Dying Pakistani Christian asylum seekers in Bangkok; By Bishop FS Bhatti


On 11 January 2016, early in morning, Pervaiz Gouri surrendered his life to Father God as faithful in Christ, Late Martyr, Parviaz Gouri belonged to Lahore, Pakistan. He was Pakistani Christian Asylum seeker who came to Bangkok, Thailand for seeking Asylum through UNHCR. Martyr Perviez Ghouri was good in health before the arrest in the hands of immigration Detention Center few months ago, and then he took it very serious. Then his brain was hammerhead due to fear and tension. After death of Sanina Faisal and other deaths of Asylum seekers, Martyr Pervaiz Ghouri was shifted to Hospital dated 07-01-2016. Immigration shifted him to hospital because they could not give him proper medical facility in detention Center; he died due to improper treatment in hospital. Mr. Riaz is also feeling same condition, now he is in hospital and his condition is also not good. May Father God heal Mr. Riaz with merciful hand to be blessed. So we request to all God’s people to have good heart to pray for these Asylum seekers who are sick in detention center and in their rooms in Bangkok, Thailand. There is no proper food according to Pakistani food comparatively. It has been also observed, Pakistani food and Thai food are totally different; Government cannot arrange Pakistani food in detention, even immigration detention has light-weight food (boiled rice and cucumber vegetable juice according to Pakistani nature’ food (crashed wheat “Roti”). It means that they have physiological problems, food problems and insecurity sense and delays & failure in cases tensions in Immigration detention Bangkok, Thailand. Even Late Martyr Jerry (Jervis), a husband Asia Bibi had been died also in same tension because their case was also refused by UNHCR, he had no proper treatment for his health; he was died on 28 Feb 2015. We request to international community, media and UNHCR to feel this pain for humanity. May God open doors of foreign countries for them, because they are afraid to come back in Pakistan, they are feeling dangerous to come back, so many people have cases that are going on. We request to review the cases of Asylum seeker carefully with pain, burden and full knowledge of situation of cases and country situation. There are so many people who are going to be died day by day spiritually and physically. Asylum Seeker left Pakistan with hope that UN will give them protection and safety for their lives. This is another sad news after the deaths of "Sanina Faisal" from Karachi, Daud Saddique, Dr. Nazir, Baba Sadiq, Nomi Waqas, Javed from Gojra, Rasheed Masih, Faris Ayub, Riaz Masih, Jerry (Jarvis) and now Pervaiz Ghouri from Lahore had been passed away to improper treatment who was suffering critically for last few days in hospital. Now nobody is responsible for these deaths, it is cold murder in seeking Asylum through UNHCR. It is also being considered among different counsels that why they left Pakistan. Nobody left his country when he has everything good and well. Most of Pakistani Christian did not want to leave Pakistan. We know that this is our country “Pakistan” But we cannot ignore the miserable condition of Pakistan where even Muslims are also suffering so much due to false Blasphemy cases. We appeal to all International authorities to help these Pakistan Asylum Seekers. We pray for them, may God bless their hearts and mind to rethink about miseries of situation about these causalities. May God mercy on them and our country Pakistan, We pray for Pakistan’ peaceful atmosphere also, May God brings good law system to do justice with cases. Because it has been observed in all cases of minorities, there is no justice and punishment for attackers till today in every case. Accusers and innocent’s justice had been ignored. Because there is no law that will be used for punishment for majority but always punished to minority. Even after real fact finding and most of Pakistani Christian are fed up with law of Pakistan in all cases.

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nazirbhattipcc@aol.com , pakistanchristianpost@yahoo.com