Islamabad: (BY PPF) While accepting that internet users in Pakistan faced challenges, Minister of State for Information Technology and Telecommunic
Professor Anjum Paul says, Anti-social Pakistani textbooks are threat to beliefs and lives of non-Muslims
Faisalabad: June 29, 2016. (PCP) Professor Anjum James Paul, Chairman Pakistan Minorities Teachers’ Association has prepared five research based documents on the textbooks of Punjab Curriculum And Textbook Board Lahore published in 2016 in twelve various subjects of social sciences, pure sciences and languages like General Knowledge, Social Studies, History, Pakistan Studies, Geography, Home Economics, Physics, Biology, Urdu, English, Arabic and Islamic Education from grade 1 to grade 10. These documents are;
1. Anti-Social Pakistani Textbooks And Non-Muslims
(A case study of textbooks in the subjects of Urdu language, Islamic Studies, Social Studies, History and Pakistan Studies published in 2016 by Punjab Curriculum And Textbook Board Lahore) June 2016
2. Forced Conversion Of Non-Muslims Through Pakistani Textbooks
(A case study of textbooks in the subjects of English language, Biology and Physics published in 2016 by Punjab Curriculum And Textbook Board Lahore) June 2016
3. Forced Conversion Of Non-Muslims Through Pakistani Textbooks
(A case study of textbooks in the subjects of Urdu and Arabic languages published in 2016 by Punjab Curriculum And Textbook Board Lahore) June 2016
4. Forced Conversion Of Non-Muslims Through Pakistani Textbooks
(A case study of textbooks in the subjects of Social Sciences published in 2016 by Punjab Curriculum And Textbook Board Lahore) June 2016
5. Some Positive Changes In The Pakistani Textbooks
(A case study of textbooks in various subjects published in 2016 by Punjab Curriculum And Textbook Board Lahore) June 2016
After the analysis of the textbooks following reservations have been identified.
Note: References are presented from the research of Pakistan Minorities Teachers’ Association on the textbooks of Punjab Curriculum And Textbook Board Lahore published in 2016. There has been translation of references into English from Urdu.
1. Textbooks do not respect religious diversity and students of different beliefs are considered Muslims as they get admission in school. The main purpose of the Pakistani textbooks is to convert non-Muslims through glorifying Islam and Muslims and demoralizing the non-Islamic religions and non-Muslims.
Non-Muslim students are forcibly converted to Islam through the preaching of Islamic beliefs and practices. Due to this, many non-Muslims students are deprived of receiving education because they want to remain in their own religion. The textbooks hurt and damage the religious identity and religious sentiments of non-Muslims violating their religious freedom. The Textbooks have Islamized the entire educational environment of the educational institutions. PMTA asks the concerned authorities the purpose of education and if the purpose of education is only to convert the religion of non-Muslims students then it is not acceptable to Pakistani non-Muslims. There is Federal Ministry of Interfaith Harmony. Besides this, there are Minorities Affairs ministries at provincial level. These are useless ministries because there is no protection of minority religions and minority rights in Pakistan and state sponsored forced conversion is violation of Article 20 (a) of the Constitution of Pakistan 1973 that guarantees, “Every citizen shall have the right to profess, practice and propagate his religion.” Religious freedom of non-Muslims is a question mark in Pakistan. PMTA demands the government of Pakistan to stop forced conversion by any means and especially through textbooks and educational environment. Pakistani non-Muslims have expressed their concerns in a documentary with a title, “Pakistani Textbooks A Question Mark For Non-Muslims”
(Interview of Prof. Anjum James Paul on BBC Urdu Service on biased education) (2015)
A Christian student Mr. Naveed Rafique s/o Rafique Maseeh, a student of grade 8 has been a victim of religious persecution. He has been declared fail in the examinations of Punjab Examination Commission held in February 2016. He appeared in the examination under Roll No.68-426-220 in district Faisalabad, Punjab. In the viva of Islamiyat (Islamic Education) the examiner told him at the spot, “You are failed as you have not recited Kalimah.” Naveed Rafique said, “I am Christian and I do not know the Islamic Kalimah.” The honourable examiner deliberately attempted to have forced conversion of Naveed Rafique in failure he failed the Christian student. He is seeking for justice for since April 2016 but his all efforts are in vain.
