Bishop J Samuel urges all religious notables for world assembly to resolve India and Pakistan issues.


Islamabad 7 June, 02 Bishop John Samuel and representatives of all churches in Pakistan today called for convening a world assembly of all religious notables of the world to help judiciously resolve contentious issues between Pakistan and India to b

J.Salik in his cage mounted on Peace Drive of Pakistan accompanied the procession (who is in steel cage for the last six months and twenty days to promote the cause of solidarity). Rt. Rev. Wilson John Gill (Bishop United Holiness Church/Founder Quaid-e-Azam World Peace Mission), Rev. Father Francis Nadeem (Priest Catholic Church Lahore/Executive Secretary National Commission for Christian-Muslim Relations), Rev. Abraham Daniel (Mission Co-coordinator Gospel Mission Pakistan Sahiwal), Rev. Emmanuel Iqbal (I.G.M Church Rwp), Rev. Dr. Marqus Fida (Chairman International Gospel Mission) and Father John Vianney (Khatoon-e-Mubarik Church Rwp) were present the occasion. The Memorandum said: "It is now nearly six months that armed forces of India and Pakistan are standing eyeball to eyeball on international borders and line of control in the disputed state of Jammu & Kashmir. Both India and Pakistan are armed with nuclear weapons and delivery system. Over one billion peoples of the sub-continent are sitting on the edge of a volcano, which may erupt any moment to render this region into ruins and rubble. "We the Christians as the followers of Prince of Peace Jesus Christ have a special responsibility in this hell-like situation. 40% population of South Asia is already living below the poverty line. Overwhelming majority of Christians in both countries are the worst downtrodden and economically extremely backward. The prolonged stand of has further worsened their condition to near starvation point. All the efforts of the social welfare organizations to economically uplift the Christian community since independence have already been frustrated by the stand off. There is no room for any further squeeze. The outbreak of war will completely annihilate them. "All the appeals so for made by world leaders for de-escalation have not been heeded to by Indian government leaders. Pakistan President General Pervez Musharraf has however taken a reasonable stance of simultaneous de-escalation and dialogue process. "We representatives of all churches in Pakistan appeal to all religious leaders and institutions in general and Christians in particular throughout the world to rise to the occasion before it becomes too late. A world assembly of all religious notables may be convened immediately to take stock of the situation. A friendly hand be extended to leadership of both the countries to help resolve the contentious issues in judicious manners so that durable peace can come to this region and the world."

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