Fasting for Climate Justice


Karachi: March 9, 2016. (PCP)The Caritas Pakistan Karachi under their Livelihood and Food Security Program arranged Fasting and Prayers to mark “Climate Justice” with Prayer Service to join hands with “Global Catholic Climate Movement (GCCM)”. Praying and Fasting for the renewal of our relationship with creation of earth, especially with those brothers and sisters who are suffering the impacts of climate change directly due to poverty. Fasting was observed by the Caritas staff and Prayer service was held at Caritas Karachi office to mark the preparation for Climate Justice. The Prayer service was lead by Rev. Fr. Pervaiz Khalid, Assistant Parish Priest of St. Paul’s Parish Karachi. Mr. Mansha Noor, executive secretary Caritas Pakistan, provided introduction regarding the event “We gathered here to start action against climate change crisis jointly in solidarity with Catholics around the globe by fasting and reciting prayers during each Lenten days for Climate Justice.” He further added that being Catholic means accepting the need to fast as individuals and in community. This ancient act of penance been a spiritual exercised since long to help us control our worldly desires. Fasting helps us grow in virtue such that (by the grace of God) we may overcome sins, hence in modern era we ask help from God for safety from climate change effects. The pray service begin with recitation of the Holy Rosary prayer simply to emphasize on care for creation in light of Pope Francis’ “Laudato Si” The purpose of the following meditations on the rosary were primarily to help us realize that Christ came into this world to save us and that, like Christ, we are called to shape the world around us in a way that reflects our inherent dignity and worth as well as the dignity and worth of God’s creation that surrounds us. Sorrowful Mysteries: 1. Agony in the Garden: Knowing that the time when His horrifying death was to be fulfilled, Jesus left his followers to pray in the garden at Gethsemane. He left his companions, whom He loved very much, to find solitude and consolation in nature, and hence was able to receive the comforting presence of angels. 2. Scouring at the Pillar: Jesus is taken and tied to a stone pillar, where he was cruelly whipped and scorched. His agonizing death begins, and those who have had a chance to stop the horrible events or stand with Christ lost courage to do so. Do we have the courage to stand with God in solidarity of protecting the integrity of God’s creation? 3. Crowning of thorns: In order to humiliate Jesus, a crown of thorns was woven and placed on His head. This perhaps epitomizes that we are able to betray the inherent goodness in both our fellow human beings and the world that God has created by twisting them to our own narcissistic purposes. 4. Carrying of the Cross: We don’t think there are very many reflections as deep or as rich as that of the 4th Sorrowful Mystery. We are able to see Jesus in all of His human frailty; we see Him stumble, struggle and fall. We see the cruelty of the temporal rulers continue to make its way to the brutal climax. But we also are witnesses to small acts of hope through the actions of Simon and Veronica as well as Jesus’ strength in continuing to get up after falling. These things are what we are called to do in our spiritual journey as well as helping one another in theirs. 5. Crucifixion: Christ our Lord dies on the cross: A profoundly heartbreaking event, commemorated whenever we gaze upon a crucifix, celebrate Mass or meditate on this mystery, it’s a terrible but necessary component of our salvation history. After the recitation of Holy Rosary prayers, first reading from book of “Genesis” Chapter NO: 1 was read by Mr. John Rehmat. Second reading from “Gospel of St. Mathews Chapter NO: 6 verses NO: 1 to 8 and 16 to 18 were read by Rev. Fr. Pervaiz Khalid. In his massage he said, “We gather here today to pray to God, who is Father, Son and Spirit as we God’s children residing on the planet that is endangered by our failure to take care of. Human life is at risk because of our exploitation of resources, our wars for owning the earth’s goods, and a reluctance to assume responsibility for those who are poor and oppressed. We come together not only to ask for forgiveness of our brothers and sisters, but to ask God for a new heart that recognizes our responsibility for our Mother Earth, and all her present and future children.” At the end common payer for “Earth” was recited jointly by the participants, circulated at the global by the Pope Francis for Climate Justice. Touch the hearts of those who look for gain only at the expense of the poor and the earth itself. Teach us to discover the worth of each and every thing, to be filled with awe and contemplation, to recognize that we are profoundly united with every creature as we lead the journey towards your infinite light. We thank you for being with us each day. Encourage us, we pray, in our struggle for justice, love and peace Amen. At the end of the Prayers Mr. Mansha Noor, Executive Secretary, Caritas Pakistan Karachi thanked Fr. Pervaiz Khalid for providing his valuable time and services to lead the prayer and presented token of love to him from Caritas Pakistan Karachi.

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