Non-Muslim educational institutions have also become Islamic seminaries because they are also bond to teach Islamic beliefs and practices which are present in the subjects of social sciences, pure sciences and languages including the subject of Islamic education.
Pakistani textbooks openly violate the following Ideology of the Founder of Pakistan, Articles of the Constitution of Pakistan 1973, International Declarations, Conventions, Guidelines of UNESCO and National Action Plan 2014;
Ideology of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah
Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan in his presidential address to the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan on August 11, 1947 said, “We are starting in the days when there is no discrimination, no distinction between one community and another, no discrimination between one caste or creed and another. We are starting with this fundamental principle that we are all citizens and equal citizens of one State.”
Constitution of Pakistan 1973
Article 22 (1)
No person attending any educational institution shall be required to receive religious instruction, or take part in any religious ceremony, or attend religious worship, if such instruction, ceremony or worship relates to a religion other than his own.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Article 26 (3)
Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children.
Declaration On The Elimination Of All Forms Of Intolerance And Discrimination Based On Religion Or Belief
Article 5 (2)
Every child shall enjoy the right to have access the education in the matter of religion or belief in accordance with the wishes of his parents or, as the case may be, legal guardians, and shall not be compelled to receive teaching on religion or belief against the wishes of his parents or legal guardians, the best interests of the child being the guiding principle.
International Convention on the Rights of the Child
Article 14 (1)
States Parties shall respect the right of the child to freedom of thought, conscious and religion.
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
Article 18 (2)
No one shall be subject to coercion which would impair his freedom to have or to adopt a religion or belief of his choice.”
Guidelines of UNESCO
The school’s culture should be consistent with and promote relevant values such as non‐violence, compassion, equality, sustainability, respect for individuals and for differences in appearance, beliefs and customs, tolerance, and respect for human rights.
National Action Plan 2014
The material promoting hate and extremism will be considered crime under Anti-Terrorism Act and strict action would be taken against the printers and publishers who will publish such material.
Effective steps would be taken to stop religious persecution.
It is astonishing that there is worst sort of violation of human rights in Pakistan. According to the Article 25 (1) of the Constitution of Pakistan 1973 all citizens are equal but unfortunately all citizens are not treated equally. Non-Muslims are treated as second class citizens. There is confusion in Article 25 (1) of the Constitution because there is not proper implementation on this article and rights of non-Muslims are not being protected. In our neighboring country which is a Hindu majority country but non-Hindus have become presidents, prime ministers, Chairmen of Rajia Sabha , Speakers of the Lok Sabha, Chief Ministers , Governors, Army Chiefs, Naval Chiefs, Air Chiefs etc. There is no discrimination on the basis of religion and practically all citizens are equal. But unfortunately scenario is entirely different in Pakistan and these posts are not for non-Muslims but even then it is said that all citizens of Pakistan are equal. Non-Muslims demand for election but not selection but no heed has been paid to this genuine demand yet. The selected persons are loyal to the political parties that nominate them but not to the non-Muslims because they are not elected ones.
Some examples from the textbooks are presented below;
Guidelines for parents and teachers;
Memorize Ta’awwuz, Tasmiyah and Kalimah Tayyibah to the children. Make them understand the translation. Also tell that before doing any work Tasmiyah must be recited.
(General Knowledge 1, page 11)
Tell Kalimah Tayyibah with its translation.
(General Knowledge 1, page 12)
(Note) After recitation of Kalimah Tayyibah one becomes Muslim. So, Non-Muslim innocent child of 4 or 5 years of age who does not know even about his/her own religion is forcibly converted to Islam.
