A Christian boy 14 implicated in rape case and sent to Faisalabad Jail. Sohail Johnson of Sharing Life Ministry reports.


One of the Sharing Life Ministry's team member visited District Jail Faisal Abad on 22nd July 2006. A Christian underage boy named as Naveed son of Delmir resident of Mohallah Khalid Colony Street No. 1 Faisal Abad met SLMP's team member in the jail. Naveed said that he is innocent in the case. Some of his Muslim locality fellows falsely pointed him to the complainant of the case. Statement of Naveed I belong to a poor Christian family. On 9th July 2006 I was present in the house of my maternal grand father. A Muslim lady of neighbors asked me to be with her daughter Iqra to a Molvi for prayer. They were in the way while two Muslim guys named as Khalil Ahmed son of Mohammad Arshad and Mohammad Ashfaq son of Mohammad Ishaq came on the bikes, tortured me and abducted Iqra daughter of Mohammad Aslam. They took Iqra in the corps and raped her. Mohammad Aslam got case registered vide FIR No. 645 dated 9 July 2006 offence under section 10, 11/7/79 with police station Ghulam Mohammad Abad Faisal Aabad against Khalil Ahmed and Mohammad Arshad. Police arrested both of the culprits. Mohammad Aslam took me to the police station as a witness so many times. Afterwards he gave his supplementary statement against me. Police arrested me too while Iqra gave her statement against Khalil Ahmed and Mohammad Arshad. She further declared me innocent in her statement but Police got money from the real culprits and set both of them free while police sent me to judicial lock up unjustly. I am not nominated in the FIR and I have not connection with Iqra in this regard." After meeting with Naveed, the team member went to his house and met his family. His family told that Naveed is absolutely innocent. The opponent party and the real culprits are very strong. Khalil Ahmed and Mohammad Arshad gave a heavy amount to the local police and police set them free. While the complainant of the case is also very strong, he built pressure upon the police for the arrest of accused persons. Police arrest Naveed and sent to the jail just to satisfy Mohammad Aslam father of Iqra. SLMP team member met with some neighbors of Naveed Masih and asked about his character. All the neighbors of Naveed are much concern for his unjust arrest. They said that Naveed is innocent. He is just 14 years old and sent to the jail undeservedly. Reported By: Sohail Johnson Chief Coordinator Sharing Life Ministry Pakistan

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