Islamabad: (BY PPF) While accepting that internet users in Pakistan faced challenges, Minister of State for Information Technology and Telecommunic
Assurance of Zardari to JI to strike down forced conversion bill will force minorities to distance form PPP
Karachi: December 22, 2016. (PCP) It was taken as very surprising move by Co-Chairman Pakistan People Party PPP Asif Ali Zardari to assure Senator Siraj Ul Haq Chief of Jamat Islami JI that Forced Conversion Bill passed by Sindh Assembly will be strike down in a telephonic conversation as reported by national electronic media of Pakistan.
The Forced Conversion Bill was passed by Sindh Assembly where PPP enjoys majority but said bill was presented by one Hindu MPA Nand Kumar who was selected on reserved seats for minorities in Sindh Assembly by Pakistan Muslim League PML (F).
The Sindh Criminal Law known as Protection of Minorities Bill 2015, presented by Hindu MPA of PML (F) was voted by PPP, MQM, PTI and others to pass it but still was awaiting signature of Governor of Sindh to become as law when Asif Ali Zardari stepped in to bulldoze it on majority and assures Siraj Ul Haq and other religious parties which were very critical of it to strike it down for vested interests.
It’s in national media that one Member of National Assembly of Pakistan from PPP who claims to be a religious leader also from interior Sindh plays instrumental role in kidnapping and enforced conversion of Hindu girls and giving them as sex slaves to influential Muslims.
The same former PPP MNA surfaced in Rinkel Kumari case, Hindu girl abduction and enforced conversion to Islam is known as spiritual leader of PPP Co-Chairman Asif Ali Zardari.
Asif Ali Zardari have given tickets to his wealthy Hindu friend for Senate of Pakistan on General Seats and none of his PPP selected any Christian for National Assembly of Pakistan or Sindh Assembly but rich Hindus were his selection.
Dr. Nazir S Bhatti, President of Pakistan Christian Congress PCC in a statement have expressed grave concerns on statement of former President of Pakistan and co-chairman of PPP Mr. Asif Ali Zardari on striking down a bill which was step forward to protect religious minorities in Pakistan.
“There are 96 seats of National Assembly of Pakistan where Christians in Punjab and Hindus in Sindh have balancing votes to secede return candidate of any Muslim political party but none of Muslim political party is ready to reward basic equal rights to religious minorities in Pakistan” said Nazir Bhatti
Religious minorities are treated like 2nd class citizen in Pakistan and Muslims are not ready to share due rights in power of federation nor share in resources of state.
PCC chief said that if PPP government in Sindh strikes down religious conversion bill then right action will be adopted by Christians.
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"Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" By Nazir S Bhatti
On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.