We pray five times a day.
(General Knowledge 1, page 9)
We, as Muslims should follow the noble example of the tolerance of our Rasool .
(English 8, page 2)
Mr. Makhdoom: “Dear children! We are Muslims, that’s why we tell you the qualities of an ideal Muslim student.
(Urdu 8, page 104)
Eid-ul-Azha is celebrated on 10th Zil-Hajjah, the last Islamic month. We celebrate Eid-ul-Azha in the memory of Hazrat Ibrahim and Hazrat Ismail . (English 7, page 29)
How do you celebrate Eid-ul-Fitr? Write in sequence in the given space.
(Urdu 4, page 15)
Arrange a ceremony of recitation of Quran in the class and ask all the students to recite any Sura or a few verses of the Holy Quran turn by turn.
(Urdu 6, page 4)
Explain the verses in the light of Quran and Hadith. (Urdu 9, page 102)
Write your favorite naat in your copy and show it to your teacher.
(Urdu 9, page 106)
Note: Naat is a poem written in honour of Prophet Muhammad .
Sana Shahid, a Christian student of grade 5 became a victim of forced conversion and marriage after her abduction in Sialkot, Punjab on November 9, 2015. Her sister Hina has also left school who wanted to become a doctor as she is in fear to be treated in the same way. Her Father has lost senses. She was only 13 years of age when she became a victim of a miscreant.
The police and judiciary are always biased in the forced conversion cases. Besides this, the statement of conversion is also a result of harassment to the victim. No action is taken on the violation of Child Marriage Restraint Act (Amendment) 2015. It has become a challenge for the non-Muslim families to bear a baby girl in Pakistan because they are always worried about the safety of their daughters who can be abducted, forcibly converted to Islam and forcibly married with the abductor who steals the daughter of a non-Muslim family being a soft target otherwise he can be in trouble if he abducts and has court marriage with a Muslim girl. There are many cases in which such persons have been put to death. In the cases of non-Muslim girls, the accused is under the umbrella and protected from all corners as if he has earned paradise and he is a source of paradise even for those who protect him. There is no value of any legal documents which are provided from the victim family regarding their date of birth or any other official record. There is value of the accused who abducts, forcibly convert or forcibly marry a non-Muslim girl. It is obvious in the three official records which were presented to the court but all in vain because there was biased decision of the court which gave only importance to the fake record regarding her age on the marriage certificate where her age was 18 years.
There are Muslim-Christian riots, Muslim-Hindu riots and Muslim-Kalash riots on the forced conversions. The most recent example if of Areena, a student of grade 9 who been forcibly converted to Islam in Chitral. There have been Muslim- Kalash riots on this issue on June 16, 2016. Non-Muslims are asked to convert to Islam or leave their residences. The most recent example is Mandi Bahaudin where Christians were asked either to convert to Islam or to leave that place in May 2016. There is forced conversion of non-Muslims all over Pakistan particularly in the provinces of Punjab and Sindh. Pakistani non-Muslims are either being converted to Islam or they are leaving their motherland Pakistan for the safety of their lives and faith which is not protected by the state. Please follow the following link of YouTube on the forced conversion and marriage of Sana with the title, “When will our daughter be returned to us”
2. Pakistani textbooks promote hate, violence, intolerance and extremism against non-Islamic religions, followers of non-Islamic religions, non-Islamic civilizations and non-Islamic cultures and glorify only Muslims, Islamic civilization and culture. This is all happening under the nose of the Federal government of Pakistan. There is brain washing of the innocent Muslim students who are instigated to desecrate the worship places of the non-Muslims through textbooks. PMTA has shown concern in a document prepared in November 2015 on the textbooks of National Book Foundation as Federal Textbook Board Islamabad “Pakistani Textbooks A Threat to the Lives and Beliefs of Non-Muslims”
Some examples from the textbooks are presented below;
Muslims have always adopted the policy of tolerance but when infidelity wants to dominate then a Muslim stands to confront infidelity.
