notions about a religion, any religion, should not be screened in India or anywhere as they do not stand for the Truth.". The CBCI also urges the Board of Film Censors of India to ban such movies, which are based on the wrong notion of Christianity and its teachings. The Indian Catholic Bishops join all groups that appeal for immediate action in this matter by the Board of Film Censors and Civic Authorities. Any reference to the Religious tenets and traditions should be referred to the respective Leaders of the Religion. The Bishops join all those who demand a ban on such movies and offer full support to people who work for the protection of the fundamental faith of Christians that Jesus Christ died on the Cross and God raised Him to life. With this Faith, Christians have served humanity with love, compassion and service of all people. People of goodwill everywhere must respect this Faith of the Christian Community.

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