Inaugural Prayer Service Of The Unity Octave


Lahore: January 29, 2016. (Fr. Inayat Bernard) “If there is no dedication in love then the love is incomplete”. Church of Pakistan Bishop Emeritus Manu Romal Shah was talking to the worshippers gathered at the Sacred Heart Catholic Cathedral in connection with the unity octave prayer service. He continued that it is a good practice to show our unity in a visible form so that different denominations can benefit from our religious gatherings. He said that the last words of Jesus in his last speech recorded in Jn 17 were that they may be one. At the end he advised to carry on this process of praying together for the Christian unity. This unity octave services were conducted by Ecumenical Solidarity Committee Lahore (ESCL) and Council for Interfaith Dialogue. Preaching about the main topic of this year "Called to proclaim the mighty acts of the Lord" (1 Peter 2:9) Presbyterian church in Pakistan pastor Rev. Amjad Niamat said that we are chosen race and the responsibility is given to us to proclaim his deeds to all nations of the world. He said that we are to start with our surrounding, in our churches and among our people. The good deeds of love, holiness, mercy, unity and joy have to be visible though our word and actions. He said that St. Peter wrote this letter to the persecuted Christians in the Roman Empire scattered all over Asia Minor at present the country of Turkey. They were asked to stand firm in their faith despite all difficulties and facing hatred by others. Giving the background of the unity octave Fr. Inayat Bernard, rector St. Mary’s Seminary said that it was October 2012 that some of the representatives of the 4 main line churches met to organize unity week 2013. The unity Octave was going on regularly in the past years but it was stopped for some years. So we re-organized it and have had three unity Octaves in 2013, 2014, 2015 and now is the fourth unity week. During the year we organize Alleluia Conference on the 2nd Saturday after Easter Sunday. The first of its kind was organized at St. Joseph Church Lahore Cantt. in 2013 and the second one was at the Cathedral of the Resurrection in 2014 and the third was conducted at the Salvation Army Headquarters and this year’s alleluia conference will be at the Central Cathedral warris road. Besides that we agreed to fix the date 14th December for Ecumenical Christmas Carol .The first program was at the Praying hand cathedral Waris Road in 2012, the second was at St. Joseph Church Lahore Cantt. in 2013 the third in 2014 was at the Salvation Army headquarters and the fourth one was at St. Mary’s Church Gulberg, Lahore. The topic of this year is "Called to proclaim the mighty acts of the Lord" (1 Peter 2:9) The text is jointly published by the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity and the WCC, through the WCC's Commission on Faith and Order. Salvation Army Divisional Commander Major Salamat Masih said that we have got the blessings from the Lord and we are asked to share his good deeds with other human beings all around us. He said that the Lord has said blessed are those who promote reconciliation among human beings. He expected that this unity will become more visible in the years to come. Church of Pakistan pastor and Dean of the Cathedral of Resurrection Rev. Shahid P. Meraj said that it is good opportunity that we pray together which is a witness of our unity. However he continued that we are supposed to have several programs during the year as well and not be contented with the unity octave in January only. The prayers of the faithful were said by representatives of all four mainline denominations. Fr. Francis Nadeem OFM Cap sent his words of thanks for the ESCL and all participants in an inaugural prayers service of the Unity Octave 2016. Prayer service at Naulakh Presbyterian Church On 19th January 2016, the second day’s ecumenical service took place at the Naulakha Presbyterian church. Rev. Amjad Niamat of the Presbyterian Church and the member of the Ecumenical Solidarity Committee Lahore (ESCL) welcomed the inter-denominational pastors of Salvation Army, Church of Pakistan and the Catholic Church along with his own church pastors. Church of Pakistan diocese of Raiwind’s pastor Rev. Saleem Khokhar preached about the topic “To proclaim his mighty works” taken from 1.Peter 2:9. He elaborated that it is an honour which God has given to us Christians and we are His people. He stressed that it is the responsibility of each baptized person to proclaim his might works with our words and actions. Using the words in Urdu English and Greek, he made his point effective to use all talents for His glory. He said that St. Peter wrote this letter to the persecuted Christians of the first