(Urdu 10, Page 22)
Romans had lost courage after Yarmuk Battle. Now they had not courage to face Muslims. This victory opened doors in the Roman Empire for Muslims. (Islamic Education 5, page 87)
The victory over Spain put great influence on the social life of Europe. Christians learnt tolerance and open heartedness from the Muslims. There was betterment in the area by the good administration of Muslims. They started leading their lives peacefully and in a prosperous way being the subjects of the Muslims. (Islamic Education 6, page 84)
He was the first Muslim ruler who defeated the European Christians and conquered Bait-ul-Muqadas. In this way Muslims again occupied Bait-ul-Muqadas after 90 years.
(Islamic Education 7, page 93)
Muhammad Bin Qasim defeated Raja Dahir and conquered Sindh. A big number of non-Muslims converted to Islam influenced by the good behaviour of Muhammad Bin Qasim.
(Urdu 7, page 36)
The address fully revived the energies of the army. They all took oath on the Holy Quran to fight till their last breath. Preparations for the war were completed. Babar adopted the more or less same strategy as he had adopted in the battle of Panipat. His artillery caused a great disorder in Rana Sanga’s army, who was very upset with this state of affairs. He tried one final maneuver to turn the tide in his favour but failed. Eventually he was caught while escaping from the battlefield and was afterwards put to death.
(History 7, page 8)
Muslim society was based on the principle of human equality and brotherhood. These principles were new for in Hindu society, because they were divided in a brutal caste system which condemned Sudras to a lowest status. Just and equitable system of Islam impressed the Hindus deeply.
(History 7, page 59)
What are the qualities of an ideal Muslim student?
(Urdu 8, page 106)
The Muslims wanted to secure themselves against the domination of Hinduism. The Hindu parties were making demand for Ram Raj. Hinduism was constantly trying to merge Islam into it like other issues.
(Pakistan Studies 9, page 20)
Because of the poor governance of the Mughals, Sikhs looted the masses of Punjab and also caused severe loss to the lives, properties and religion of Muslims.
(History 7, page 92)
Muslims and Hindus were annoyed by interference of the British in their faith matters. British preachers also showed non-respectful attitude for sacred personalities of other religions.
(History 7, page 112)
Christian missionaries opened a front against Muslims.
(History 8, page 17)
The report explained that the Hindus’ educational policies about Wardha Scheme through which they tried to eliminate the civilization and culture of Muslims. (History 8, page 48)
3. Textbooks only glorify Islam.
Some examples from the textbooks are presented below;
Discuss the changes Islam brought to the society.
(English 5, page 8)
Which aspect of human life does Islam cover?
(English 7, page 7)
The religion of Islam also teaches us that the best of the people is the one who benefits others.
(Urdu 8, page 14)
What status has been given to women in Islam?
(Urdu 8, page 130)
In the Subcontinent, every individual who embraced Islam associated himself, socially and politically, to the Muslim society and state.
(Pakistan Studies 9, page 9)
4. ‘Islamization of Education’ is chapter four of present National Education Policy 2009. Present Pakistani government is paying full attention to convert the public sector educational institutions to the Islamic centres. Not only the environment of the educational institutions has been totally Islamized ignoring the minority rights but also the textbooks in the subjects of social sciences, pure sciences and languages been Islamized
Present government of Pakistan is concerned only for the religious education of Muslim students negating religious freedom of non-Muslim religious minority students. There is perfect grooming of all the students of different beliefs according to the Islamic teachings and ways negating pluralism and diversity so that, after completing education all students may lead their lives according to the Islamic teachings and ways.
