Washington, D.C: “It is our duty to support the people of Kashmir who are struggling for their right to self-determination. Our objective has
Lahore: February 2, 2017. (PCP) Rev. Maurice Shahbaz, Director of Prisons Mission Society of Pakistan has expressed grave concerns on attitude of Mian Farooq Nazir, Inspector General of Prisons in Punjab on adopting substandard behaviors towards Christian inmates in prisons and Chaplains to on issues of religious freedom which he awards to Muslim prisoners.
“With Reference to the PA&GW/2015, Punjab-I/7000/4/37452,of Government of Pakistan, Prime Minister’s Public Affairs and Grievances Wing, Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs, Cabinet Block, Islamabad, dated 4th November, 2015, which was addressed to the Chief Secretary, Government of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan. And also reference to the Memo No. G-I/2016/66595, of the Inspector General of Prisons, Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan, dated 21th November, 2016, and Memo.No.JB/G-I/2016/49698-740,Dated 01.08.2016, which was addressed to the Superintendents jails, Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan. The Christian community inside the prisons of The Punjab in Pakistan are being persecuted and denied the same religious freedom as other religions. Christian prison missionaries have increasingly limited access to the prisoners, while Muslim religious teachers can preach and teach with no limits. Prisons Mission Society is an NGO that started in 1999 and creates a better world for prisoners, to promote education and skills and to equip them to face their future on release” said Rev. Shahbaz
The Muslim religious teachers of Trust Jamait Taleem-ul-Quaran and such other organizations can preach and teach without any problem and they have accorded permission to work in the prisons of Punjab for religious education of prisoners.
Mr. Mian Farooq Nazir, Inspector General of Prisons Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan, has stopped the religious syllabus and religious remission for Minorities prisoners and they have not any opportunity to improve their education under rule 215 of the Pakistan Prison Rulers (Jail Manual).
Rev. Shahbaz has demanded action be taken against Mian Farooq Nazir, Inspector General of Prisons, Punjab, Pakistan and save the minorities from his cruelty.
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"Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" By Nazir S Bhatti
On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress www.pakistanchristiancongress.org . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.