OPCA is united to raise voice for voiceless Pakistani Christians says Parvez Iqbal


Holland: April 4, 2017. (PCP) Pastor Parvez Iqbal an active member of Overseas Pakistanis Christian Alliance in his statement issued here today has affirmed that OPCA team is united to raise voice for rights of Pakistani Christians while any article or press release cannot affect its unity. Pastor Parvez saif “We as a team are united and are focused to achieve our targets of to be voice of voiceless country fellow Christian brothers and sisters in homeland and living abroad” Referring to one column published in Urdu News Paper (Daily Jang London dated 3rd April, 2017) written by Samson Javed from UK, Pastor Parvez Iqbal said that some peoples are reading this column out of context and spreading rumors to create difference among Pakistani Christians in Europe as well as OPCA Team. Pastor Parvez invited readers to pick positive intentions from said column which express great success of OPCA conference in Amsterdam on March 25, 2017. Author of the column Mr. Samson Javed a Senior Journalist has also mentioned his own experiences about establishment and failure of organizations in past and has shown his great concern about Unity as dire need of time, but reader are connecting with OPCA which is a proof of their lack of knowledge and understanding. Pastor Parvez Iqbal has further clarified that after holding a successful International Conference in Amsterdam Holland last week and seeing its historic achievements some peoples are spreading rumors in any way against our unity and future plans. OPCA is not owned by a person or a church but a team comprising upon united in the Lord, qualified, dedicated, serious, cool minded, hardworking, result oriented, experienced, to stand and fight for right as well as with many more God gifted qualities and this is reason that to crush all efforts of our enemies and make impossible to break our unity at any cost or at any level.

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