5. Federal and provincial government of Pakistan have deliberately breached the Constitution of Pakistan violating Article 22 (1) that guarantees, “No person attending any educational institution shall be required to receive religious instruction, or take part in any religious ceremony, or attend religious worship, if such instruction, ceremony or worship relates to a religion other than his own.” In the same manner Article 25 (1) of the Constitution of Pakistan guarantees, “All citizens are equal before law and are entitled to equal protection of law.” Unfortunately these articles are safeguarding the rights of only Muslim students. Subject of ethics has been forcibly imposed on the minority students to mislead them from their beliefs and practices.
A religious minority student has to study seven various religions in the subject of ethics at grade 4 and he or she cannot own any of those religions as Muslim student owns the subject of Islamic Education. The subject of Ethics is a threat for the beliefs of non-Muslim students. The religion of Islam is dominant even in this subject which has been designed only for non-Muslim students. This is the worst kind of violation of human rights against Pakistani non-Muslims which even violates the blue prints of the Father of the Nation Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah who said in his speech on August 11, 1947 that there would not be any discrimination with any citizen of Pakistan on any basis but the governments in Pakistan have even caused unrest to the soul of the Father of the nation as they have been failed to implement his ideology.
A comparative analysis of topics in the subject of ‘Islamic Education’ and ‘Ethics’ for grade III is presented below which indicates discrimination with religious minority students.
Islamic Education for grade III
Chapter 1 Holy Quran
• Nazra Quran
• Hifaz-e- Quran
Chapter 2 Beliefs and Prayers
Chapter 3 Life of the Holy Prophet
Chapter 4 Ethics and Manners
Chapter 5 Sources of Guidance/ Islamic Heroes
• Hazrat Abraham
• Hazrat Abu Bakar
Ethics for grade III
Unit –I Introduction to Religions:
Brief introduction to primitive Religions: Nature Worship
• Sky gods
• Earth gods
• Mythologies
(Greek, Babylonian, Egyptian)
Brief introduction to primitive Religions: Animism and magic
• Totemism
• Fables & Myths
Unit-II Introduction to Religious Ethics
Unit-III Personalities:
• Prophet Abraham:
• Life & Travelling
• Strong believer in God
• Uprightness
• Sacrifice (Eldest Son)
There are arrangements of teachers and textbooks for Muslim students while religious minority students are deprived of teachers. Subject of Ethics has no place in the school timetable. How can there be availability of textbooks when the subject is not properly engaged? So, non-Muslim students are bond to opt Islamic Education to avoid discrimination of the teachers and the Muslim examiners though the subject of Islamic Education is discriminatory.
6. Textbooks confuse and let down the Holy Books of non-Islamic religions.
An example is presented from the textbook below;
Almighty God also sent Prophets for the former followers and revealed His Books on some of them. But the teachings of those Prophets and the revealed Books are not safe in their original condition.
(Islamic Education 9-10)
7. Textbooks persuade to desecrate the worship places of non-Islamic religions. These textbooks promote hate, extremism and violence against non-Muslims glorifying only Muslims and demoralizing Non-Muslims. The beliefs, customs and lives of non-Muslims are not secure in Pakistan. Their Holy Books and worship places are desecrated and set on fire. They are persecuted on religious basis and even burnt alive. There are common incidents of kidnapping of minor girls and married women who are forcibly converted and forcibly married. A new trend of murdering minor non-Muslim boys is growing rapidly in Punjab and Sindh. In 2016, many Christian and Hindu boys have been murdered.
Two examples are presented below from the textbook;
There was a temple of Hindus in the middle of Debal, on the top floated their red flag. It was the belief of the Hindus that none could harm them till the flag was there. As soon as the Muslims used “catapult”, a stone hit the flag and it felt down. It discouraged the Hindus. After this, forces of Raja came out of the fort and started fighting. The Muslims fought boldly, entered over the fort captured the city. Raja Dahir fled away from the battle field and was killed later on.