century and advised them to be united in the Lord Jesus Christ. It is said that unity is strength so all of the faithful are to be united with the Lord and with one another to have the real spiritual and community strength in Pakistan. He asked the ESCL members to continue to share their time and talents during the unity octave and the whole year. Prayers of the faithful were shared by the local community members. The Naulkha Church choir and the United Christian Hospital choir led the faithful in singing the praises to the Lord. The readings from Is 52:7-10 and 1 Peter 2:4-10 while the Gospel of John 17:11-19 were read by pastors and faithful of different denominations. Church of Pakistan Bishop emeritus Manu Rumal Shah said that we thank the Lord that we are close to each other from these past three years and have development this common understanding among the pastors. He said that this respect and understanding will also grow among the faithful of different denominations. He ended shortly that our life journey will become easier with our love and we shall be able to proclaim His mighty deeds through our words and actions. Prayer service at St. Mary Magdalene Church On 20th January 2016, the third day’s ecumenical service took place at the St. Mary Magdalene Church. Local pastor I. B. Rocky and the member of the Ecumenical Solidarity Committee Lahore (ESCL) welcomed the inter-denominational pastors of Salvation Army, Presbyterian, Catholic Church along with his own Church of Pakistan Dioceses of Lahore and Raiwind pastors. Salvation Army’s Divisional Commander Major Salamat Masih, as the preacher of the day used poetry and life stories to explain the them form 1 peter 2:9 and said that it is a great honour for us people of God that we are chosen by Jesus himself and we are asked to maintain this honour and proclaim his might deeds to the far ends of the earth. He appreciated the vibrant children choir at Havelian Badoke Kahna-e- Nao that they have expressed the might deeds of the Lord by singing hymns by the children and the elderly alike. Major Salamat continued that that when we are in difficulty we get strength from the Lord. Sts. Stephen, Paul Peter and Paul were murdered and they became effective witness for us to stand firm in our faith. He said that Jesus expects to be united with the vine and he had told his disciples that without me you can do nothing. Hence we are asked to be ever united with him to be able to proclaim his might deeds. Church of Pakistan Bishop emeritus Manu Rumal Shah called two boys and two girls in front and asked them why they had come to the service and the boys and girls responded for prayer. So he asked them to be attentive in the church in a respectful manner. He appreciated the active choir of kids and elders who sang the hymns and psalms with full zeal and zest. He said that we celebrate just one week of unity and what about the other 51 weeks of the year. He said that normally we remember the last words of father or mother when they are about to die. In the like manner we remember the last words of Jesus Christ when he expressed his wish in Jn.17 that all maybe one. He prayed that the unity, harmony and understanding among the denominations. Prayer service at the Salvation Army Headquarter On 21st January 2016, the third day’s ecumenical service took place at the Salvation Army Headquarters. Divisional Commander Major Salamat Masih and Major Saleem Yousaf were the hosts who are aloe members of the Ecumenical Solidarity Committee Lahore (ESCL) They welcomed the inter-denominational pastors of, Church of Pakistan, the Catholic Church, Presbyterian church along with his own Salvation Army pastors. Church of Pakistan pastor and the Dean of the Cathedral of the Resurrection Rev. Shahid P.Mairaj said that the two world wars had done a lot of damage and the Pope of that time felt the need of the unity among the churches after Vatican II and the Pontifical Council for promoting Christians unity and the World Council of Churches had worked hand in hand to guide the entire faithful in the world by giving annual theme for unity octave. He further said that we are to look at the positive elements found in the others and having this honour to be the chosen race we are to proclaim his might deeds among all people in the world. The disunity has to give way to unity. He said that as the Good Samaritan showed his mercy to the needy. We too are asked to show this mercy of the Lord to all human beings. Readings and prayers of the faithful were read by different participants from different denominations. The Salvation Army band played to assist to sing hymns and psalms. The representatives of the ESCL expressed their appreciation for conducting the unity octave and said to have more programs