Pakistan: In a deeply disheartening development, the Chunian District Court has acquitted all primary accused in the brutal murder of Saleem Masih.
From past three years I have been living in Bangkok Thailand waiting for my case registered with UNHCR for my refugee status. I am an Asylum seeker from Pakistan and facing many Problems like many other Pakistani Asylum seeker here in Thailand.
Having already written to Pope Francis but have not received any reply. Now, I am also extending my appeal to your honor to help me and other Pakistani Christian asylum seekers in Bangkok.
I must bring in your kind notice, a tragic death of Mrs. Faisal aged 29 and mother of 2 years child in Immigration Detention Center IDC Bangkok without any medical assistance. It is agony of this family that dead body of Mrs. Faisal is laying in any mortuary after weeks of her death without any funeral services. Any NGO or UNHCR have not stepped up for any funding for last rituals of this dead woman who fled from Islamic Republic of Pakistan for safety and security of life of her family after persecution. Is it not slap on face of humanity in this century when that a coffin cannot be provided to a dead body?
His Excellency, Prime Minister of Canada: It is for ready reference that thousands of Pakistani Christian are living in miserable situation in Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Thailand after fleeing from Islamic Republic of Pakistan after rising violence against them on pretext to blasphemy;
The Pakistani Christian Asylum seekers duly registered them with UN Refugee Agency UNHCR in respective south and south eastern countries but due considerations are not given on cases which are lingering from years without decisions.
The UNHCR is not providing any medical assistance to Pakistani Christian asylum seekers nor any arrangements for education of their children which is denial to norms and practices of this UN commission.
After deaths of Pakistani Christian asylum seekers mercilessly without medical help and their children without education facilities, I ask myself very common question that who is responsible for such issues, weather, UNHCR or immigration of Bangkok?
We fled from Pakistan on fear of attacks by Muslim majority while here Pakistani Christian asylum seekers are living under constant fear of Thailand immigration police who is making mass arrests of asylum seekers. There are more than hundred Pakistani Christian asylum seeker women, children and men in Immigration Detention Center IDC.
As Canada is very generous country and opens its door for persecuted human beings around world, I wish to draw your kind attention towards thousands of stranded Pakistani Christian asylum seekers who are dying without any UNHCR and International community support in Thailand, I appeal his Excellency Prime Minister of Canada to have mercy on us as you delivered for Syrian refugees and open doors of Canada for us also.
A Pakistani Christian Asylum seeker from Bangkok: Zahid Younis
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"Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" By Nazir S Bhatti
On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.