(History 6, pages 26-27)
Somnath was a famous sacred temple of the Hindus. Hindus believed that who would attack Somnath, himself will be annihilated. When Muhmood Ghaznavi came to know of, he attacked Somnath and conquered it. This temple had countless treasures. The figures of gods were studded with the jewels of diamonds, with pearls, gold and silver. Various Rajas of Northern India with their great forces came to protect this temple but failed. The worshippers offered huge wealth of rubbies so that the idols of Somnath might not be broken but Sultan replied, “I am breaker of idols and not the seller of idols”.
(History 6, page 29)
8. Contents of textbooks are not reliable due to contradictions.
An example is presented below from the textbook;
At last Muslims were successful in gaining their country in the leadership of Quaid-e-Azam.
(History 8, page 64)
Minorities have equally played their role with Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah and All India Muslim League in the establishment of Pakistan. They played their extraordinary role in the Lahore Resolution, Boundary Commission and the division of Punjab.
(History 8, page 64)
Note: From both of the statements which statement is reliable? Role of minorities in the establishment of Pakistan has been developed by Prof. Anjum James Paul, Chairman Pakistan Minorities Teachers’ Association.
9. Textbooks do not present correct information in general.
Some examples are presented below from the textbooks;
Passing of Objectives Resolution from the National Assembly of Pakistan was the biggest achievement of Liaquat Ali Khan.
(Urdu 4, page 75)
Note: Objectives Resolution was passed from the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan.
In the beginning some Muslims joined Congress but Congress opposed the rights of the Muslims, so many important leaders left Congress.
(Social Studies 5, page 25)
Note: There have been renowned Muslim leaders who became the presidents of the Indian National Congress from 1887-1946 and even founder of Pakistan Quaid-e-Azam was the member of Congress from 1906 to 1920. Though he joined Muslim League in 1913 but he remained active member of Congress as well. He was declared the ‘Ambassador of Peace’ when he was the member of Congress and Muslim League.
Following renowned Muslims have been the presidents of Congress in the undivided India.
1. Badr ud dinTyab ji became the president in 1887 INC Session –Madras.
2. Rahmit ulla M. Sayuni became the president in 1896 INC Session –Calcutta.
3. Nawab Syed Muhammad Bahadur became the president in 1913 INC Session –Karachi.
4. Syed Hasan Imam became the president in 1918 INC Special Session –Bombay.
5. Hakim Ajmal Khan became the president in 1921 INC Session –Ahmedabad.
6. Maulana Muhammad Ali Jouhar became the president in 1923 INC Session –Cacanada.
7. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad became president in 1923 INC Special Session –Delhi.
8. Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed Ansari became president in 1927 INC Session-Madras
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad again became president in 1940 INC Session Ramgarh. He was the president of Indian National Congress until 1946. He was the only person who served as president of INC for the longest period (7 Years) before independence.
Hindus laid the foundation of Congress in 1885.
(Urdu10, page 23)
Note: A British, Mr. A.O.Hume laid the foundation of Indian National Congress in 1885.
Negative Role of Hindu Teachers
After the establishment of Pakistan, the government failed to inculcate and create the spirit of Pakistani nationalism. On the other hand Pakistan’s opponent group succeeded in continuing their negative activities. Unfortunately, Bengali Muslims had always been backward in education than Hindus. Therefore, Hindu teachers were in majority in schools who tarnished the minds of new generation with the idea of Bengali nationalism. They prepared them to rebel against the ideology of Pakistan. It paved the way for getting separation from West Pakistan.
(Pakistan Studies 9, page 126)
Note: The main cause of the separation of East Pakistan was deprivation. Bengali Muslims had always been highly educated and they had the highest political sense. All India Muslim League was founded in Dhaka in 1906. The Lahore Resolution was presented by a Bengali in March 1940. How can they be backward than Hindus in education?
An independent Muslim state must be established. This announcement is called “Pakistan Resolution”
(Urdu 10, page 24)
Note: It was ‘Lahore Resolution’ in March 1940 but it became ‘Pakistan Resolution’ after an amendment on April 19, 1946.