especially during the year so that the faithful will come close to each other and we shall be able of come out of our comfortable religious shells. In the sideline the divisional commander Major Salamat Masih said to have a three days’ common programme by the four mainline churches annually and not to be contented to organize unity octave in the month of January only. Much more re is still to be done. The updates of the program were read out to the faithful everyday to invite them to join the regular prayer services. Prayer service at the St. Peter’s Church Kot Lakhpat On 22nd January 2016, the fourth day’s ecumenical service took place at St. Peter’s Mother Church, Kot Lakhpat. Rev. Yousaf Samuel was the host. With bouquets, he welcomed the inter-denominational pastors of Salvation Army, the Catholic Church, Presbyterian Church along with his own Church of Pakistan. Fr. Inayat Bernard, Rector St. Mary’s Seminary, Lahore said this dignity is given to all Christians by Jesus Christ. With the dignity to be chosen race, royal priesthood and his own people, the responsibility is given to proclaim his mighty deeds to all nations of the world. He said that the commandment of Jesus to his disciples was given to go to the far ends of the earth and make the disciples from all nations. Fr. Inayat Bernard talked about four virtues of Jesus. The first was the virtue of honesty. Giving an example of one pastor he said in his whole village, only he was the one to make the TV license while the other faithful said there was no need. So he said it was his responsibility to give good example of honesty to the people. We are supposed to do our work in time and do the whole work and not to create excuses to leave the work half done. The second virtue to be proclaimed was to be sensitive. Jesus Christ was sensitive to the needs of the others to heal, feed and preach to them. Parents are to be sensitive to the genuine needs of their kids and give them good formation. The third virtue, he talked, was obedience. Jesus remained obedient until death on the cross. The young ones are asked to be obedient to their elders and parents. The fourth virtue of Jesus to be proclaimed was to be merciful. He said that the Holy Father Pope Francis has announced the year of Mercy from 8th December 2015 till 20th November 2016. If we show mercy to the others we too will be forgiven. Amjad Niamat of Presbyterian Church., Shahid Meraj of the Church of Pakistan and Slaeem Yousaf of the salvation army expressed their views sand appreciated the efforts of different churches and hope that these efforts will bring fruit in the years to come. Unity Octave prayer service at the Cathedral of the Resurrectio On 24th January 2016, the fifth day’s ecumenical service took place at the Cathedral of the rssurrection Rev. Shahid P.Meraj was the host. With garlans, he welcomed the inter-denominational pastors of Salvation Army, the Catholic Church, Presbyterian Church along with his own Church of Pakistan diocese of Lahore. Dominican Vice Provincial Fr. Pascal Paulus said in his homily that we are different parts of the same body of Jesus Christ. He is our unity factor. By promoting peace we do the work of the Father who is one and expects from us to be one in mind and heart though different in administration but one in faith in Jesus Christ. St. Peter says in his epistle that Jesus has called us to be his chosen race and his people. We are given this honour and are expected to tell his good deeds to the whole world. Fr. Pascal continued that Jesus commanded to love one another. The unity, he said, is important for the church and we always stand firm in our faith in him in unity. The mission of the church is to promote the Word of God and we are told to go the far ends of the world and preach his gospel. He commented that today in our country the hatred, jealousy and terrorism have taken place. The worshippers in all prayer places are being attacked and killed. In this situation the good news of Jesus come to our support to spread his good deeds and live a prosperous life in our homes, society and the world. St. Paul, he ended, gave his total self to Jesus and advises the faithful to live the life in Jesus and be a new creation. The efforts to promote unity give us new life and create harmony and understanding amongst us. It is my prayer that such efforts may continue in our denominations for a unity to be experienced visibly. The representatives of Salvation Army Divisional Commander Major Salamat Masih, Amjad Niamat of the Presbyterian Church, Fr.Inayat Bernard from the Catholic church and Shahid P.Meraj, the Dean of the Cathedral expressed their views and appreciated conducting the unity week from 2013.

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