10. Textbooks present incomplete information.
An example is presented from the textbook below.
Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was born on 25th December 1876 in Karachi. His father, Poonja Jinnah was a merchant; He got his early education at home. At the age of ten, he was sent to Sindh’s Madrassat-ul-Islam High School Karachi. After passing his matriculation, he went to London for higher education.
(Pakistan Studies, page 45)
Note: Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah received his school education from Gokal Das Tej Primary School and Christian Missionary High School but the writer is biased against non-Muslims that’s why he has not mentioned the names of the two other schools from Quaid-e-Azam received his school education.
11. Textbooks divide Pakistan on the basis of religion and present Pakistan only for Islam and Muslims. Besides this, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah the founder of Pakistan is presented only the leader of Muslims. Such types of contents raise questions on the citizenship of Pakistani religious minorities and protection regarding their beliefs. It is evident that textbooks have hidden agenda regarding citizenship and beliefs of Pakistani non-Muslim religious minorities. Citizenship is based on equal rights and opportunities. Non-Muslim religious minorities are not guests or immigrants in Pakistan. They have played tremendous role in the creation and construction of Pakistan which has been admitted in the textbook of History 8 and Pakistan Studies 10.
The authors of the textbooks become a threat for the beliefs of Pakistani non-Muslim religious minorities and they are fleeing in safe zones for the protection of their beliefs and practices. What is the importance of Article 36 of the Constitution of Pakistan regarding protection of minorities when according to the textbooks Pakistan is only for Muslims and how can founder of Pakistan be called Quaid-e-Azam for religious minorities’ non-Muslims?
Some examples are presented below from the textbooks.
At last Muslims were successful in gaining their country in the leadership of Quaid-e-Azam.
(History 8, page 64)
Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was a nation builder and great patriot. He wanted to protect the values, culture and traditions of the Muslims of the subcontinent. He gave the Muslims a sense of identity by securing a separate homeland for them.
(English 9, page 13)
The Muslims wanted to establish a state in the name of Islam where they could lead their individual as well as collective lives freely in accordance with the principles laid by Islam.
(Pakistan Studies 9, page 21)
12. Textbooks promote superiority complex of majority in Muslim students and inferiority complex of minority in the non-Muslim students on the basis of religion which has segregated them. There is unfriendly environment inside and outside classroom. Non-Muslim religious minority students are persecuted on religious basis even by the teachers. Green and white colours in the national flag have been divided on the basis of religion. A question arises why white star and white moon are in the greater part which is green? What is the significance of national flag? Is national flag a ‘connector’ or a ‘divider’?
An example is presented from the textbook below.
Do you know?
Green color represents Muslims while white color represents non-Muslims in the Pakistani flag. Make a flag of Pakistan.
(Urdu 3, page 98)
13. Religion is the most sensitive matter in Pakistan and there is almost zero tolerance in religious matters. Non-Muslim religious minority teachers are fearful and have strong reservations regarding their lives while teaching and explaining Islamic beliefs and practices in the subjects of social sciences, pure sciences and languages. They are in severe pressure because there are always chances of any mishap. If situation arises then being religious minority they are unable to justify their position. They teach and explain Islamic beliefs and practices as if they are Muslims. They have reservations in pronouncing Islamic teachings and terms which are in Arabic language and Muslims consider as their sacred language.
14. Non-Muslim religious minorities of Pakistan are not considered stakeholders of national education policy and curriculum that’s why both of seem as Islamic education policy and Islamic curriculum representing the needs of only Muslim students.
15. Subject of ‘Islamic Education’ is compulsory from primary school to university level while ‘Islamic Studies’ is an optional subject from grade 11 to PhD level. Muslim students have the option to opt both of the subjects at the same time. There are arrangements of Muslims teachers as well while religious minority students are deprived of their fundamental human right of religious education and they are forced to study the subject of Islamic Education.
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